Boss regenerates HP

>Boss regenerates HP

>Boss steals your HP with each successful attack.

>Boss is immune to status conditions

>Boss is a boss like a baws

>Boss has a second stage

> fail finishing qte. boss regenerates its health.

>Boss has an instant kill ability.

>Boss is The Boss

>you kill the boss
>another boss comes and is ten times harder

>boss has infinite hp
>still loses

>boss enters the area
>before the fight even starts, he gets killed by an even bigger boss

>boss can summon/revive minions that heal him

>Boss runs away with 1% hp and comes back with 100%

>boss can summon/revive minions that can revive him

>boss has 50 million hp
thanks Yiazmat

thats exactly how boss fight should be, regenerating health, multiple stages and cutscenes, they make boss fight great again!

>each of bosses limbs have health bars

>boss has infinite health
>status effects work on him
>cast doom on him and reflect on your party
>chill out for 200 turns

who are you the boss of anyway?


Being a lazy, worthless sack of shit.


>boss has a short time limit

>boss has a gauntlet room which lasts for 8min after which he will come out
>if you die you have to do the gauntlet again

>Boss is your best companion
>They keep everything you gave them

>Boss has a third stage

Looking at you, Saurfang.

>Too weak to beat boss
>too strong to grind end area mobs to level

> Second stage blinds you with surprise nostalgia tears.

>spoil myself by using an easymode build
>can't gitgud with other build(s) against a boss

fuging ludwig

>Boss resets if you take too long

>Boss regens HP faster then you can possible damage it

>Enemy regenerates health quickly

Fucking Dread Zombies in Oblivion

>boss is roughly the same size as you and the fight is a no gimmick one on one duel.
i love this so much.

>boss has infinite stats across the board
>but so do you

name FIVE games that do this

>boss has a skill that decreases all of your stats

>boss uses drain attacks to heal it's hp and mp
>drain attacks harm the user if used on undead
>you have a spell that casts undead/zombie status effect on whole enemy team or your own party
>the boss just uses a revive on you to ohko if you try to trick him like this

>Boss escapes in such a way that he can't be killed
>However he's no longer able to kill you
>You can just mess with him after that until you get bored

>At the end of a difficult fight that you have had to retry multiple times, there is an extremely short QTE that results in you instantly getting killed if you fail it.

>The last boss is the first boss with an expanded move set

>Boss can only be beaten by a special weapon
>Its shit

>The last boss is a mix of every boss
>Has all their moves but expanded

>Boss has a 1-hit KO move in a turn based RPG

>/asp/ invades Sup Forums
>impossible to defeat it

>it can be reflected

>Boss fight is super easy
>Okay, his next form must be much tougher
>There isn't one

>Boss has a 1-hit KO move in a turn based RPG
>You can only save at save points
>There is no save before the boss
Any turn based rpg that did this was an automatic 0/10, jesus fuck, I don't want to waste another half an hour to an hour walking through random encounters every 1 step just to instantly die to the boss 3 turns in.

>Fighting the chef maniac in dead rising 2 today
>He can eat to regen all his health
>no food anywhere in the kitchen for me despite it being in the fucking food court
I just got done killing the bathroom hippie and that mother fucker tanked all my weapons.

>Boss is really tough
>Second form is harder but not too much
>Third form is literally stands still while you hit it

>boss calls backup whenever he likes it

>Boss constantly spawns lesser enemies that have an obnoxious amount of health to take out
>They heal the boss if you ignore them

>anime girl
her name is machi and ur a fuckin pleb faggot

>Boss spams bullets over most of the screen
>You have enough HP/healing that, instead of dodging, the best strategy is to just tank and hope your DPS is high enough

>Boss messes up your screen

>Boss inverts controls for your toon

>Boss is healed back to full

>Boss summons mooks to fight you while he fucks around in the background

>Boss gains multiple turns

>Boss is incredibly hard with a ton of HP and you barely do any damage
>"Ah, this must be a scripted event!"
>Its not

>boss runs away like a little bitch when he almost dies
>cloak and regenerate to full health if you can't find him


fucking patriarch fuck you

that is why I like Hans more

>boss is two stages
>enemies spawn in after the fight starts so no strategy
>second stage the boss has five different health bars
>restarting for any reason resets progress back to the first stage
>actual fight is a push over
For what reason.

that's adorable

>beat boss in fight
>cutscene after shows you losing like a bitch

Castle Crashers
Cave Story
Dynamite Headdy
Gunstar Heroes
I Wanna Be the Guy

>Boss dies when you didn't do anything.

Castlevania Aria of Sorrow
Dino Crisis 2
Demon's Souls
Final Fantasy XII
Cave Story

>manage to actually win one round
>make a mistake
>motherfucker combo me losing the round
>get a few hits and a small combo halving his life
>pulls a fucking 70% damage combo and sends me flying into the air
>fucking regenerates life

absolute bullshit: the boss

Crash Bandicoot the wrath of cortex

>Boss can counter your attack
>he counter faster than you can attack

>You can kill the only thing the boss loves
Why don't more games let you do this.

>boss has massive semi-skippable dialogue before final form

>Nearly beat a boss on the first try, die when it's almost defeated
>Can't get past the first phase afterward no matter how hard you try

>Boss has several phases
>Last phase is the smallest one.
>same abilities as you.

>you out damage the Boss's heal

>completely demolish boss in battle
>post fight cutscene shows boss getting away completely fine
>fight boss again later

No more heroes kinda does this but a girl instead.

Damn I wish we could have fought Darkstar, he looked hype.

Old Demon King?

Star Fox Adventures :^)

>Boss has access to the same gameplay mechanics as you including parrying, the super mode and the health regen that comes with it

>final boss has a stage for every previous boss
>has a second stage after that
>has an internal stage
>boss still has an true for after that

what game?

X1 Sigma

>Your HP is tied to the Boss's HP.

>Boss has a fourth stage

>boss is supposed to be too tough for you to beat
>dodge all of his attacks perfectly and deal steady damage to him
>cutscene activates where he's kicking your bloody ass across the floor


>boss steals your HP with a specific attack
>it's the only attack that's difficult to dodge

>Chaos casts Cure4

>Boss periodically fires homing attacks not at you but at the cover you desperately need to avoid his screen wide attack that follows
>you can reflect these attacks back at him for huge damage

>Game lets you kill the boss in a cutscene area early on if you take the initiative.

>Every attack boss has is an instant kill

Name four (4) games that do this.

>stealth game
>has boss fights

>You have to fight them without them ever seeing you

>fuck up the final boss
>they flee
>second stage has them at full health but has less attacks
>fuck them up again and they flee
>final stage is a big "fuck you"

his fiery death was fucking brilliant

Shin Miyamoto Tekashi IV: Heart of the Phoenix
Sugio Baka Highschool Zero
Lovedump Gaijin Farm Simulator 2008
Skinner-San RPG Maker