Late Night Vidya Cringe Thread!

Late Night Vidya Cringe Thread!

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>getting triggered cause a dev won't shove out of place naked women in his game
golly user you sure are a cool dude.


That guy on the left is figuratively me except my eyes are not fucked up. This is some doppelganger shit.

>puts a fat tumblrina in an out of place dress in the game anyway

>looks like an edgy metalfag on a budget
>is actually an upright SJW

>out of place

You're ugly as shit.



>except my eyes are not fucked up
I'm fucking handsome that guy is the downs version of me.


>Thin Maurice


DSP is supported by unemployed people and furries.

fair enough.

I see nothing wrong with this

What about the lowercase I?

Fuck off, Michael Derryberry.

>just hair
>genuinely ugly face and bone structure
>not even good weeb games
>that fucking couch means he's either living at his parents house despite being late 20s+ or has convinced his parents to let pin his shit anime posters on the wall.

>he thinks women should held to the same standards as men
Fuckin idiot. Women's primary value is their sex appeal, and, concerning all other endeavors, women as a whole have no fucking chance of competing with men. He drank the koolaid

You are like little babbies.

Watch this

You forgot


"I promise I will always let you Dualshock me"

>I will always let you Dualshock 3 with me



jesus christ

Are you the guy in OP's pic?



no obviously it says "I will always let you controller me", can you guys even read?

>Welcome back, my relaxation-seekers. It is I, whispering Batman.

Off to a great start.



>our relationship is an Marvel Ultimate Alliance
>with you I am in Burnout Paradise

>But with you I am in burnout Paradise

Dont watch this i mean it

Fighting zombies in a suit of armor is something a person might do. Nobody would ever fight zombies in a bikini unless they had a death wish.

>not consorting with the species that has torn families apart and has ruined lives through cheating on """""loved""""" ones means we're fedora wearing beta cucks
Spotted the nu-males. Go back to playing cuckware like Bayonetta or Undertale where you praise the stronk womyn characters who dont need no man

Shmorky is weird in that he used to be one of the funniest people on the internet but developed some kind of hipster-ironic vibe to his work which started facetiously.
As in, he was merely pretending to be an ironic hipster who made shitty ironic hipster art and messages.

Then it got real.
Then he became the same type of ironic hipster that he, himself, would rant about being the shittiest people alive.

The sad part is: I think he is so far gone at this point that no one can possibly break this news to him that his work is now stale and that in making things that are ironically shit, he is doing little else than making complete shit.

trying way too hard to fit in


I'm convinced this guy is an elaborate troll. No one can be this unaware and autistic. He fits perfectly into the stereotypical euphoric fedora and trench coat caricature.


ASMR has gotten so fucking stupid now. just a bunch of weirdos who listen to people talking to them so they don't feel so lonely. i miss when it was just scratching noises and stuff meant to actually make your scalp tingle instead of this bullshit "relaxation/help you sleep" angle so they can appeal to wide range of lonely faggots

Actually that's perfectly in place. Think about it: If you were a renaissance fair actor who wore knight's armor daily for your job, and the fucking zombie apocolypse broke out forcing you to fight hundreds of zombies with a small crew of survivors, wouldn't you want to wear your knight armor?

considering he's a fucking diaperfur i think he was always a weird faggot

Ah, I see my fellow sir. You have taken the red pill. I shall take my leave and return on the morrow with a splendiferous rebuttal.

This is why I'll never erp with those stupid anime girls

[Muffled One more god rejected playing in the distance]

wait a minute, those portraits

The Japanese stuff isn't too bad because you probably can't understand what they're saying and generally uses higher quality microphones

say what you will but Noah is sucking those fat tits and daring to resist drugs and alcohol.

>using Tomorrow
Off yourself, famalam

the reason white birthrates are in freefall: the thread

>cringe because he's ugly and likes weebshit
Are you literally retarded?

>VAC banned
>buys sakura shovelware
>52 badges
seems like an annoying guy

not vidya but cringe as fuck

>I promise I will always let you DualShock 3 me
What did he mean by this?

Lucas the Magnificent is a spic. Not white.

literally who

Go to bed Derryberry, you dingleberry.

Chum Lee?

before DARE:
>those druggies smell bad and generally seem to be losers

after DARE:
>hot diggity damn there sure are a lot of cool drugs I want to try

real talk, a lot of my inspiration for writing comes from vidya sequences, unscripted and not. /lit/ tells me my prose is pretty decent as well

The diaperfur reveal actually happened pretty goddamn early for him

He was always the demons

what were his intentions when adding this


I have never been to /lit/ but stereotypes of it from other boards indicate to me that might not be something to be proud of.

I knew this was a winner by just the thumbnail.

>men in full battle armor
>women half naked

I know, what the fuck is wrong with people?

We need equality, man.

Everyone has to fight in their underwear, no exceptions.

>Reddit pic
Hello nu-male.

Its kinda like Sup Forums in that a lot of its threads don't belong and would be better suited for Sup Forums (or often /his/). The critique and /sffg/ threads are generally okay, as well as the crossover threads with Sup Forums before they get nuked.


Mini ninjas seems out of place compared to the other games

The fucking Aku-Aku

>putting your real life name on steam for everyone to see
>putting your information about where you live for everyone to see

How can one be so shameless?

honestly this even all that cringey when you realize it was a girl that made this, it's actually pretty endearing

girls can't be cringey

legit autism, not the "hurr you like this video game that i don't so you're autistic" autism


You don't know, do you?

what if she isn't cute tho

what if it's a faggot

what if he's cute


>girls can't be cringey
They can be cute and cringy at the same time, like children.
Because women are essentially permachildren.

The dude's a mental case who lives with inbreds out in the hills and has mental breakdowns when people don't call him by his tranny name. Whatever humor he had disappeared with his sanity.

Everyone has the right to be equally cringey

I prefer anti-shmorky


That ending was hilarious, actually.
>"see you, losers!"
>"FUCK I loosed. sorry Tanic. Wanna go in for some burger?!"


How is this cringe, this is just some kids having fun for 50 seconds.

I forgot what Webpage lets you do this, anyone help?

Anyone got the porn version of this?