Now that the dust has settled, what's Sup Forums opinion on Fallout 4™?

Now that the dust has settled, what's Sup Forums opinion on Fallout 4™?

A game that is held down by it's outdated buggy as shit engine and stupid as fuck devs with a shitty story but ultimately I had quite a bit of fun just exploring the wasteland and building a few bases.

Really disappointing for such a hugely hyped game with a colossal budget and development time. Average-fun if you disregard all that.

absolute trash, it proves Bethesda isn't done making their games even more shallow.

>"this is the part of the job that i love!"
>danse hated that

Danse hated that he enjoyed killing him but he'll come to terms with his confliction soon enough

The only way I was able to force fun out of the game was to play a stealth gunslinger.

This lasted for about four hours before I realized the game wasn't built for stealth whatsoever, and half the main quests are blatant firefights.

On top of that I quickly noticed that as I put points into sneaking enemies gradually became more retarded until I was eventually humping them in the ass while lining up a shot with my silenced pistol. After killing one person I go to a corner, stand still, and then everyone forgets there's a corpse on the floor ten seconds later.

I finally put the game down after sneak attacking a Mutant Hound, directly after that a Super Mutant cried "You killed my brother!" That's when I knew that Beth spent years doing basically nothing.

10/10 game definitely buy the season pass desu

Not sure, OP. Downloading it for sex mods now.

Thanks OP!

>Character's model stands out harshly compared to everything else in the game world
I can't fucking stand this, modding is a mistake, nothing but trash sex shit everytime.

It really makes you think about harsh the apocalypse is...

This looks like shit


It's a good game, but it's not a good Fallout game

Not only that but it has god awful optimization due to its awful engine

>FPS drops
>Glitching models
>Quest bugs

List goes on and on

Overall I give it a 4/10, beat it and never touched it again.

Don't be mean.

Name me one other game with graphics this good.
I'll wait.

I can't even muster the energy to play through it once when I've played 3 and NV for at least 2000 hours each.

How did you do it?

Well once the game stopped chain crashing/lagging and finally after 9328391829381 patches it was kind of stable, I just played through the story until it was done, side quests were boring and dull and 99.9% of the time it was "go kill this and grab that" kind of shit, also hearing the same voice acting over and over drove me up the fucking walls

Long story short, I ended up just muting it and putting on music and doing nothing but the main story, beat it in a few hours and never touched it again, it helps a lot to just turn off the sound and put on music you enjoy, it makes you forget you're pulling a shitty game.

Yeah I downloaded some 80's music mods and they fucked it with having 3's soundtrack over again. I played 3 and NV on consoles so I have the patience but 4 even with mods is pathetic.

Fuck Travis.

I did the same shit, after the first quest with the raiders attacking that town, I thought "Holy fuck this game sucks but I love Fallout" and turned on music and just shut my brain off until the game was beaten

What made this game so fucking bad? Besides the ungodly broken engine and crashing and performance problems?

I tabbed out and watched random videos and browsed Sup Forums every other quest

>Do quest
>Get extremely bored
>Tab out
>Tab back in
>Do another quest
>Get extremely bored
>Tab out

Did this all the way to the end of the game.

It's barely an rpg is my opinion. 3 and NV were miles better but the only thing better in 4 was looting and shooting.

Decent shooter sandbox, bad RPG.
Lack of internal consistency and forced narrative killed it for me.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who did this, thankfully I got mine for free, I feel so sorry for people who paid full price for it.

The new Battlefront easily beats it in graphics. Not to mention animation quality is way higher and it doesn't have a shitty engine or broken as fuck physics.

Both are fucking shit as games though

is there any way to mod it to feel slightly Stalker-ish?

i just want to travel through a lonely world filled with monsters shooting my m14 during huge dark spooky storms.

Is there any RPG to this game or is it just an open world FPS

I'm pretty sure Todd is against everything STALKER stands for. He fucking hates the idea of a game world that's completely independent of the player.

Why'd you spoiler that?

I was so fucking disappointed when a ten year old game is better than a game from last year.

meant for
but it still actually applies. It's probably difficult to mod it to be a game world instead of a Fun Theme Park you visit because it's designed to be a stupid theme park.

ill play it when its free

Mad sandbox game held down by story.

Survival could work if the map was more made for travel.

They went halfway with both and fucked it up

Modding weapons and armor was pretty lackluster all your gear end up looking the same.

Your S.P.E.C.I.A.L/perks should have been integrated better to add rpg elements.

Settlements suck.

The performance issues are caused by the fact that it renders stupid shit like shadows in far away places you can't even see. Climbing Trinity Tower with max settings gives me like 20 FPS it's that bad.

>Modding weapons and armor was pretty lackluster all your gear end up looking the same.
It had so much potential but it fucking sucks that 99% of the time there's one option that's simply the best choice.