Fun as fuck
>Arena Shooter(except for overwatch which is good actually)
Intense type of gaming
immersive as fuck
ITT:Genres that shouldn't be dead
Skate and car battle games were fun.
best part of the rise of indiefags is that there's a shitload of platformers out there. most of them are actually pretty good
I miss the mickey mouse and crash bandicoot style of platformer,most of indieshit has to do with "muh deep" stuff and little to no gameplay
RTS, MOBAs killed them. Now there's a genre that should be dead.
Super meat boy? Shovel knight?
why the fuck does Sup Forums gargle cum for RTS when they have less gameplay than uncharted which Sup Forums claims is a movie ?
>inb4 RTS requires thought
but yeh you're right about platformers though OP
I disagree when it comes to indie platformers. most of them have a focus on gameplay. 1001 Spikes is the first game that comes to mind. there are some exceptions of course.
now, I will absolutely agree with you that crash bandicoot style platformers are dead, which is a damn shame because the crash games are fantastic
Platformers still exist, what are you on about? Hopefully Yooka Laylee is great. I liked Freeze Me too.
Arena Shooters were great. I agree. Their best bet is to be a game mode in a different, more popular, more modern shooter that people can try. I miss movement options more than anything. Bunny hopping and rocket jumping ;_; Fuck this "R2 to booster pack" shit.
There are still RTS games, aren't there? Granted I don't play any of them. I personally enjoy the fuck out of old isometric 2.5D/2D ones like Command and Conquer.
MMOs are fukken ded. A combination of widespread Wiki information and everything having an online component are to blame. A fantastic fighting/battle system could perhaps be a saving grace, but the type I'd be looking into would be severely hurt by ping limitations.
I'm... actually kind of upset that the new tony hawk was bad now.