Online is more dead than das2 ps4one

>online is more dead than das2 ps4one
What went wrong?

>playing souls games for pvp

I never have problems finding players on either of my characters (BL 300 and BL 42). I get invaded and summoned quite regularly.

Online and PvP was always garbage and broken in BLoodborne.

The PvE is fucking good though and it's something I'm going to return to every now and then like Demon's Souls.

>online is more dead than das2 ps4one


Nothing, still play it today
Amazing fun

I never have to wait more than 30 seconds for a pvp match in mensis.

Co-op is also very active, especially in the DLC areas.

Why does it need to be something that can played indefinitely? Why is that the standard now? And did you ever consider that maybe people stop playing it for other reasons than thinking it's bad or boring?

Because if game only good for the one playthrough, it's not very good game
And don't bring "now" it's always was that way

playing souls for pvp?
sony pony playing video game LMAO

>Have to pay extra on top of your internet bill just to use PSN.

I will never understand.

Go back and play an older game more than once so you can find all the collectibles or play the artificially difficult newgame+
I'm sure you're gonna have so much fun doing that.
What a completely retarded and arbitrary basis as to whether or not a game is good. By your logic MMORPGs must be gods gift to mankind since the games never stop and they're indefinitely playable.

I have almost 400 hours on Bloodborne and I think it's one of the greatest games of all time.

Just because I'm no longer playing it doesn't say anything about the games quality. We can only play these games for so long.

PvP felt lifeless since day one.

The bell system makes the game feel more empty and almost makes me feel less obligated to play in general.

Being able to see summon signs gives me that feeling that other people are in the area and want to play, whether it be co-op or even a duel. In bloodborne I'll ring a bell, wait, kill things as I wait, wait more, and then finally get someone summoned after I cleared over half of the area.

It was like this for me since the very first day. I never once got invaded outside of NoM or Nightmare Frontier. pvp was definitely half-assed. I feel like maybe more focus should have been put on PvP instead of the Chalice Dungeons.

Went to Mergo's loft, Nightmare frontier and DLC areas last week and got almost instant invasions.
Did you forget to renew your PSN subscription?

I have only 90 total and only 2 walkthrough, one for main game and another character for the dlc
Shit was boring as fuck

This x100
Still GOAT game though

I'm playing online right now and finding people in less than 30 seconds in chalice dungeons

>cheater free
>no annoying low class 3rd worlders to ruin one's fun

>boring as fuck but I still beat it twice!!!
Kill yourself

Yeah for real, me and my gf can't help but laugh when we hear people discuss pvp in these games. This is what they do with their time?

Oh, no argument there. Bloodborne is easily top 3 of my favorite games. Great setting, easily immersed, story that gets progressively crazier as you go along.

A decent pvp system would make this game near perfect, but its not needed to still get that great experience.

weapons are varied and unique enough to warrant a playthrough each. I still didn't even get through all of them after 400 hrs, plan on going back to do a Micolash build, a Bloodletter build, and a lady maria build.

I got burnt out a few months back but it's good enough to come back to every once in a while, and people are still playing online.

>no annoying low class 3rd worlders to ruin one's fun
They are all on PC.

That's strange. Me and your gf were playing some pvp just yesterday.

I don't pay for PSN and see no reason to since I have a good PC.

Hey, I had almost 6 months to rest from the game

>only 2 walkthrough
>i watched 2 walkthroughs so my opinion matters

you forgot le 25 fps cinematic and le loafing screen forever goty

From normal weapon there literally no reason to not use Ludwig sword or axe in the pve, you gimp yourself with anything else
For magic build you still need clear half of game using same boring weapon before you finally can have fun

Ludwig sword is almost too good, I miss being all tacticool with my Saw Cleaver

>since I have a good PC.
I doubt BB will run with more than 0 FPS anyway.

No, your opinions doesn't matter because you watched YouTube videos, sorry
And why would he have more than 2 walkthrough? Only dlc monsters can surprise you again and again, every other monster except castle spiders are worse and more boring than souls hollows. Just use knockback attack again and again

Loading screens were drastically fixed and improved since launch.

FPS has only every gotten noticeably shit for me in Old Yharnam and some sections of the Forbidden woods. Would I love Bloodborne running at 60fps? Fuck yeah. But the dips as they are now aren't bad enough to make the game unplayable.

first post best post

>No, your opinions doesn't matter because you watched YouTube videos, sorry
That's what I'm saying faggot

You definitely never played bloodborne based on the rest of your post though

they can put 60 fps
but ps4 hardware
maybe with the ps4 pro , with a patch
but with from software
nothing is sure.

