>just reinstalled Dark Souls 1 after having played Dark Souls 3 for 200 hours >already finished it twice back then but forgot almost everything about it
Holy shit...
this game is pure trash.
>gameplay is fucking awful and already was outdated back in 2002; can dodge in only four (4) directions, literally Pokémon tier >abysmal level design, you basically aren't fighting the enemies but the walls and abysses, bouncing off everywhere while the enemy isn't >enemies following you for ages so you can't even just run past them when you are bored or annoyed by them >cryptic as fuck; no proper hubworld, blacksmiths are scattered around the world and not even near bonfires which leads to a lot of wasted time (backtracking), elements are way too powerful considering how there are basically zero indicators what elemental weakness the boss has, all the mechanics, no indicator to which bonfire you can teleport and to which you can't, droprates; which enemy drops what are cryptic shit you have to Google >fall damage is fix, does not take into account how fast you fall >abysmal shit polishing, some locations literally unplayable on console and even on PC with mods the framerate can tank at times with a 400 bucks GPU >cheapest trial and error; visual design lying to the player, bad hitboxes, arbitrarily designed world
Holy shit. Is the love for this game just a huge meme or what? I'm not even saying what's wrong with this piece of shit in general. Just what it does worse than even Dark Souls 3 which is a hundred times better game in every single way.
Jayden Robinson
Matthew Richardson
>arbitrarily designed world Well, you get a point for going full retard only near the end. A++++ Good bait, would get enraged again.
Xavier Peterson
oh it's this thread again
Carson Gutierrez
tldr lol
Christopher Roberts
>cheapest trial and error; visual design lying to the player
See webm, for example. Ground and everything literally shaking when the boss (yes, boss) attacks you. When this Havel faggot attacks, nothing. Yet this Havel faggot drains way more stamina than this huge fucking boss with a weapon no human could even wield.
There is no indicator this Havel drains this much stamina. You are basically bound to die here the first time you face him. Especially if you have used the key.
Jack Price
i saw that 3 second telegraphed attack, why didnt this player?
Liam Carter
Please no apologists here. Go back to NeoGAF.
Literally made it the first time and just wrote all this, kid.
It's not like I except good arguments from Dark Souls 1 apologists, or anything but baseless whining.
William Flores
Yeah it pretty much is a meme. People look back at it so fondly, but really their taste is just shit.
The level design is sloppy as fuck and the second half of the game really shows it off. They slowed down the gameplay from Demon's Souls for whatever reason so that's already annoying enough, I didn't need some clusterfucky metroidvania shit hole to trudge through either. DeS, BB, and Dark Souls 3 are the best games of the series and for some reason nobody realizes that because they're too busy focusing on "muh interconnected world."
Leo Clark
Doesn't matter if you wrote it all yourself, I've seen these exact threads every week They came around when Dark Souls came out and it was about Demon's Then Dark 2 and about Dark 1 Then Bloodborne about Dark 1 Now Dark Souls 3 about Dark 1
Jackson Cruz
Joshua Nguyen
He did. And he avoided it. He does not get actually by the tentacle. He gets hit by its terribly oversized hitbox.
Open your eyes, retard.
Oh, and it obviously also goes through walls and whole mountains... meanwhile, your weapon bounces off walls.
Brody Watson
It's a literal 2/10 game. Yet it got 9/10s and 10/10s by everyone.
Can someone explain this to me, please? I'm just playing it. I don't understand it.
Someone explain.
Christopher Perry
>all damage is fix, does not take into account how fast you fall
Owen Garcia
Reviewers feared the backlash of the autistic fanbase and had to show how hardcore they are. Guess why DS2 got rated so high despite being literally cobbled together.
Seriously, it's like as if in 1998 Deathtrap Dungeon would've gotten 90+ ratings.
Dominic Stewart
Yeah, it's really dated, OP. After playing DS2, it's impossible to go back to 1 unless you have brain problems. DS2 is the highest rated game in the series for a reason.
Zachary Lopez
You forgot to mention how all the art design in this game is stolen from real life constructions and manga.
Literally 1:1.
Kevin Sanchez
Cameron Powell
I fucking TOLD you that nu souls fans are the WORST I did and nobody listened and now we are doomed to get shitinfested gameplay in other from games Its the same fucking retards who complain about miss/hit rate in morrowind, no lock on in monster hunter and adp in dark souls 2 and v is the reason.
