Cassie, did I ever tell you about the time, it was several times actually, your mother and I shot and killed literally hundreds of people just to get our hands on some gold? We never got the gold, but we did completely get away with taking all those lives.
Cassie, did I ever tell you about the time, it was several times actually...
She was a good friend
They're rich and literally live in a beach house on a tropical island
I'm sure it was all worth it
Those people literally deserved to die though
>it's ok to murder people if they're white South Africans
"Cassie, did I ever tell you about the time, it was several times actually, that your mother and I wanted to find a lost city (or some shit), but we were forced to defend ourselves from evil shitlords that kept sending goons to kill us? We only ever wanted to go on historical expeditions, but were forced to fight for our lives in the process. But can you believe that faggots on the internet still think we weren't justified in defending ourselves?"
>vicious pirates and mercenaries try to kill you
>omg murderers!
There is really only one true "murder" drake commits in Uncharted, and that's in Uncharted 2 in the first level where when the game teaches you ledge takedowns, Drake pulls some innocent Turkroach security guard off a roof into the rocky ocean below. Hard to believe that guy survived.
Well of course they were technically justified. Much like George Zimmerman, Drake did not ever technically commit murder, but since he kept putting himself in these situations, he must share some responsibility.
>but since he kept putting himself in these situations, he must share some responsibility.
I don't know if I can necessarily believe that. Nate just wanted to explore ancient cities and find hidden treasure. There shouldn't have been that kind of danger. It's kinda like blaming a rape victim for what happened to them.
Not him
I only ever played a little of 4. there was this part where they go to an old cathedral or something, where the mercenary band was busy taking it apart to find something. They knew damn well they'd have to kill a lot of people to pursue the treasure, and still went there
I don't buy the self-defense argument
Looking forward to sequels in which you play as Cassie dating Brown Boys (obviously). Every time it's going well you find out that your dad killed their dad, orphaning them. Sometimes it looks like you're going to hit it off and everything is going well your mental parents will kill them in self defence for going in the fridge or something. You will never get your delicious brown cock and the game will be a commentary on how all whites are inherently mass murdering racists with undesirable genitals.
get a load of this cuck lads
>Brown Boys
You wish brownboi, she will be worshipping bbc.
I dunno, does Nathan kill a lot of black boiz? We neeed a central conflict that allows us to demonise the whites. Sales department says so. Maybe you win by finding a monkey in the jungle and fucking that.
What about that time where they break into an auction to steal some shit. The guards there were only doing their jobs.
Well why wasn't Drake at home? If he was at home, no one could try to murder him.
Also he totally dresses like a treasure hunter. He was looking for it.
>we never got the gold
uncharted 1
Did I ever tell you about the time I locked my friend in a cave to slowly starve to death because he wanted to take the gold he didnt know was radioactive?
I was a shitty friend
ayyy victim blaming allegory lmao
Looking forward to the sequel in which Cassie is overcome by the guilt of it all and gives away all the middle class wealth to random minorities that she meets in the street, since her parents stole their heritage from them at gunpoint, just like all whites do.
I want to see her like, offering a Tengri relic to some confused black guy. Eventually she realises that the only treasure he can appreciate is the white puss, and obliges for the greater good.
>load up on a million guns and explosives
>purpopsefully travel to a place where you know there's mercenaries, for the purpose of finding treasure, not saving an innocent or something
>kill dozens of them
>lmao they started the aggression it's just self defense
No user, you're just a thug
Cassie, did I ever tell you about the time when I got overpowered by a black woman? Can you imagine it? Me, an athletic adult male, couldn't do a single thing against her! It's pretty embarrassing to be honest, in hindsight she wasn't really a good friend.
Cassie did I ever tell you about the time that I drove my car through a bunch of brown people's houses and cackled the whole time?
they got some gold, not THE gold
Hell, even my equally fit brother couldn't do anything against. Even when we fought her at the same time! 2v1!
Cue Cassie dressing up in black face to defy her dad, then punching him into space.
He kills a bunch of prison guards, auction security and archeologists in 4
They shot first.
Thankfully they only employed white supremacists with a history of manslaughter.
Don't play non-canon spinoffs.
Nathan should have just gotten a job there in that case.
I want Sup Forumscucks to leave
>Cassie, did I ever tell you about a woman named Chloe's ass. My god it was spectacular. your mother's pussy felt better though.
Lol "Don't acknowledge things that make me wrong".
My but I hated doing anything to conserve the GOOD ammo only to have a cutscene replace my full load-out with a half-loaded pistol.
But for real though I never payed Uncharted 4.
That's a dilemma that Drake probably had.
On one hand, you have a girl with a rockin ass but had a stretched pussy. On the other, you have a girl with a tight pussy with barely an ass.
Therefore it doesn't exist. Fair enough.
