Is anyone else glad No Man's Sky turned out the way it did?
I'm not gleeful over that the game was shit, or that people got burned; but in the end I hope it served a valuable lesson.
Is anyone else glad No Man's Sky turned out the way it did?
I'm not gleeful over that the game was shit, or that people got burned; but in the end I hope it served a valuable lesson.
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>served a valuable lesson.
Shame consumers have the memory of a goldfish.
This. There's been so many excellent examples of why preordering and hype in general is bullshit, and people still keep falling for it. There's no reaching them.
Only thing for us to do is take advantage of the fact that thanks to them games now drop in price really fast because sales are so frontloaded.
People actually managed to get so burned by shit Atari games that the industry crashed though.
The mainstream isn't unreachable, they're just slow on the uptake. Sooner or later shit will get so bad that the cup runs over and people just lose faith in retail.
>served a valuable lesson
Nah. It'll be great when the next one comes out and we see people make the same mistakes again, though.
Also No Man's Sky will always be a valid example of consumer stupidity on any hype threads of games advertising millions of exploration features
>served a lesson
>Star Citizen still pulling in money hand over fist while promising more and more
Can't wait for the day that shit finally comes out and destroys crowdfunding forever.
sacrificial lamb
I am, because that makes me fucking right.
Procedural generation is nothing to cream your pants over. You get to see assortments of the same parts from the same toolbox in roughly similar configurations but in different colors. Shit sucked in Spore and it sucked here. It's meant to compliment a solidly designed game, not be the entire fucking game.
I took one look at it and said "the only way for this shit to be feasible is if it's like Spore" and lo and behold it was but even worse. You can jizz all about how "technically impressive" it is but if it's not a good game then it's a piece of shit no matter which way you smack it.
The mainstream in general isn't even aware of No Man's Sky or the clusterfuck it turned out to be. Hell, TORtanic still has players.
Sean Murray was on the Late Show before release.
I'd say that counts as something.