Christopher Jones
>Dark Souls 3 for 200 hours >100 of those hours are copy pasted from Dark Souls 1
I bet you have a YouTube channel.
Elijah Lee
Literally NeoGAF: The Game.
>Reviewers feared the backlash of the autistic fanbase and had to show how hardcore they are. This. Hundred times this.
>Guess why DS2 got rated so high despite being literally cobbled together. Another example is Demon's Souls which is at least better than Souls 2 but it got awful scores by some magazines, Famitsu, for example. 20/40 or something, yet they gave Souls 2 almost a perfect score.
It's just marketing, hype, corruption.
Carson Rivera
Sen's Funhouse is the best part of the game.
Josiah Phillips
I can tell you are from NeoGAF, see this picture You must go back.
And take discussions about this awful shit game with you. You guys over there deserve it.
Nolan Nelson
Caleb Cook
Oh look, a previously loved game/series on Sup Forums is now the target of repeated hate after it gained popularity.
Who could have possibly seen this coming?
Nolan Roberts
That's exactly what I think when I see Sup Forums praising the awful From games, my weeaboo friend. That's exactly my thought.
Gavin Sanders
This isn't the fault of the people who realize it's shit, though. It's the fault of the people who gave it undeserved praise in the first place. It should have been the target of hate since day one.
Jonathan Wilson
sure thing bud whatever makes you feel good
Anthony Gutierrez
>dying to Iron Golem I didn't even know that was possible. It's like that stupid worm on DS2. They're so easy that I forgot that they're even in the game.
Dylan James
>Its the same fucking retards who complain about miss/hit rate in morrowind, no lock on in monster hunter and adp in dark souls 2
Dude those are all genuinely bad gameplay decisions. People who complain about them just like good video games.
Ian Fisher
Holy shit you are fucking awful.
Evan Cook
> can roll around on rotten wood planks in armor made of stone all day long > some stone floor you already walked on before breaks down even when naked
Anthony Edwards
Have you ever considered that maybe you are just bad and should just stick to bad games for bad people like you?
Tyler Foster
>DS2 >ADP is bad >chugging estus really fucking fast should not be something you need to invest souls in kys
Adam Thomas
Nathaniel Ortiz
I recognize that this is supposed to be an epic meme, but like, the original author couldn't even think of enough satire beyond like 3 lines.
Connor Walker
Well, when the game is unpolished and unfair shit, you can be unlucky and this happens to you.
>those fanboy tears Kek. Go defend the 15 FPS in Blighttown on Leddit.
Ryan Long
Fuck off, retard. Go suck Miyazaki's microdick somewhere else.
Ethan Bell
>investing in ADP for faster estus What?
Aiden Miller
>2012 >"Guys, look at all these nods to IRL structures! Isn't the art in this game great!" >2015+1 >"Guys, look at all these IRL structures in this video game! Isn't it just shit!?"
Leo Myers
Your mother frequently hates herself because she secretly imagines you were never born.
Gabriel Clark
Literally the most thin-skinned and autistic fanbase there is on Sup Forums currently, you should finally get your own containment board.
You make the most aggressive and annoying shitposting threads everyday and can't even take a little criticism.
John Evans
>2016 >Sup Forums is still so affected by DaS it has daily threads about it to this day
Ryder Walker
What is bad about those decisions? Last time I checked having character growth was a part of the adventure. Do you even like videogames?
Levi Foster
Are you 14 years old? That's just weak even for Souls fans.
Oliver Diaz
Wait so the guy who made the thread is the faggot and not the faggots replying to it? Nobody likes you. Not even the people who should like you
David Butler
Jaxson King
If it's such a bad game, why did dark souls 3 rip off 50% of it?
High wall is Burg Settlement and Forest are lower burg, sewers, and darkroot Poison swamp is blight town and abyss watchers is Artorias Catacombs are catacombs and Sens Irithyll is anor Londo Dungeon is latria (demons) Yhorm is literally a DeS ripoff in every way Lothric castle is boletaria castle right down to the dragons (demons) Archives are archives And the last boss is, quite literally, the chosen undead from DaS1 AND gwyn
DaS3 is more or less a slightly polished up version of DaS1, with some shit lifted from DeS.
I get it's bait, but it's nonsense nonetheless
Brandon Harris
I don't care about souls I just thought I should inform you about what kind of person a shitposter like you is.
Seriously talk to her. She hates herself for wishing you were never born. Maybe consider suicide. Often it hurts the people around the person more but in your case suicide would be best for everyone.
