>be me
>go into game, explore some
>Oh cool, a new boss
>Gets me at 50℅, oh well
>Try again
>Beat him
How is this allowed? There was someone like Rom and Father Gascoigne who fucked shit up and then there's these 1-2 try bosses. DS3 seemed harder at this point and managed to beat it first.
>souls game has a couple of retardedly easy bosses
wow, that has never happened before
Tbh 80℅ so far has been easy. Its still a good chunk of fun though
Dark Souls 3 could only be considered harder because it takes Bloodborne, cuts playable character speed in half and removes dashing, all while taking away the transformation weapons and tools that were designed with that gameplay in mind.
I think Bloodborne has the hardest boss fights in any Soulsborne game, but there are definitely some laughably easy ones.
Shadows of Yharnam was the only boss that took me more than 3 tries, even got moon presence first try right after fighting Gherman.
desu these games stop being hard after beating one of them
krauts out
nothing new
What do you guys think about Bloodbirne?
>DS3 seemed harder at this point and managed to beat it first.
Oh hell no, I fucking rolled 99% of the bosses in that game, they were all pretty muvh push overs due to the ability to utilize shields AND fastroll. Bloodborne is harder