Let's discuss the biggest blunder of the 21st century
Let's discuss the biggest blunder of the 21st century
This is a board for video games, not your life.
>inb4 Bethesda drones claim they don't hear a difference
I noticed it immediately with my cheap headset in game, even without a comparison.
Probably because you have a shit headset, and that was the cause of the bad quality, not the actual sound.
The audio sounds fucking fine. If anything it's clearer.
Meanwhile the PS4 version has perfect lossless audio that is better than the original release. Mustard Race and Xboners BTFO.
I used the same headset to play the original game so no. There is noticeably a problem with the sound, particularly when looting things and when in combat.
My question is who thought this was a good idea?Who at this point like five years after the game's release who wants Skyrim doesn't have it? And why would anyone buy a whole new, full price "special edition" of it just for some new features? And why would they not fucking making sure it's polished first?
Such a bizarre move for Bethesda. That and ESO. Weird, strange moves. Should have just invested in better single player experiences, maybe thrown in co-op. That's what makes Elder Scrolls fun.
We'll get it fixed in a week and will add 26 mods on top of that.
Enjoy your ENBs, mate
>not posting no man's sky
Took me a second
People will buy anything that is marketed. You're a naive little retard if you think anything else is the case. It's smart business and they've been raking in money doing it for 10 years.
Why make the PS3 version playable on a PS4 when they can make a "remaster" and sell it for more?
Likely took them 4 hours to remaster and knew new gen console kiddies would shell out to get one for their PS4/XBox One. At least it's free for the one platform where 64bit matters.
Nothing, not even a pointless remaster like this, will ever approach the disgrace that has been Battleborn's release.
I hope the article goes beyond just implying that "compressed < uncompressed".
Using .wavs is just retarded.
At least the rain doesn't clip through shelters anymore
>we can sell a product twice with very little work
>it also raises the already slowly depreciating price point of the product possibly extending the lifetime
You need to level up your mercantile skills, user.
> And why would they not fucking making sure it's polished first?
Is this your first time on the rodeo, user? Pic related.
Remaster are an easy sell and console players eat them up because the PS4 has no backwards compatibility thats why last gen remaster are so common. The xbox one at least has some backwards compatibility. To be fair though I guess its fine for sony owners because the PS3 version of skyrim was broken and became unplayable after about 60 or so hours.
This remaster was for console's, they gave it to PC players for free because they need PC players to make mods and people have had a modded skyrim for years that was superior.
Will OP ever recover?
>Console players thought they would actually get modding support worth shit
Shots fired!
There's no coming back from that
reminder that bethesda can shit out anything and normies will eat it and ask for more. special edition will sell millions
so everything that ever happens is blunder of the century to you guys, isn't it?
>you guys
you are a part of the hivemind my friend, there's no "you guys", it's "us".
skyrim is the most popular and best selling game since 2011
man, sony is very very is dumb
Only one thing left to do OP.
What's the source on this? Seems like a pretty good article.
top keku
Sup Forums does not have a very good grasp on the meaning of many terms like blunder, flop, cuck, autism etc
so if original skyrim ahd uncompressed audio and it was like 15 gigs, then why the fuck are new games 100 gigs now? I thought the scapegoat was uncompressed audio? It isn't uncompressed textures, cause the textures are still all fucking shit
I've bought this game 3 times, 2 times full price also pirated it once.
cuck means you don't like someone, right?
Not really into futa loli mods.
The lack of scripts for PS4 does kinda bum me out.
Not enough to dissuade me from playing though.
>It isn't uncompressed textures, cause the textures are still all fucking shit
The funny thing is the textures were upscaled to twice their original size but all bethesda did was stretch out the old textures instead of properly re-sizing them.
They fill your hardrive with dolphin porn.
25 years ago there was only a couple of kb worth of dolphin porn.
>proprietary sound and texture formats
I'm mildly intrigued. Are they more efficient?
