Careerfag thread

>playing overwatch with friends
>months go by, get pretty gud
>go to work, standard 8-5 monday through friday with weekends off
>wreck some shit in competitive
>level 60 when friends are 150-200+
>Friends: "Oh shit just hit 250 hours."
>"Damn dude I'm at 220 over here."
>check mine
>32 hours

It literally feels like I've played for so much longer.
I'll play every now and then in 3-hour batches with friends. How is my playtime only 30 hours?

I just can't breach 50 hours in any game I play.

There's anons out there like me.

Shut the fuck up and post more sluts!

Ranked and unranked times are separate did you add them together?


Now that you say it like that user, I did :(

I know that feel OP.

I think "damn I've played the shit out of this game" and its like 40 hours and everyone else has 1 week played.

I also work standard 8-5.


I have a comfy job with a lot of freetime, so im the opposite. Im the only one of my friends who can still put in "serious hours" into a game.

I mean not the 15 year old's 2k in dota type, just enough to get guys if i wanted to.

But playing alone makes sure i don't want to.

Get gud, you gay autocorrect

>no penis

In the trash...

>In the trash...
you go.

>Madison Ivy went from blonde cutie to fake tan plastic doll

i work 8-5, married too. 171h of Overwatch. Not too bad, especially considering its not the only thing i play

My boss just saw me looking at this thread and told me to come up to his office after work ends in an hour, what could it mean?

he's gonna give you ask you where you saw this and recommend a real porn site


You mean 9 to 5?

Blonde doesn't look good on her at all. Fuck outta here with your shit taste


... I've never worked a 9-5 but I keep hearing their existence.

Do you not get a lunch when you work this?

8 hrs work + 1 hr lunch for everywhere I've worked.

Hair color isn't what bothers me the most.

9 to 5, lunch included.

So it's really 7.5 hours and you're kind expected to eat your lunch and work at the same time if it's a busy day


I see. It's a fair tradeoff I guess. It's a paid lunch, but I do enjoy having an hour break, paid or not. Lets me get errands done. I live 5 minutes from work so I can come home, heat up a burrito, and play some vidya for a half hour to decompress before heading to work.

Depends on the company. Some people have cushy jobs that consider the lunch hour an inalienable right, and those are going to be exclusively exempt salaried positions. On the flip side, I work for a government contractor so we have to charge all our hours to the customer. I am an exempt and salaried employee, but the strict timecard system requires that I be in the office working for the exact amount of time they think they're buying from us (40-45 hours a week). My manager is "nice" though, so I am allowed to work through lunch if I take it at my desk, which I do because I work with a bunch of old people that are no fun.

Yea but you gotta wake up an hour earlier.

I work at a nonprofit so the rules are lax.

I clock out for lunch whenever. And for however long I want. Now the longer lunch I take, the less hours I work, the less I get paid. So I'll come in 30 minutes early or stay 30 minutes later to make up for it. Or just eat the half hour wage loss.
Work's gotta get done though. We're 3 IT people supporting 600 end-users who support 80 kids. So if you're taking a long lunch on a hectic day just because, you're being a dick and that's not good for teamwork.
It's kids' lives you're helping, not somebody's pocketbook. Now I can't say that for other nonprofits but our CEO and VP are two of the nicest people alive. I do good work but I'm emotionally unstable so I've had a few outbursts that would have gotten me fired anywhere else.
We're a mental health facility so they understand, so I appreciate that and bust my ass.

Is writing my next book as a published author considered "work hours"?

I'm single and work 24 hour shifts as a fire fighter. Days on, I'm chopping open wrecks and helping ODers and putting out literal fires. Days off, I just NEET it up and play games and watch cartoons all day. Get laid every now and then because bitches love a big firefighter in his 20s with a scruffy beard. Living the dream.

Mei is one of my most played characters because of this fucking skin.

>those deflated tits

sounds pretty comfy as far as work goes

I'm a game developer. When I'm working I wake up at 10am and work non-stop until 2-3am.

I'm a solo dev so I got pretty used to this. Sometimes I just slack off for weeks before getting back to it though.

>8-5 monday through friday
oh man i wish i could work like that
fucking working from 10-7 monday-saturday is suffering

He's going to show you his 2d waifu and fire you for having shitty 3dpd tastes

What game?

It's the comfiest, honestly.
I live in this tiny little town that'd otherwise be desolate if not for the college population.
I pay 575 split between me and my roomate for a 2 bedroom apartment with the nicest landlady in the world. I'm behind an entire month's rent and I haven't heard shit from her. Gonna get straight with her Friday when I get paid though.
I have a walmart .75 miles away for everyday groceries and I never go anywhere really. Fast food joints sometimes. I'm not pursuing women right now, working on paying off loans and building up money.

What's really awesome is the Student Loan Forgiveness plan for working in the public sector and doing something good for the world. You have to make 120 payments, monthly, while working for the same employer. Not your required payment, just payments. Even 10 dollars a month.

So you save people on workdays and give them cancer on offdays?

It's the life. My most played are actually Rein, Mercy, [?]Symmetra[/?], and Tracer though. Mei is like 5th, I just brought her up because it was relevant to my job.

I also work for a government contractor, and I generally have to eat at my desk because I'm busy but can't charge the time because our shitty upper management expects us to be there 8.5+ hours every day

yeah but she did anal so it's all good

I don't want to be a filthy wagecuck either but if I don't do something soon my parents are going to kick me out.

I don't get it. It's not like we're poor or something. Why not just let me live my neet life in peace?