The Death of Weeb games

The Vita probably won't get a successor so that means devs who make weeb games for handhelds will probably move to Switch.
They'll have to skip out on fanservice so they can meet Nintendo's draconian 1950s-era censorship policies. This will obviously anger a lot of weeb fans.
Could we be witnessing the end of games like Gal Gun and Akiba's Trip?

I like that NA tsubasa

Sick meme my friend! Upvoted

Nintendo censorship only affects games localized by Nintendo, or localized by people under Nintendo´s supervision.

Senran Kagura 1 and 2 and Corpse Party are on the 3DS unbutchered, to name a few.


All the vita games are not being moved to PC for nothing.

What? How is that a meme? I just like the outfit.

>Nintendo censorship only affects games localized by Nintendo

I suspect Atlus allowed NoA to fuck this game in echange of not censor anything in SMT IV:A (Toki is still 14 years old, still moans, still wants to have your babies, still screams mad love to you and everything about YHVH is left intact).

"the censored version looks better" is a meme, not just with #FE either

Looks like someone hasn't been on Steam.

You conveniently forgot to mention the part of his post right after your quote where it says "or localized by people under Nintendo's supervision."

You just proved his point, since Fire Emblem is a Nintendo IP.

Why would Nintendo censor a game they're not even publishing? The Senran Kagura games and Corpse Party are all uncut.


I never said the censored version looks better.

The only way to change that mindset is to purge the reviewers with six figure budgets. TmS shows that the new audience in localization is the same people who calls Japanese gaming problematic.

And lets be honest the weeb games scared off the good devs in Japan and you weebs only have yourself to blame for the coming drought

Yes, that goes with "or localized by people under Nintendo's supervision."

>The Vita probably won't get a successor
holykek whats NX
>implying it wont won the weebowl

you're posting an example of first party censorship from nintendo. name a third party 3DS/Wii U game that was forced to be changed because of Nintendo. Don't cop out and say the "Bravely" series because SE does that localization themselves.

the only correct answer is Fatal Frame 5

Except how many weeb games for the Vita have still been censored when they came to the US?

I would also think that if Nintendo was getting the kind of niche support that the Vita was getting, they'd want to accommodate the third parties more.

Learn some fucking English

>TmS shows that the new audience in localization is the same people who calls Japanese gaming problematic.

Nintendo co-owns Fatal Frame now, bruh. At least in a "owns the rights to everything from Fatal Frame 4 on"

But then you still get stuff like Bayonetta and Devil's Third that are uncut.

If weebs devs are so threatened by Nintendo saying no to pantsu quest games won't they just flock to PS4?

>The Vita probably won't get a successor so that means devs who make weeb games for handhelds will probably move to Switch.
And region-locks. JP games will only run in Japan.

Remember when anime was good and not about fucking teenagers?

We're lucky the Pillar Men from Jojo got in the anime since nobody likes muscular men anymore.

That's what everyone's hoping for

>The Vita probably won't get a successor so that means devs who make weeb games for handhelds will probably move to Switch.

They will move to PS4, fucking autist.

thank god just watch porn if you're that desperate faggot


the switch won't be region locked, so just play the uncensored japanese version, problem solved

>I've watched 5 recent anime and they were all ecchi so that means all of anime now is ecchi pedophile anime also jojo is my favorite show epic guren lagann I only watch the GOOD anime like one kick rick

me neither

>that's what sonyponies are hoping for

fixed that for ya. Companies won't be able to resist the moonland handheld market and Sony isn't making a Vita successor. The tide is shifting under your feet.

Remember when anime didn't even censor nudity?

They could also flock to PC, like the H crowd, that might help them with the shoestring budget.

Too bad neither Vita/PS4/PC could make the games have quality

maybe they'll finally start putting effort into something other then character design then.

can't wait
based nintendo giving a home to weeb games

>angry about teenagers
>references jojo which has always been about teenagers.

you're acting the opposite end of the extreme is any better. you're like those anons that bitch on Sup Forums about why their kids cartoons aren't taken as seriously as live action regardless of whether the tone is the same.

So you're hoping companies will continue to work with Nintendo and continue to be censored?

TMS is still a "Fire Emblem" game it falls under Nintendo's jurisdiction. SMTIV is all Atlus as far as I'm aware.

I really LOVE that curtain.
No meme.

It's more of a 'buy BDs' bait now than 'we must censor shit aired at 1:30 after midnight'.

>The Vita probably won't get a successor so that means devs who make weeb games for handhelds will probably move to Switch.

>Vita devs slowly moving to the PS4
>implying they'll give that all up and go to a console with a much smaller userbase

you mean during the "dark ages" when directors were living out revenge fantasies in their work and just threw shit at the wall like an ape? Let's go watch Violence Jack guys, it'll be fun!

Real talk here, Harlock was not good. Every character acts like a retard and has dumb motivations.
The only enjoyable parts were the old west episodes and Mime.

But it's literally a different outfit and a different style, not just covering it up.

I like how it looks much better too. I wish it was her normal design.

Yeah... that sure is going to happen OP.

I have no idea how anyone can think it looks better, it looks like something out of a disney channel preteen sitcom
Its literally How Do You Do Fellow Kids: The Outfit

Hell's Wind is the only good OVA of the three. You should also read the manga, because it's MUCH better, and less guro pornish, despite being much more explicit at times.

>people still post that XCX image

I guess it helps with agendas. It's still censored, but NOT THAT FUCKING BAD. And nobody else was outside of the fundoshi, which really confuses me.


a noble suggestion but flawed because of demographics. Ninty is attempting to power play a monopolization of the non mobile handheld market after Vita bombed and no one is stepping up to challenge them.

