I have Xenoverse, has Xenoverse 2 got enough new stuff to be worth it?
I have Xenoverse, has Xenoverse 2 got enough new stuff to be worth it?
Pinkie Pie is the worst fucking pony. You gotta have supreme shit taste if you fucking like her.
Also, are keyboard + mouse controls at least a little bit better?
i think you mean fluttershy
You madman, you'll summon him!
He only shows up to threads he makes himself. It's the reason he's so quick about posting.
It's not that bad. Got a bunch of friends playing it right now, and they seem like they're having fun.
And I will again until mods stop fucking deleting 100% vidya threads because this autist found it also posted in a place where bronies chat.
It needs to fucking stop. And until they ignore him they're going to accelerate his mental illness and hero complex.
Nah man, everyone knows Rainbow Dash is the ultra-pleb choice.
Rarity is best pony. Fite me.