Do you think we will have another Killzone? Its less generic than Resistance and the Multiplayer is fun
Do you think we will have another Killzone? Its less generic than Resistance and the Multiplayer is fun
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Oh c'mon I cant be the only one that misses this
I don't know why they didn't think of releasing a jewmaster of 1-3 on PS4 or something
MP again would be refreshing
Shadow Fall was kind of a let down but I would think we'd get another. The Vita game was really good.
Also fuck you, Resistance was fun.
How was shadow fall mp?
Guerrilla has moved on to Horizon which has already gained more interest than any of the Killzone games did
Maybe Cambridge could make one, although they just finished that RIGS game, so it could be a while
Killzone 2 multiplayer was great, I didn't like 3 and I never played the multiplayer in Shadowfall.
I like 1 and 2, kz 3 campaign was awful, but I remember playing its mp til 2013, fun as fuck
If they let a good writer handle the campaign and move away from the wannabe Call of Duty shenanigans in Shadow Fall I would rebuy a PS4 for a new Killzone. Despite its flaws I loved Shadow Fall multiplayer, Warzone was the coolest shit ever. Shame the playerbase is now in the double digit range.
>less generic than Resistance
Fucking what? Resistance has enemy types ranging from little scorpion fucks to giant bastards the size of skyscrapers. Killzone just has generic space Nazis. Resistance has cool, unique weapons while Killzone is 90% generic Call of Duty weapons.