Maybe we could get a Sup Forumstard hired that would be a bit more sympathetic towards fangames?
Copyright Monster is an official job at Nintendo
>is an official job at Nintendo
It's an official job in any big IP based company.
Disney, Sony Music, Marvel and DC, they all have those people.
Shut the fuck up. It's only bad when Nintendo do it
>get job
>be sympathetic
>get fired for failing to produce results
>Maybe we could get a Sup Forumstard hired that would be a bit more sympathetic towards fangames?
Oh yeah, you don't sound like a 12 year old at all, user.
Do you think Nintendo would really care enough to check your work?
Nintendo is only doing this get content creators afraid to use their IPs anyway, they don't even need to actually do anything but ban a few people to make an example.
Your stupidity is astounding.
>t. never held a job for longer than 6 weeks
Says the animefag.
At least I know how to hold a job.