Best Skyrim wife? Pic related

Best Skyrim wife? Pic related

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Reminder that a human garbage bandit came in her before you married her.

Probably the dunmer girl from the college.

I agree with this, Brelyna was pretty cool.

Especially with the female dark elf face mod. Not a fan of her hair though.

Olfina, and you can't even marry her.

>some bitch
>over best bitch

Nice joke.

None, they're all awful. I'll just go adventure with Inigo and my dog.

>not slaying motherfuckers with your wife

>not wanting some of that sweet werewolf pussy

store > shitty companion

Dunno wtf inigo is but yeah.

Adventure with something useful.

Bang tavern wenches and dump em.

Wives are work. Ya dummies

whatever the Falkreath housecarls's name was

she was pretty decent



shame she doesn't have VO if you marry her through console
>those rags

>blonde transexual lydia

>man-voiced, plain-faced
>taking sloppy seconds from Skjor

Shit taste anons


Serena is my favorite follower. She's amazing.

Spends most of the time bitching and whining about how bright it is. Even being voiced by Laura Bailey can't save her completely.

>Laura Bailey
this bitch is everywhere and she doesn't even bother to change her voice or act.

Oh good, I get to ruin someone's waifu. Look up the Molag Bal vampire ritual and then get back to me on how wifeable Serana is.

>Not the cute Argonian wife you can save from a lifetime of shit at the docks.

All of you have shit taste.

oh yea I remember that lel. seranacucks BTFO

Welcome to voice acting.

>look up the King of Rape's favored method of ritual
I think I can already guess what it involves.

You scaleniggers fucking disgust me

>Wanting the whore who fucked this guy

>tfw can't marry best girl Babette

I've had three different playthroughs and I always marry Gilfre so she doesn't have to spend the rest of the game alone at her mill. I make Golldir, Illia, and someone else join the Blades so that they're no longer isolated by there respective dungeons, and adopt 2 of the 4 children who are homeless and don't live at the orphanage.

Ysolda. Grab a mammoth tusk from the nearby bandit camp to make her yours then let her manage your house while you go adventuring with Aela, Lydia and Serana.

wrong. TES always had some obscure VA and/or celebs but never hired someone as generic as laura bailey. character is victim of cheap actor

>unironically discussing Skyrim, one of the most vapid and mundane sandbox games in the industry

What, no doujins?

>it's a fine day with you around

skyrim is awesome, go away nerd.

A shit game can always have good waifus user.


>joining the college just so you can do the Brelyna sidequest and bring her with you in your adventures
>using a mod so you can teach her new tricks while both of you grow stronger
>by the end of the game she is a fucking monster conjuring expert and master level spells and occasionally healing your heavy tank knight
Best girl, best voice actor, shit hair tho

>All these knife ear fuckers in my thread

>tfw no one posts Sylgja
>tfw no qt 3.14 injured miner who quits her job to take care of you and your house

stormcuck get out, nord women are all either ugly as shit or sluts and age like shit

he also fucked her mother while she was watching

only imperials and bretons are allowed

Don't forget her father too.

I agree, which is why Imperial women are objectively the best.


This. You look around Winterfell, you see what's happening, and let me tell you, it's just so awful. Morrowind isn't sending their best. They're sending rapists, they're sending criminals, and it's just so sad to see. We're going to build a wall, a big beautiful wall, maybe one day they'll call it the Stormcloak wall, I don't know, but it's going to be a great wall, we're going to send them all back, and we're going to make Skyrim great again.

Too bad the bitch always equips her pickaxe

meh, still better than Maven

I would fuck Vivec

The Vampire chick or Mjolnir or w/e.

They are all pretty shit and forgettable.

I use AFT to take it from her.

>Marry her
>build a home in Falkreath
>adopt two children
>she does nothing but bitch about how the kids might be carried away by wolves because I brought them all out into the middle of nowhere
It makes zero sense and pisses me off a little that she is saying this stuff, but it's also kind of cute how a Companion can become a super protective mom.


