What does Sup Forums thinks of Patapon?
Patapon 2 is the only game I've never finished because of its difficulty
What does Sup Forums thinks of Patapon?
Patapon 2 is the only game I've never finished because of its difficulty
SIE Japan studio is the only good Sony studio right now.
I remember liking the demo of this long ago. Does it emulate well?
Patapon 1- great original game with a cute charm to it. Challenging but fair.
Patapon 2- kind of the same but they overclogged it with all the shit they added like the bazillion classes. also bullshit difficulty with excruciatingly long boss fights
Patapon 3- total shit that adopted some industrial metal soundtrack for some reason
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Yes it does, very well in fact PSP emulation is rock solid.
it does emulate well. Havn't tried the third one yet
Wish they'd have kept the army shit instead of controlling only 4 pons
This game and Crypt of the Necrodancer taught me I don't have any rhythm.
Why are patapons so cute?
Wow, no armies in the third one?