Fuck you, Violence Jack and Devilman are mangakino.

Violence Jack doesn't count because it's an OVA.
Also if you don't think Violence Jack is fun you should have your testosterone levels checked.

They also removed a character creation option.

Now post the rest of bravely Default's changes that imply SE did it themselves.

like Marvelous's games got censored on 3DS, oh wait.

>You should also read the manga

Where do you even find it? all the sites I use only have up to the part with the guy and the trap escaping prison or something.

Yeah, but if devs want to push the handheld route, the lewd's on the chopping block.

Doesn't remove the game's quality, but it does remove the game's fun.

It's funny how people side with a brand wanting for it to be successful but in the end it's completely unfavorable for the consumer.

He's talking about the OVAs. And while the first Devilman OVA is FANFUCKINGTASTIC (second one is less so, but I love myself some Sirene), Violence Jack's OVAs are kinda gross, at least the first two. It's a product of the time, really, when every OVA was like that.

Yet, instead of putting that in the image, the person who made it put in a misleading one.

Be more specific

What's wrong with Nagai anyway?
You'd think the creator of Mazinger Z and Cutey Honey would make less fucked up shit.

>People are starving right now
>No, I'm eating a sandwich

>Food analogy

Meanwhile they ride on Dangan Ronpa's dick because muh real social issues.

This kind of weeb is the worst kind of weeb. elitists who believe they are saving the industry.

I agree that censoring potato chan can be justified, but things like the censorship in Fatal Frame 5 have no reason to be.

I am, the fucking is going to be rated M anyways, so what´s the point.

I'm judging it as a standalone work along a lot of hyperviolent schlock OVAs of the era. No amount of "the book was better" will smear away the way most people saw it first.


oh lawdy the dub. Also the water demon attempted rape fuels my fetishes.

>the person who made it put in a misleading one.
How is it "misleading" if its an actual change?

>it's another Sup Forums keep trying change the meaning of words to suit their shitposting needs
>people literally defending japanese censorship

When will this meme end.

Nagai says that Devilman is supposed to be an anti-war message.


Ask /m/.

Devilman and Violence Jack are an extent, but he's the dude who ended a manga in a horrific way, ONLY TO PISS OFF THE PTA WHO COMPLAINED IT WAS TOO VIOLENT.

But like, with how violent Devilman's final chapter was, it was meant to shock and boy it sure did.

It's not really a "The book was better" thing, but how the manga has more to it than the ultra violence.

Honestly half the series I used to play on vita are moving on to ps4, the other half is on pc.

The real problem is some devs outright not bringing anything to the west since they dont want to deal with censor bullshit, they might launch a version with english translation for asia only, the only way to get is if you import with playasia or get a friend to buy for you if he travels abroad.

The moment people stop making a food analogy.

show me an example of Senran Kagura or Corpse Party getting localized differently on 3DS than on Vita.

They didn't get censored, but they don't go as far as the vita games, only swimsuits.


>food analogy

take a (you)

Kiria´s outfit getting changed wasn´t because of SJW reasons, it was requested by Avex because they wanted to use the cutscene of her concert for advertisment.

That's what really pisses me off.
I hate censorship, even if it's removing something I don't like, but I'm willing to tolerate it if it's to keep a game's rating at the level it's intended.
But if the game is M anyway, then you're just doing to for the sake of your personal crusade, and you can go fuck yourself.

How the fuck are you supposed to read this

A deal's a deal, user! Now you gotta censor my body.

They didn't. But like I was saying with my
>food analogy,
just because those games didn't get censored for the 3DS doesn't mean that other games were/are being censored as per Nintendo's commands.

SE wasn't under Nintendo's supervision, but they have a long history of censoring shit anyway.

I would censor her body with my cum alright

And Grave of The Fireflies wasn't an anti-war story according to the director. Something something personal interpretation something something.

>removed vagina bones
Too fucking far, man.

You read "completely fine" then check the 2 top pictures. Then read "problematic" and check the 2 middle pictures. Then "completely fine" and check the last 2 bottom pictures. Maybe you should stop being autistic.

>he's the dude who ended a manga in a horrific way, ONLY TO PISS OFF THE PTA WHO COMPLAINED IT WAS TOO VIOLENT.

Are you talking about Harenchi Gakuen? people complained about it being too sexual, not violent, I think.


I do think an apt comparison to what happened with Fatal Frame is what Sony did with Siren Blood Curse. The game was digital only, was actually bigger filesize wise, and was censored. Violence censored at that, and violence that was uncut in Japan and Europe.

It makes zero sense on both sides and it's sorta funny how both are horror games.

Fuck, typo. Meant to say weren't/aren't.

Calm down user.

A long history of censoring shit on nintendo platforms.

Never reply to me ever again, autismo.

wow you can do anything with male characters. Shocking. It's almost like we're the sex that doesn't give a shit how we're depicted in fiction, and if we do we have enough awareness to know it's fiction

That's not the argument though. I understand what you're saying there being more content on other platforms but people are saying "weeb game are doomed on nintendo" when that clearly isn't the case just reeks of fear mongering fueled by console war baiting.

Nintendo doesn't own Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem is made by a third party. So, by your own post, Fire Emblem was forced to change because of Nintendo.

Go Nagai is a man of many genres, he is a genius.

He once made a short manga series about a female police officer that defeated criminals by pissing on them, who else could cook up this masterpiece?