A cuck is someone who likes to watch other men fuck his wife, ironically its not even an insult to an actual cuckold.
Meanwhile, Skyrim nexus in 2013...
>itt: bethesda underage fans shilling that shitfest as a godly game
Can't make this up
in comparison the PS3 was the weakest version of Skyrim so of course all Sonyponies are happy with any upgrade they get
It has to fit on a Switch cartridge
This is both uncalled for and unfunny. You people are really 14.
Holy fuck
wew lad, so glad I don't buy betheshit only reason I've even played skyrim was because my friend I share steam librarys with has it.
Words mean whatever user needs them to mean.
He considers himself quite the verbal acrobat.
They allow modding, as it would be used to crack the PS4 wide open. Think the Epona or Letterbomb hacks for the Wii, but worse.
This just shows how lazy and incompetent bethesda is, why downgrade for all other platforms when this kind of shit should only be done for the Switch version?
they can't allow**
yet it's much bigger than the original game
To be fair the modded texture would probably look terrible seeing how badly it would clash with the rest of Bethesda's poor textures.
Having a few high-quality assets among a sea of shit is worse than just having a sea of shit.
>Bethesda re-releases an old game with almost no new development cost and little marketing, and sells it at nearly full price
Okay buddy.
>wait what the fuck this is video g-
>mfw i get it
Is Holo impressed by this merchant skill?
>anywhere close to even being blunder of the year
Nice try, Sean
Shut the fuck up OP, you got blown the fuck out.
Given how fast durante fixes games and gives them proper resolution options, i wouldn't be surprised to see them do the same with this but then ask for another 60
It's all Sup Forums ever wants to see anymore. Thank Bioware, TORtanic did this.
>tfw got 100% trophies on PS3
>that frame rate
>that buttery smooth combat
Am I only one who likes original better?
remaster is just yellow piss filter with dof and some cheap volumetric lights
It's an hyperbole.
>new IP
i was talking about new games in general
like COD and Doom and shit
>Such a bizarre move for Bethesda
It really isn't. You just have a very poor grasp on how money is made in this industry.
Making games is expensive, repackaging games is cheap. Bethesda have repackaged a game for next to nothing and sold it to millions of Xbone and PS4 owners. On top of that - they have raked in more money from PC users that didn't own all the DLC but wanted the "free" upgrade.
It's a very smart business move.
Fuck off OP.
It was done to sustain the modding community for Skyrim specifically. It's one of the most modded games which is still actively played 5 years later by thousands of people and people have bitched about the 2.4GB memory limit before the client crashes. This is why people who had it on PC got it for free and Skyrim GOTY was still $40 in places in the world.
Bethesda could have always released the 64bit client but when they managed to negotiate the possibility of mods on consoles (in some way) that was when they probably got the idea to release it as a new release.
SKSE and MCM still don't fucking work, I don't see why people are moving over to it
The same can be said for ds2 sotfs. Except instead of a yellow filter its green and the game is overbaked to all hell
There's zero point to get the game on PC other than being free if you own all the dlc.
You can make an argument for consoles though if basic mods and a better running game is enticing than previous gen is enticing.
I got fucked with the PS3 version being ass back then and only played through the main quest and nothing else as a result. So I'm willing to give the game another chance.
No it wouldn't
only need another year or so to get all the textures to 4k
this is good because we will need a super computer to handle the 60 fps
Include me in the screenshot too!
the fuck is wrong with "FREE" remasters? first bioshock was shit and now this
I can only recommend you requiem mod which basically made this pile of shit one of best rpg i have played. Plot is still retarded but dam son gameplay thanks to this mod is superb.
Fuck off Todd
Probably the hardest platinum for me to achieve. I ended up doing it out of spite.
Thanks bro, I'll look into it.
Gamers are vapid cunts. New shiny+ marketing.
that's why you replace ALL the textures user
Sure, I'm okay to talk about Skyrim's original launch.
Oh shit