Do you like when games lets you hop across roof tops like a ninja?

Do you like when games lets you hop across roof tops like a ninja?

Name an insignificant feature you'd like to see occur more in video games

I like kicking the shit out of the unruly dogs in Legends.

Being able to skip the tutorial

Originally you would have been able to kick all the animals in the game but it was removed in the localization

If the characters have some type of property, like vehicle or a base/house, have minor customization options available.

Something small like choosing from a selection of colors, and choosing which type of roof, cockpit, and so on. It helps you feel like your play-through of the game is unique to you.

San Andreas really nailed this with all the different options for CJ (hair styles, clothes, and tattoos) and the car modding, but I don't expect every game to go that far.

I think the Japanese version you could also shoot birds. I had no idea about the other animals though.

I really like that myself. There aren't that many non-racing games that offer car customization, Driver: Parallel Lines is the only other one that comes to mind

I was mad when they didn't let you explore Peach's Castle in Mario Kart 8.

This. I loved how in skies of arcadia you could customize your home base, which crew you bring with you, the exterior and interior look of your ship, etc. Made the adventure seem more like you had an input than just watching a story unfold.

>do you like when games let you hop across rooftops
It works when the game reinforces it. Nighttime ambience, maybe.

Oblivion let you, but it didn't amount to much.

I like it when games let you run a business. Assassin's Creed, GTA, other such sandbox games where you can go purchase crap and turn a profit. Maybe even stuff like Fable where you can become Trader Supreme.

Most normie examples ever but it's a mechanic I legitimately like.


I jumped from rooftop to rooftop in Fallout 4 but then I fell through the map. Quality.

I've heard that title before, but now you've really just made me want to pick it up.

Visit-able interiors in sandbox games
Realistic fire damage

I jumped off that building you end up at at the end of the BoS mainquest and managed to land in the area where Goodneighbor is physically located, the game actually loaded me into Goodneighbor proper.

One of the few moments where I was genuinely impressed with the game.

Alright be honest.

You guys stole the robbery money didn't you?

MC humming along to the background music
like in-

Luigi's Mansion

the medics singing song from the radio stations in GTA3

You can still kick pigs in the American versions.

Running against a wall and the character pushes it, even when there's never a time in the game that requires you to push something.

I like how in Vanquish one of your buttons would become a dedicated smoke-cigarette button whenever you took cover. More shit like that, please.

>Visit-able interiors in sandbox games
Fucking this, so much.
I still sometimes just wander around Saints Row 2 and all the buildings you could enter from missions and such.

It's been my dream for some time to see a sandbox GTA clone where ever building has a modeled and enter-able interior. Even if it means that the map has to be 1/4 the size of Vice city, all the added space of the building interiors would make up for that.

Echoing your first one. That shit is really overdue.

that's actually a mechanic of the game, it serves as a decoy for the robots, the cigarettes are limited too
i've never managed to do it right though

>Hurry Back!
>Why thank you!
>Heh heh