I got Skyrim: Special Edition for free and realised it has no mod support. Is it better to just install an ENB on vanilla Skyrim or should I just run with the new game and wait for more mods to come?
Special Edition or Mods?
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It does have mod support but it'll be months before the REAL modding tools come in.
SKSE is being worked on, so is PapyrusUtil. DynDOLOD will most likely be ported. SkyUI and MCM are an issue since the guys who made it pussied out of modding.
I'm doing a new mod list on Skyrim 32 as I type
>2006 - Oblivion
>2011 - Skyrim
>2016 - Skyrim Remastered
Why didn't they just give us a new game instead
special edition is pointless for PC that's why it's a free upgrade. SE is just Skyrim + lightweight ENB and basic mod support for console. It's irrelevant if you play on PC.
that being said it's really smooth and looks great on Xboner.
because its cheaper and easier to just republish a finished game
Pretty much all of these
Special Edition allows you to use more than 4 GB of RAM
damn I wish I waited another day or two before playing
nah m8, it looks far better and runs much better than vanilla.
No. You can now have 500v500 wars without crashes.