>falling for Sup Forums's manface meme

Won't she be hacking up cat hair and cucking you while you're away?

Not if I beat her to the punch.

>Marry Ysolda
>buy the most expensive house in the game with fight money
>start sticking close, making the usual quests without going to far and using the house's storage so you can always come back for a reason
>she now lives a happy life in a protected city while living her dream of becoming a merchant
>give her rare relics as gifts
>eventually adopt children and settle as a merchant
>use the bard school to level the shit out of the speech skill
>get a fuckton of money from selling shit
>use money to buy materials to craft and enchant
>improve both to the maximum
>all while being a good father for the children
>eventually travel to the Skyforge and craft the ultimate Daedra items, complete with maximum enchantment, all powered by the forgemaster's fingers and boost potions
>get so fucking powerful nothing can kill you anymore

And that's how you beat skyrim

Nope. It's the miner from that small mine in the Rift going toward Riften. Always loving, never complains.


Whenever I try and open Skyrim nothing happens but it is open in task manager just idling, anyone else have this problem?

>not shooting your goo into her yourself

>not sophie

>selling shit around town in windhelm
>sophie comes up selling flowers
>"What are you, homeless or something?"
>"I'm cold and my parents are dead so I sell flowers."
>just built a cabin in the woods
>"Wanna move into my warm cabin with me little girl?"
>"Yes yes!"

Never mind, some mod was corrupt

is there a mod for that with pregnancy?



He might have already fucked you, just not in this timeline.

>Won't she be hacking up cat hair and cucking you while you're away?

Khajiit aren't allowed into the cities. And I bet your Housecarl who keep an eye on her.

>>"I'm cold and my parents are dead so I sell flowers."

And that's why I always adopted her.

fucking christ

There's enough room in my for a couple adoptions. After all you don't want to ruin your waifu's pussy with too many pregnancies.

who fucking cares youre marrying a vampire queen. you dont pick a vampire in the first place if you want your le virgin waifu retard

manfaced roastie detected

Go jack off to your 2D waifu.

lol, triggered roastie

I can tell I struck a nerve with that shit burn of yours lmao

Borgakh. Orc's need love too.

>mod crap

I'm going to need /r9k/ to leave and stay leave.

Any mods where I can be an evil, sick fuck just for the laughs?


seems like an awful lot of work for very little reward, considering you're basically invincible by level ~40 regardless of what you do.

Not only this, but in the context of Skyrim's universe, virginity in general is kinda stupid. Sex is a thing, and people will have it, especially in a place where rape by anything is absolutely possible, and well, happens. By the time your character is the age they are at the start of the game, I can assure you they've probably had some pussy/dick along the way. maybe even both

you know all those failed playthroughs you never finish? There is always that one that just keeps going on and on and you can't stop playing

No not those mods

That's not Lydia.

>jumping on first whore you see

>not having an adventuring wife who despite never setting up a shop or having anywhere to cook shits out 100 gold and pies every now and then


>first whore you see
that would be Camilla

Hey, I have...ahem...real life urges for Lydia.

she's irrelevant to main quests tho so first "wife" casuals got was shitdia


too bad i cant play skyrim on my PS3 because that shit always crashes. fuck you bethesda


>she's irrelevant to main quests
she's literally the one that walks you halfway to Bleak Falls Barrow, where you get the Dragonstone
More than Lydia ever did besides carry my burdens until I shouted her off the top of Throat of the World

>not marrying based qt minerfu with a slightly confusing name

The best wife would be one with the sexy voice shared by Sybille Stentor and the hooters girl in Windhelm that gets butchered. But there is no such wife I believe.

>used goods
>fucks "bad boys" aka ataxia-riddle bandits that saw a dead body once
>gets taken in and cared for by a family
>acts like a dumb slut and fucks over the family
>rewards their kindness by trying to either kill them or drive them to suicide
>is a mutt degenerate

She's probably the fucking worst candidate


Look at her chin

Best companion

>drug dealer
>acts politically correct to further her own greed

Probably is the best.