What's he up to?

What's he up to?

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cucking arin

arin has a wife and millions of dollars

how is he being cucked?

Selling out to audible or lootcrate no doubt.

Probably playing WoW Legion

jon is having sexual intercourse with arins wife and is stealing his money

>No Halloween episode so far
Alone in the dark and Goosebumps were he best episodes.
The fuck is he doing besides shitpost with H3H3 all day on twitter?

I've watched grumps since the beginning, and I've been unsubbed for a while now. Dark Souls 3 was so atrocious that I had to call it quits.

Here's my synopsis.

>Arin was the Grump, Jon was the not-so-Grump
>Jon was forced to leave (no clue why to this day)
>Danny "replaced" Jon
>Danny was clearly a Grump and not a not-so-Grump
>GG is now a Grump + Grump show
>The show now consists of Arin raging at games when his crippling ADHD gets the best of him

Basically, Arin is forced to look like an idiot on the internet for the rest of his life with people laughing AT him for their amusement. And he's 100% aware of this; it eats away at him. Because Jon is gone, he's the "star" of the show now and it would be too much of a shock for the fans for him to leave.

Jon on the other hand, isn't a slave to his work. He produced so much content before GG, that he rakes in crazy ad money from his past videos, and on top of that the audible/lootcrate promos in his recent videos. On top of this, most of his modern videos are critiques to have the audience laugh at something, rather than himself.

Banging that little boy from stranger things


>you will never experience an Oney/Arin era of grumps

Whatever happened to Jon's GF? She was half the reason he stopped doing GG

Being a sell out. Jontron has been garbage for like 3 years. All he does now is hardcore sell out all the time and he does entire videos based on shilling shit.

I like Darkest Dungeons, better than the last two episodes.

He did a thing with NC (TGWTG)

That's 2 years old

I'd fuck that vampiress

Started watching oney plays after he showed up. That guy and his group are really funny

>Though it was about the game
>It's just a shitty movie
Fuck off Jon.

My guess is the halloween special, expect something today or tomorrow or whatever.

Cry some more, its not against the rules yet faggot.

>it is a movie review

This content is for underage people and being under 18 is against the rules.

all those episodes where he was working with the some of the guys from "continue?" we're great, don't know why he switched to working with those idiots who built that shitty set

>foolish user bans all discussion on games not rated AO

You can bet your ass if Oney's shit doesn't pan out in about 6 months he's going to head back to Ireland, or join up with Gamegrumps.

I agree, though I liked arin's recent solo play through of mega man x.

Yeah it was bizarre wasn't it?

Its like...I was watching Arin again, like it was Jon Era and for a brief blissful moment Arin wasn't making loud noises, and fart jokes and screaming and making "lol xD poopy butthole" jokes

It was like...Arin again, like I was listening to a real fucking human being again not a caricature.

Its really disturbing, the "red pill" of Game Grumps, now that I know that Arin is essentially putting on a character because of Dan I sort of can't fucking stand his episodes with Dan anymore, not that I blame Danny for that.

>that one period of nearly half a year, last year that john spent doing really phoned in and some of the really short promotional videos for star war games
>several month gap between the uploads
>half of the videos after that became promotional videos
unsubscribed after that it was kinda getting annoying at this point

>that one youtuber who has only one kind of video you like, only uploads one video a week
>3/4ths of his videos are promotional videos
>the videos i wanted to see just happen to not be the promotional ones

I kinda miss when there was no money in making youtube videos and people just did it for fun, and attention without money being involved

Oney Plays has been around for like 2 years now. I like this. the grumps, oney and supermega all seem to be close by, now all that is missing is the guys fromn continue? to move from shittydelphia

Someone mentioned it, but arin acts completely different on oney's let's play channel than on gamegrumps. Reminds me how I used to actually like arin before jon left.

>Best youtuber i've seen is some spaniard guy
>Decent taste in videogames
>Said JonTron was his inspiration
>Legitimately enjoys games
>Somehow died this year

God damn it Muszka, you left too fucking soon, his videos are pretty good if you know spanish, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Fallout 4, Witcher 3 and others.

People still do that. the problem is companies started to see youtube as a great place to shill.

You'll have people vehemently defending it as well. Jirad from The Completionist made a video whining about how he needs to do sponsored content because he can't afford to pay his staff and rent for their office in California if they don't do it.

That video rubbed me the wrong way. If you can't live within your means and have you shill, you deserve to be called out for shilling.

Then there's faggots like Boogie. I don't understand how anyone watches his content. 2 of the last 4 videos he uploaded were straight up shilling, and the other 2 were whining about how stressed out he is, and his garbage fence sitting about Bethesda not giving out review copies anymore.

>>Jon was forced to leave (no clue why to this day)

I wonder when the day will come people will finally shut up about this. Literally every party involved has basically said it's because Jon wanted to move to New York to be with his girlfriend and work solo again.

Clearly being in filthy frank videos



Also because the internet is full of awful people who eat drama up, even if it's fake.

>What's he up to?

Being a lazy piece of shit like always since he only needs to make a 1 video a month to support his lifestyle.

Who will come off their hiatus first?
Demo D or Miura?

Him and zach got hellbenders picked up by someone, not adult swim but possibly netflix

I doubt he'll move to ireland, but i could see him doing stuff with supermega/grumps

his least funny review

>Danny is a grump
Haha no, he's always the one being a not so grump. Arin just isn't funny when compared to an actual comedian like Danny.

Being my imaginary husband. No, I'm not gay. I could actually bare children.

>Oneyplays suddenly started getting regular daily uploads

Where's the newest fucking Halloween video? Does this stupid nigger even like Youtube anymore?

It's all of their fault.

What went wrong?

God, they used to be so good.

Arin lifts?

I'm rewarching their sonic 06 and its depressing how much I'm laughing. I used to think I outgrew the game grumps but no, dan and arin are just not nearly as funny.

its so sad how they have such a fantastic chemistry.

Jew and Jew don't even fucking live in New York anymore and Joji is in Miami.

Jon has always taken fucking forever on episodes.

Not anymore he doesn't, that for sure. Dude has been gainin', and not in the good way.

Crying about H3H3 leaving NY and going to LA, leaving him alone with Filthy Frank.

>tfw my urge to watch Jontron decreases with every video

I don't even know why

At least Mechagamezilla uploaded a new video

movie episodes are boring, the cringy movie istead of Jon are carrying the episode

Yeah, and it was about a children's book.

One rife with horrifying implications

His videos are so great. Shame he didnt hit the Youtube money.

>arin experiences a dry moment in commentary
>instead of bringing up a new topic he says "Suck my dick" to the melody of the song
Am I the only one triggered by this?
(Example: Any Mario episode)

>There will never be HITB style show with Mecha and matthewmatosis, where a more relaxed Matthew bounces his thoughts off of Mecha, who responds with dry wit and piss-takes

i have feelings

Looking at this pic, it feels like Jon is the new kid to a gang that took him in

Like he fell into the wrong crowd or whatever

>Little girls want to marry Daddy
>And have babies with Daddy

MGZ finds the best shit.

Why does that fag still use it?