Holy shit

No, seriously what the fuck. I know next to nothing about the Shadow game and edgy memes but just listening to the theme song


How did adult men create shit like this? How did they expect people to take this seriously?

Other urls found in this thread:


>How did adult men create shit like this?
Not hard to imagine given there are adult men who like it

>How did they expect people to take this seriously?
See above. Don't underestimate the depths of autism.

There's a market for everything.
Shadow's E10+ edgyness is just enough to hit "so bad, so good".
But garbage like Marlyn Manson and Chris Angel hits you like a brick to your gut while you were experiencing some of the best sleep your body was ever going to have.

it was the early 2000s

emo was in full swing and sega of america wanted to capitalize on that market

I'll admit, I liked it up to the 28sec mark.

They didn't want to capitalize on the U.S. market, dud. Emo in Japan went full fucking force during the same time.


I kinda like it, reminds me of highschool.

They certainly could've chosen worse, at any rate.

What universe am I in.

I actually like this song and would enjoy it unironically if it wasn't shackled to Shadow the Hedgehog
I also think Shadow the Hedgehog has the potential to be a good game if they added some self awareness to it and changed it to DMC like combat on Speed instead of this weird hybrid of TPS and Normal Sonic Platforming.