"It's not more like Fire Emblem & SMT" / "Not what I wanted" / "This animu puts a stain on SMT/FE"
This whining is the Wind Waker excuse all over again. ("Oh cartoony graphics? Where was the edgy and dark Zelda shown a few years ago? I want a mature game because I'm a big boy now!")
You're not opening yourself up to a good game because of your prejudices on it's lighthearted themes and because you can't accept that things can change during development.
The refined SMT style combat works beautifully especially considering that it's a spin off. Refreshing for SMT fans like myself, and a new change of pace for FE fans. And because it's a spin off it's not going to replace the mainline games with it's idol culture themes so calm down.
I played it but you're giving it far more credit than it deserves, it's not a "must play" at all. It does nothing new, and it falls into a formula ridiculously early on that it never gets out of. It's full of pandering, has no substance to its cast or story, and a travesty of an ending. It feels like a cheaper version of Persona that Atlus made because Nintendo said "hey we'd like one of those games please" but weren't willing to give much of a budget for. MILF was best girl.
Austin Butler
Too bad I sold my wii u last month. I don't think I'm missing out on much though nice try
Christian Long
Is Jap DLC usable with the restoration patch yet?
Michael Edwards
What level should I be at for the final boss? He raped me when I got him into red.
Justin Gray
No and never will be since the code is fucked. Localized version even introduced random crashes not present in Jap version. If you crash during saving or autosave say bye bye to your save.
Gabriel Perez
Perhaps they'll fix up the story problems in a sequel. I loved the idol culture themes, but I wished they'd have done a little bit more with it.
Xavier Ross
> implying the censorship is what made the game bad in the first place
Jaxson Gray
Until I can play the original japanese version on my English Wii U with all the DLC, NO.
NoA can fuck themselves.
If switch is region free, and plays in native 1080p when docked, I'll buy it. Until then fuck off NoA.
Jordan Gray
Lvl 60-65 is okay, remember to use items liberally, swap out party members when you need to. Wipe out the two enemies in the first phase, and continue to do so as they respawn, they're a pain in the ass if you leave them be to attack you.
Make sure Itsuki has Wyrmicide so you can start sessions, elec attacks will also start sessions in the second phase.
Have Touma's debilitate to use in the first phase. If you use debilitate in the 2nd phase Medeus will always cancel it so don't bother.
Just keep whittling away at it's health with these in mind and you should be fine.