What are some Skyrim gameplay mods that make the game more fun and enjoyable?

What are some Skyrim gameplay mods that make the game more fun and enjoyable?

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Schlongs of Skyrim


I've literally never had a mod make the game more mechanically fun to me. Magic ones are okay, 99% of new spells are just reskins of what's in the game already. There are tons that are good for role playing though.

Why do people want to be a lady in this game.

I want all the NPCs to be sexy ladies, and I want my male PC to fuck them.
But all the mods I see seem to be designed for use on the player character, with other characters being an afterthought.
Do people really want to get a train run on their Dovakiin?

how do you not get a raging boner at the tought of being a slut in medieval times?


This is always an option, best of both worlds.

Any RPG mechanics overhaul mod. I prefer ACE because it does a lot of little things in addition to overhauling the skills.

Any magic overhaul mod. I prefer Balanced Magic because it makes minor tweaks overall, things like making your Destruction skill dictate the damage your spells cause. Combined with Apocalypse Spells and Spell Charging/Chaining it's great.

A combat overhaul mod, like Deadly Combat, which increases damage overall (but can be tweaked to your liking in a menu) and also adds timed blocking and reflective wards. Add Dual Wield Parry to block while dual-wielding or readying a spell, that makes it so you don't gimp yourself by actually USING the dual-wield system.

While I'm recommending mods: Interesting NPCs adds quite a few great NPCs to the world, including some well-written and voiced companions like Anum-La the Swamp Knight, an Argonian woman who is all old-tyme chivalrous, or Rumarin, a high elf (former) jester who can only cast two spells: bound sword and bound bow, and who makes bad jokes all the time.

>Do people really want to get a train run on their Dovakiin?

Dovahgina squeezes out every seed of life in the skyrim.

combat mods are a must but grab more like magic mods, armors, weapons etc. check out nexus although it is a shit site for tons of mods.