Tell me one(1) valid reason why you haven't hacked your Wii U.
>B-But I'm not poor You can still buy games and play them as normal while using all the extra features a cfw offers >B-But firmware Works on the newest firmware >B-But I'll brick it You literally can't brick the thing even if you try >B-but I have no Wii U Get the fuck out then >B-But it has no games You bought a Wii U, find some hidden games that are good
I can't believe how small the screen is on that brick
Lucas Long
Tell us how to do it, I'll hack mine if that means it has a proper GBA emulator.
Asher Scott
...Because there's no cfw yet?
Hudson Cooper
I own literally every game I want on the Wii U short of Color Splash and Maiden of the Black Water.
Isaac Harris
Get out, no one asked you No you didn't Easy as sin, loadiine to play games >GBA emulator Only if it was released on the eshop before
Alexander Stewart
Why are you so mad? You asked. Can't help it your questionnaire is flawed as fuck.
Owen Rogers
What hack? I only have Lodaiine
Eli Moore
loadiine is still good, not the best
Jose James
hmmm.. i dont know why i havent thought about this! usually the stores over here do it for alot of money.
Are there any cons hacking the wii u?
Isaiah Rodriguez
>B-but I have no Wii U WiiU or shit. same shit Fuck off
Literally no cons, it doesnt affect the system not one bit. You can still play online with your real games
Zachary Roberts
Yeah but that's not a fucking cfw I use loadiine but I only have like 2 games because downloading from forums takes forever I'm waiting for freeshop wii u, and rednand honestly Need to buy myself a usb hdd too for that whole loading games off usb thing
Noah Robinson
>B-But it has no games >You bought a Wii U, find some hidden games that are good I already got XCX and Fatal Frame 5 which were the sole reason for the purchase. Not interested in anything else so don't see any reason to mess with anything.
Nathaniel Moore
I am actually thinking about buying a Wii U during Black Friday too bad I dont have friends It has a good size exclusive library I cant get on PC . But can someone explain why I should hack it (besides playing Wii ISOs)
Jaxon Lee
awesome thanks for the tip
Brody Harris
But I do have a WiiU. Why the fuck are you so fucking mad you can't even fucking read what I said?
Jeremiah Myers
>Tell me one(1) valid reason why you haven't hacked your Wii U. I don't have a WiiU. At this point, it's a dead console with the Switch on the horizon.
Jaxson Morgan
>I already got XCX and Fatal Frame 5 which were the sole reason for the purchase Fuck off then, you bought a brick if you bought a Wiiu ONLY for those games
Wii U ONLY has first party exclusives. Some good shit and the best first party on all three systems but literally no 3rd party support
Fuck off
Henry Jackson
But I do have a WiiU. Why the fuck are you so fucking mad you can't even fucking read what I said?
Ryder Green
I have a bunch of digital games and save files and external Harddrive hooked up the wiiU, Is the process going to mess up my games/saves on the external?
Carter Wright
Not at all
Do you want to be stabbed?
Austin Perry
Samuel James
imagine being this butt-blasted for no fucking reason
Luke Rivera
When its complete, then the WiiU is completely worthless until then we have WiiU owners to save
Thomas Murphy
You think I'm buttblasted? Fuck off. I'm saving people
Kevin Kelly
But I do have a WiiU. Why the fuck are you so fucking mad you can't even fucking read what I said?
Elijah Barnes
can I use a flashdrive to do this since I don't have an sd card
Owen Harris
Zachary Edwards
Nigga I will stab you
No, get 15$ to buy a 32GB sd card. Better than the PSVITA owners that had to feel to pay 100$ for the same size
I'm Superman, you are the pedestrian. I'll let you die
John Parker
Justin Barnes
How do I pirate Wii U games? Can you play online on pirated games? Is it as easy as 3DS hacking, I've already done that before.
Jonathan Hughes
No, you need an SD card Even a 4gb card will do. 8 is fine, 16 recommended for big games that won't fit on 8 like Bayo
Liam Cook
>How do I pirate Wii U games? Get an sd card and put a file on it. Turn on Wiiu and go to the browser. 5 minutes, I assure you >Can you play online on pirated games? SOON >Is it as easy as 3DS hacking, I've already done that before From 1 to 10 difficulty If the 3ds was a 10 then the wiiu is a 1
Zachary Anderson
just imagine
Robert Harris
Thats not cfw you dumb piece of shit
Cameron Perry
Some people bought a WiiU and hasn't hacked it to play games FOR FREE Yeah, IMAGINE
Christopher Reed
jokes aside, op, iosu exploit when
Jackson Stewart
It's already out The issue is nobody has made a fucking cfw yet
Austin Collins
Aiden Perez
Where do you find the game rips?
Oliver Nguyen
> tfw using nusgrabber and freeshop to connect directly to Nintendo servers and download my pirated games Is this the biggest ownage in the history of console hacking? At least on the PSP era I had to hunt down shitty mega links for my games. Now I just tap to Nintendo servers and download whatever I want for both WiiU and 3DS
Wiiuiso, make a account and get ready to download games easily or this huy
Jeremiah Collins
Andrew Young
I have hacked it, but there's no fucking games for the thing, and I can only load games off an SD card. I tried loading Wonderful 101, and the game took ten goddamn minutes to load from a 32 GB 95 Mb/s card. I have a 500GB external hard drive I use for my vWii/Nintendont games, can I load WiiU ISOs off a USB drive instead?