James Myers
ADP raises agility, which makes chugging estus faster. If you're confident in your timing and use a shield, instead of rolling through most attacks, you can neglect investing in ADP altogether and focus on other stats. This creates more build variety given same soul memory.
Brody Walker
How about you quot the ad hominem bullshit for once and actually defend your favourite little game which is such blatant, awful shit, I have 100 OC webms on my hard drive showcasing how shit it is?
Sebastian Martin
>ADP raises agility, which makes chugging estus faster I thought everyone picked it for extra i-frames. This is the first time I've heard of anyone actually picking it for fast sips
Noah Long
If you're going to shitpost, make it shorter.
Kevin Perry
>being this mad about a video game
I like your collection of shitposting from neogaf. You clearly vist it a lot.
Charles Gonzalez
The fact that something that game changing is linked to a stat and not a universal standard for everyone playing is shit game design.
Aiden Evans
and this is not trash?
Henry Nguyen
Are you an idiot? How about you read the OP? If anything it ripped off the settings but not the level design. The level design in Souls 3 is way more open, the difficulty actually comes from the enemies and not from the walls or other shit blocking you the whole time.
Cameron Morgan
How about you learn to write and stop being retarded?
Hunter Mitchell
This is how you spot a newfriend who had Dark Souls 2 as their first Souls game.
Christopher Anderson
That image is such bullshit Zelda games are shit
Jace Brown
ADP is a bad design decision to the series itself.
You shouldn't ever have to invest points into your build to increase your ability to dodge things more effectively. Demon's Souls and the first Dark Souls encouraged you to just get good and time the roll right. That's all you had to do.
Juan Martinez
>I thought everyone picked it for extra i-frames. You don't really need it for pve if you use a good shield. I played my first walkthrough as a shield shitter without investing a single point in ADP.
Camden Torres
>constant gank squads I forgot about that shit. That was the fist dark souls I actually tried pvping in too.
Wyatt Thompson
Uh, I hit O instead of I which is right next to the I. You totally showed me continuing with that ad hominem like a 12 year old.
All Souls games are shit. No exception. But Souls 1 is probably the worst.
Daniel Ross
best gaem
Noah Wright
The point of the picture is that Souls fans are underage Naruto children.
However, Zelda U will probably be better in every single way than all Souls games combined. Probably even framerate.
Hudson King
>stupid dex faggot has trouble with the knight in the burg Don't run you little bitch kill him where he stands.
Charles Walker
ADP have universal benefit to all builds though, and if you didn't raise it to at least 22 or so you got fucked regardless because of shit roll iframes and sluggish item usage. Any build that wasn't min/maxed to all fuck like caster builds had at least a certain amount of ADP because it was flat out broken with how necessary it was. Hell, its inclusion was the reason you could roll around in full havels and still dodge easily because iframes weren't linked to weight but instead ADP. It was a dumb mechanic and only created variety in theory, but in practice was terrible
Levi Mitchell
Michael Morris
>You shouldn't ever have to invest points into your build to increase your ability to dodge How about people who use a heavy set up like full Havel's, a greatshield and a greatsword and don't roll, since their encumbrance is above 70%? The presence of ADP gives these people some trade-off for their fatrolling, since they can ignore it and pump other stats like strength or vigor instead.
ADP increases build variety, this is an unarguable fact.
Nice opinion, too bad it's shit.
David Ross
Adaptability would have been a better idea if the base iframes were high enough to reasonably dodge anything. Then you could invest for more of 'em if that's what you like or just git gud and dodge better.
Aiden Davis
Nicholas Anderson
So you can't write with ten fingers? And you are calling me twelve year old? Fucking millennial piece of shit. You are pathetic.
Leo Rivera
Hey, at least this game lets you sidehop. Just like Ocarina of Time in 1997 or also Metroid Prime, Monster Hunter etc. Or even Witcher 3 now.
You can't do it in Souls 1 because it's a shit game. All you have are clunky 20 iframes rolls which feel like shit and only work with four different locations like a Pokémon game.
What is this game in the webm?
Levi Jones
Ethan Torres
>The point of the picture is that Souls fans are underage >posts image focusing entirely on graphics >goes on to jizz over Zelda oh i am laffin
James Robinson
I know this is a (you) post but its fucking comical. You can run by almost everything in this game if you arent fucking retarded.
