>there's hundreds of simulators from farming to managing a football team >there's no American politics simulator that lets you get away with murder, deleting classified emails, treason, lying to the public, and rigging the election against the better candidate.
Can we agree this would be an amazing game?
Jack Jenkins
>yfw Drumpf loses
Lincoln White
Ugh ... No. Just no, Drumplet.
Ian Cooper
Democracy 3, user. No, it isn't a dramatic thrill-ride. It's basically a spreadsheet simulator.
Justin White
>tfw drumpf will lose and Sup Forums will meltdown
cant fuckin wait
Adam Cruz
Any good simulator, filled with detailed content, would be amazing.
Bear simulator, Ant simulator, Hobo simulator.
It's limitless, properly executed anything would be fun to fuck around in. I really want a new Ant Simulator. Controlling my drones, warring with rival hives, taking over a backyard, a dumpster, a city.
Blake Morris
Stage 1: Denial
Grayson Ortiz
Michael Martin
>no game where I can promise people cabinet positions in exchange for delegate votes to make sure I get the nomination by cheating
This man is now regarded as the greatest US president
Politics are shit in every country and they have been since before your country existed. It's not something unique to politicians, it's just a human thing. All politicians come from the public
Matthew Adams
I don't understand where the name Drumpf comes from. Dumb and Trump?
Oliver Roberts
>He fell for rigged meme
Cameron Morales
>mfw eurocuck and follow the us election and in addition to the candidates being beyond shit themselves I also learn of the burger electoral college which makes it possible for a president to win with only 22% of the people's votes and where lots and lots of states it doesn't matter if you vote or not. Mfw I also learn that you fucks have 54% vote turnout instead of 83% like in my country and the only defense anyone can muster for the electoral college is "Lol we're a republic, not a democracy" as though that's supposed to mean anyhting to me tl;dr : burgerland get your shit together
Jack Rivera
that all you got, trumplet? Goddamn. No wonder you guys are losing so fucking hard.
Angel Carter
Good job correcting the record there
Anthony Young
his great grandfather or something was a german immigrant and their original last name was drumpf, people tried to mock it because it sounded funny which is ironic and it didnt catch on
William Kelly
Asher Cox
That's dumb. This whole election is a shitshow. At least some vaguely funny images came out of it I guess.
Daniel Cooper
I want this election to end. I don't care about stuff that isn't video games.
Jaxson James
>-said mean things more like said retarded things which makes you question his competence with every sentence he utters, that is, if he can complete one without repeating himself 3 times or just switching the subject to one of his catchphrases.