My sides
It's you who clearly never played bloodborne
Now leave this thread, this place is for people who can both see flaws and good things about game

Loading times are still bad, framerate tanks almost with every boss and framepacing is awful in combat, maybe after paying another $400 we'll get to play it in a non shit way.

IF From bothers to make a patch

I've platinumed the game and have over 400 hours in it

Fuck off retard, go play game before shitposting

Of course you are

>i only use the weapons that are the best and easiest

well no fucking wonder you complain about not having any replay value, not to mention you're entirely wrong, lots of the weapons are fantastic. Just because you breezed through by spamming R2 with the hunter's axe doesn't mean there's no variety, it means you're a boring person who isn't willing to experiment with some very cool tools offered.

>For magic build you still need clear half of game using same boring weapon before you finally can have fun
>not making a single arcane character and beating the game with him so you can use all the fun arcance tools on NG+ and beyond

I played a few months ago and it was pretty active. You cant invade people lower level than you (or only 10 levels down or some shit), but you can go way up

You sure you're not talking about Dark Souls 3 there, buddy?

Also, Bloodborne invasions are better than Souls invasions.

>No seed for casual hosts
>Hosts can't insta-summon a billion white or yellow phantoms
>The core mechanics of the game allow you to take on 3 people at once and survive, because there isn't any 2 guaranteed-hit stunlock bullshit like in DaS2 and 3
>You can easily dominate a group of 2 or 3
>Enemies are more than capable of helping you in any situation, assuming you invade in a place with decent enemies to help you in case of ganks
>Tryhards all left to Dark Souls 3 so there is barely anyone left with bullshit 28% damage boost gems to gank you and one-shot you during invasions
>Plenty of new players every day
>Plenty of activity in the DLC areas

Now is the time to be an invader in BB if you're all fed up with DaS3 casual-pandering bullshit.

When you invade, you're supposed to become part of the enemy mobs. No other Souls game lets you do that better than BB invading.

English isn't your first language is it?

>gimp yourself with anything else
git gud, all the weapons are great and fun to use, and the game is pretty easy until lower chalice dungeons

>When you invade, you're supposed to become part of the enemy mobs
Wasnt it always supposed to be like this? I guess I'm thinking back to DeS days.

>Bloodborne invasions are better than Souls invasions.
You need to have a buddy with you to be invaded, that alone puts them below DaS1 and 2

>you're supposed to become part of the enemy mobs. No other Souls game lets you do that better than BB invading.
Unlike in BB, you can lead the wolf packs in DaS3, so, not really

you don't actually, you can be invaded if:
a) you ring a sinister bell
b) you ring a summoning bell
c) you have a buddy
d) there's a bell maiden in the world by default (Mensis, Frontier, etc.)

What did you expect?Sonyggers only play fifa and the latest uncharted.

> Just because you breezed through by spamming R2 with the hunter's axe doesn't mean there's no variety, it means you're a boring person who isn't willing to experiment with some very cool tools offered.
No, most of original game enemies punish you for not using weapon with long reach. Of course you can jump around snitcher like retard with daggers and risk getting kicked in the face, but it's just stupid and not fun
I bet des and das not long time ago in full cleric build(barely enough str to wield weapon, light armor, shit shield and no attack miracles in das) it was fun, bloodborne can't be even compared because fun things are locked further in game and almost every weapon from the original game is garbage

No one ever gave a shit about pvp in bloodborne

But bloodborne pvp is got tier and there millions of players who still play game just for it!

you are being intentionally narrow minded just for the sake of propping up a poor argument.

To support the other guys point, look at say...Donkey Kong Country 2. amazing fucking game, its fun, it has challenge and i still like to go back to it even today. Or say, Final Fantasy Tactics, or Deus Ex, or Bloodborne. Some games are just great and warrant playing several times.

No reason to get oddly assblasted over it.

Does your bull like to PvP?

The saws are better than both of those for pve. Especially for beasts. I dont think the axe can cheese the hardest bosses and its dps is mediocre.

>most of original game enemies punish you for not using weapon with long reach
no the dont, they punish you for backdashing like a bitch though
>you can jump around snitcher like retard with daggers and risk getting kicked in the face, but it's just stupid and not fun
staying mobile isnt fun but exploiting range is? also git gud

I thought it sucked that the Nightmare is the only real pvp zone, but DaS3 is even worse and has no pvp zones at all, just a shitty dlc arena.

>You need to have a buddy with you to be invaded,
You don't, either hang around areas with bell maidens or ring for coop summon, and silence it after bell maiden spawns.