John Morris
You can't sidestep with every weapon in Monster Hunter either. And you can sidestep with some weapons in Dark Souls
I am confused here. Have you even played the games you are talking about?
Robert Ortiz
>lock on in Monster Hunter
Literally wouldn't even make sense since the bosses are too bug and have different hitzones with different values.
Do casuals really not understand this?
Even in shitty Souls games lock on doesn't always make sense.
David Ross
Witcher 3 gameplay is complete garbage though.
James Jenkins
blade of darkness. realy good one from 2001 graphics still looks somewhat nice. limbs flying, shadows, lights, reflections, combos, bosses and stuff
Oliver Cook
>you can play through the whole game without dodging >investing minimaly in a stat that lets you dodge is """""bad"""" design descision.
You full blow dark souls 3 shitter can fuck back right off
Kayden Bailey
>You can't sidestep with every weapon in Monster Hunter either. Which is a good thing. But you can sidestep with the faster ones or do similar stuff. But you are actually kinda wrong since you CAN sidestep with pretty much every weapon in Monster Hunter as soon as MHXX is out.
>And you can sidestep with some weapons in Dark Souls In Dark Souls 1? Not really, no. Are you an idiot? You can sidestep with shitty, retarded daggers and similar weapons in Souls 1, though.
Austin Cook
Except the point of the level design was to make you think about getting enemies to fight you on your own terms rather than blindly rush ahead, hence being able to lure enemies away or pick them off from a distance, not to mention having tools like items and spells at your disposal for those situations. The level design made encounters more challenging on how you approached it from a tactics sense rather than just a reactionary and combat centric sense. In that pic, you can parry the knight, use the ladder you find earlier to your advantage, or duel him in the open area you find before, but it's up to the player to find out how to tackle that situation rather than trusting they just have the gear and can recognize attack patterns.
Mason Mitchell
Why did you quote me twice you nigga? Fucking hell the neogaf thing is obviously true. You are so obviously a tourist.
David Robinson
Why are you talking shit about a game you bothered to pay am the way through twice before, only to then come to the realization that it's bad
Are you retarded or something
Xavier Mitchell
True. But so is the Souls gameplay, see all the webms here.
At least Witcher's is kinda fast and has variety.
>Except the point of the level design was to make you think about getting enemies to fight you on your own terms rather than blindly rush ahead
Which is boring as fuck. Or annoying. Or both at the same time which is a really awful combination.
Easton Price
>Thread totally not kept alive by a flaming falseflagging samefag.
does someone pay you for shitposting?
Have like 300 hours in DaS1 and 2 and didn't had a single case of those "buggy" hitbox in the game you keep reposting since 5 years in every second Souls thread. The rest of your complaints are literally just spamming your shitty objective opinion on the game. Just fuck off.
Hunter Howard
what a sad thread
Charles Anderson
Because clicking your ID is faster than copy/pasting your low quality attempt of making a point?
James Cook
I enjoy Dark Souls games.
Levi Turner
>bad frame rate in a ps3 game on a 400 dollar graphics card literally doesnt ever happen or ever will everything else you said is wrong too.
Liam Morris
Maybe on a cellphone. Also how was that sentence a question? Can you make a single post that doesn't make you look completely fucking retarded? Please!
Kevin Clark
>works on my machine
Cool. No one cares.
Apologists out.
But I give you a chance. The games are so fair and everything and you're such a good player. Show us your Dark Souls 2 death count. Shouldn't be that high.
Josiah Walker
Except 70% was piss easy to stay under and ADP gave you full iframes even while at 69.9% weight, meaning you could tank up and still dodge fine, unless you were playing at some stupid low SL compared to every other game like 60 or 80.
This is why the meta for the longest time was buffhavels with the flavor of the week weapon. ADP was shit, and they removed it for good reason.
Nicholas Ramirez
I'm still waiting for you guys making an argument and not ad hominem shit, actually.
Your little favourite shit game sure must be trash when you can't do this.
Now back to Le.ddit.
Nolan Reed
Ignorance is bliss.
Logan Scott
>Works on my computer works on everyones computer except on autist fags' who purely play to game for thousands of hours to try to break it somehow and find glitches you otherwise never find in your avarage playthrought.
Jace Evans
I guess so.
Logan Walker
>>gameplay is fucking awful and already was outdated back in 2002; can dodge in only four (4) directions, literally Pokémon tier Wait, is this true? My last playthrough is some years ago too and I planned to play it again. But this sounds horrible.