Is it worth replaying?

Is it worth replaying?

I unironically enjoy skyrim

Vanilla Skyrim? Personally I find it way too boring without any mods.

Nah it's shit. Everything is boring, I guess you could be amused with dead is dead while running requiem + a bunch of survival mods for a while.

Play Enderal.

Best Skyrim mods?

not this year. maybe in late jan early feb when all the mods catch up.

Yes, im enjoying it on ps4. I dont have a pc powerful enough for it, so its nice for me. I dont give a shit about mods, only on a second playthrough will I use em. The key is to relax, don't rush, then the repeating dungeons aren't to bad.

Not on the special edition. If you really want to do a new playthrough on the 2011 version with a shit ton of mods go right ahead.

It's definitely worth roleplaying

Man Witcher really makes this game seem like a pool of vomit