"I am going to bash your fucking head on the ground, nigger"
Oh my God! I know those were different times and a different culture, but I personally think Neil Druckmann went too far in those scenes.
"Cassie, did I ever tell you about that time a niggress totally fucked me up when I was able to kill a bunch of goons after drinking a handful of stagnated water after spending like two days lost in the desert? Or how I can beat up muscle-heads armored with bullet proof jackets? "
Best gameplay outta all of them
Cassie did I ever tell you how I was molested by a nun? It was radical
When it's there.
>Amy builds a name for herself in the industry.
>Gets cucked by a no-talent douche because "lol brown nosing and nepotism"
>Series she wrote regresses to writing that was embarassing in the 1980s.
Who in the fuck was Harry and Chloe? Or Eddy for that matter. I would've thought they would have explained how they knew eachother in the sequels but nope it's still a mystery. Did Harry know Sam?
Cassie, did I ever tell you about Nadine Ross? She was a womyn in the truest sense of the word. Intelligent, stronk, and invulnerable. I've taken down prisoners, SWAT teams in full tactical armor, mercenaries, Shambala Guardians, supernatural beings who ingested sap from the tree of life, which gave them supernatural strength and healing, but boy, Nadine Ross was stronger than all of them put together. When she punched me in the face I ashamedly jizzed my pants at the mere thought that a womyn so perfect would put a shitlord like me in my deserved place: under her combat boots. Yep, Nadine Ross, I couldn't even put a scratch on her, and how could I? How could I taint the very face of black, female, Jesus Christ herself?
He does survive, you see him swimming away.
still waiting on that model for SFM
I guess it's totally fucking fine if it's just an attempted murder then.
He made the right choice
Fucking Chloe while his young before settling down with Elena
This. We got Ellie, which was great, we need Kate too.
>it's always one person's fault
It takes two to tango, my man. Life is an endless chain of interactions determined by previous interactions. Nate obviously enjoys the violence.
>Or how I can beat up muscle-heads armored with bullet proof jackets? "
he can't hit them until they're close to dead. he always gets smacked when he comes to close.
I like this playthrough better.
what the hell? Is that a glitch or did someone edit the code to take off Nadine's god mode?
>edit the code
this is a ps4 game mate.
Explain to me why she is so ugly when her parents look amazing? Ellie from Last of Us looked better.
>technically justified
For fucks sake don't try to weasel out and pretend it wasn't simple self defense.
>it's self defense if i do exactly what these mercenaries are trying to do
If everyone is killing each other for gold, that's a bad thing. You don't get to be exempt because you didn't start it.
Why do people act like Drake was ever presented as an overtly moral character to begin with?
Anyway, I'm digging this meme synthesis
>Ellie from Last of Us looked better.
But Ellie's parents looked like this.
Maybe it's some inverse proportionality thing.
It's because the bloater isn't white cis scum.
Sure you do. You're hunting gold, they're hunting gold. You meet eachother, you try to run away, they fire at you, you ruthlessly murder them. It's justified.
I want an autistic bf like cassie
Far Cry 3 taught me that it's okay to invoke Stand Your Ground laws when abroad.
Isn't a big part of the outro the fact that drake did not, in fact, tell her those things?
Maybe the first time. After that, you're willingly entering scenarios where you know you're gonna have to kill people to get what you want
My God, that's satisfying.
So is 4 good? I enjoyed 1 and 2 but 3 and Golden Abyss weren't very good.
You actually liked 1?
Yes btw
>We should just let the evil mercenaries have the zombie coffin/immortality tree sap/hallucination water because we might have to kill them if they try to murder us for it and that is NOT OK
liberals everyone
ikr? I like the game but Nadine was the worst thing to ever touch Uncharted. Shes not THAT bad but her impact on gameplay is infuriating.
>edit the code
Cheat Engine is not a thing on PS4.
Eddy was the guy who caught Drake banging his sister.
true story. This is her.
Naughty Dog refuses to put her back in the series because cucks work there now and it probably hits too close to home.
>wearing Drake's old baseball shirt
How can you even do this? The game pretty much forces you to get your ass kicked.
Sometimes you have to WILL it into existance.
git gud
He's probably left a article of clothing with all of them like waldo.
I was also hoping we would see shamfufu in Uncharted 4
>No Marissa
>Bend studio shit.
It's their fault for not just picking a name from that page
I don't have a problem with Nadine. I think it's played for comedy how these two touch guys can't beat up a single woman together.
It's good, but it's even more of a movie than the other ones.
is that drake's bang list or what?
should have named her Lara
>only killed people that tried to kill them
>killed pirates, mercs, etc.
>none of them "innocent" or "nice"
That would cause too some uproar.
She is an unbeatable boss fight that you never beat before the credits role, at the very least make her tough as balls but make her beatable
So you can only beat her on a second playthrough?