Aiden Jones
I'm out of space on my 32GB Wii U and fuck you if you think I'm buying an external HD for this thing.
I'd consider it if USB sticks worked, but apparently you shouldn't use them because flash memory wears out even though the Wii U itself uses flash memory. Fuck if I understand Nintendo's logic there
Isaiah Nelson
I've pretty much bought all of the Wii U games worth playing before this was a thing, I dont care to play Paper Mario Color Trash and every site I try to download #FE from is garbage.
Because I own literally every good Wii U game on disc. 15+ games.
Charles Adams
You should really get Maiden of Blackwater. I bought it thinking it wouldn't be that great but it's honestly one of my favorite Wii U games.
Austin White
Rememer to report threads that instigate illegal activity.
Rememer to report threads that instigate illegal activity.
Rememer to report threads that instigate illegal activity.
Rememer to report threads that instigate illegal activity.
Rememer to report threads that instigate illegal activity.
Rememer to report threads that instigate illegal activity.
Noah Murphy
>every site I try to download #FE from is garbage. Dont make beat the retard out of you SD card or USB?
Aaron Lee
Are you Sup Forums himself? Why are you so mad? It's so easy to point out your posts since you're angrier than the average user.
Austin Perry
Not him, but would I have to wipe my HDD (that already contains save data and a couple small games/DLC) to use it, or would I be able to use the same HDD?
Matthew Cruz
shutup you stupid fucking faggot
Oliver King
NO, IT WILL NOT AFFECT IT BECAUSE IT WILL NOT USE THE HDD Unfortunately yet....................................
Justin Barnes
There's no issues using USB sticks really. Technically (cheaper) sticks do have limited read/writes and games saving and shit may reach that limit; but I'd say it's pretty damn unlikely and just a precautionary measure. However, good luck getting a USB stick with eniugh storage for games.
I'm going to beat you. Daddy is going to beat you, boy.
Jaxson Bailey
My cat chewed up my Wii U tablet charger and I don't care enough to buy a new one. I hacked my 3DS because that opens it to even more consoles with a flash cart. With my 3DS and R4 I can play basically any handheld Nintendo game and a few other consoles, on the go even. With a hacked Wii U what can I even do? I own Bayonetta, Splatoon, and Fatal Frame. Give me one good reason to hack my Wii U.
Luke James
Can you download roms through the Wii U on loadline? Or have to drag it onto a sd card on a PC?
James Ross
Because PC emulation will be better. Also. >nintendo >2016, almost 2017
Wyatt Sanchez
>Give me one good reason to hack my Wii U. Why should he? Just exit the thread nigga
Jason Phillips
>Or have to drag it onto a sd card from a PC? Bingo
Jeremiah Perry
why should I bother? I've got a bunch of other homebrewed consoles/handhelds already and I own every Wii U game I have any interest in playing.
Ethan Morales
Fuck off then, You aren't ready to play games that you were never interested in but were actually good
Samuel Barnes
Because if there's an actually good reason I might do it.
Nolan Cooper
So how do I get eshop and DLC?
Hunter Perez
the only game I want to play right now is #FE, but I donĀ“t have time because pokemon comes out in a few weeks and I also want to buy it so we could get a sequel here, but I am a poorfag
Julian Bell
Adrian Powell
I won't shut up. I know you're the true and honest Sup Forums-tan.
Jason Williams
found everything in pic included for $165
should I?
Ethan Bell
here YES! YES! YES!
Jackson Russell
OP explained all the reasons, if it doesn't interest you you may as well leave the thread.
Could you answer please? as I'm not sure my question was clear that was referring to external HDDs and not the internal storage.
Liam Rivera
you can only load from sd card or usb only saves are stored in these 2
Nathaniel Smith
cemu is a long ways away from being considerably
Joshua Thompson
Im too retarded to tell, is it missing anything I need? besides the nunchuck which i might even need
Charles Myers
To hack it, all you need more is an sd card
Ian Collins
Yeah I know, but I'm saying my external drive I currently use for my (legit) games would ideally be used for pirated ones, so I want to know if it's possible to keep my data already on it rather than wiping it in order to put purated games on it? I have a couple spare USB pendrives if necessary for installing anything smallish but they've rather small storage-wise.
Nathan Hall
B-but I don't wanna get banned
Anthony Murphy
Of course not, Cemu exists.
Gabriel Gomez
cemu has very few games that are playable, and it doesnt have multiplayer like for mario maker
Leo Harris
How hard is it to get the method that allows online play working? I've used loadiine but games load so slow and there's no online.
Jackson Flores
How the fuck do you not break this shit
Jack Turner
Excuse you
Gavin Phillips
The fuck you talking about?
Ryder Powell
>>GBA emulator >Only if it was released on the eshop before
More like only if you can into VC injection.
You can also play almost the entire DS library that way.
Benjamin Long
How big is the average wii u game anyway?
Ethan Torres
Are all the games available to pirate tho? Not sure if I checked in wrong places but I found only like 5 games to download.