I just finished dark souls 2 and I don't get why all the hate. I thought it was a pretty good game in all.
Dark Souls 2
DaS > BB=DaS 3 > DeS > DaS 2
this is the correct order. congratulations
People expected DaS1, and they got something else.
Pretty much that's why everyone hated it.
It's a good game on it's own if you stop comparing it to the others.
If you do compare it it's the weakest of the bunch. But still quite good.
>I don't get why all the hate
Sucked on release
Best of series post DLC
Greatly departed from prior game
Despite the fact this was better
DaS3 sucks ass if the DLC doesn't fix it
>Best of series post DLC
Its "pretty good", but not good like all the other games are. Its dissapointing in every way and its that weird game in a series that never should have existed.
Dark Souls 2 was almost scrapped, but they ended up stitching it quickly together in the end because they realised they can just sell it despite it being a dissapointing game even to the devs themselves.
You can see it in the level design and how the level of detail decreases the further you advance in the game. You get more and more stale environments and the design really starts to shit itself.
Its not bad, but its the only souls game I only played once and didnt have any itch to touch it again since.
>I just finished dark souls 2
I bet you did casual, now try playing the other games.
Not him but try beating Aava in a sl1 run and tell me again it's casual.