He doesn't have long left. Who will replace hm?

He doesn't have long left. Who will replace hm?

That's the drug he is taking at the moment, not the tumor.

He looks like shit

That Northern cunt who did the witcher 3 is shit review

Sup Forums will keep his 60fpsmeme alive forever

I will bros.

As long as you make sure to like and subscribe..

honestly all things considered he looks good. You know the end is coming when you start looking skeletal, like Iwata was.

Well hes dying so.

Asscancer does that to people

It's sad that Boogie will outlive him despite his poor health actually being preventable for decades

Enraged Pedro

>Tfw he got DDP to help him but then bailed on him

He's just a pathetic man, his fans are spineless morons

People keep using that excuse. He hasnt given an update in a while.

>had family history of colon cancer
>had blood in stool but didn't see his doctor out of embarrassment
>had a shit tier diet, soda, pop, alcohol, candy, chocolate, etc
>fat as hell
>eats meat

Sure he didn't deserve to get cancer so young, but it was going to happen eventually with all those risk factors

i dont understand this image, she is a whore?


Please god no.

Mister Biscuit will fall and one of the other Dudes or Ladies from the Internet will absorb his power ala the Highlander.

what exactly is the appeal of listening to shitty people talk about video games for an hour? i mean, they really have nothing of value to say.

I criticize and shit talk most vidya I play. I can replace him if he wanted.

One of the other thousands of youtube gamers. Who gives a shit.

You kids are pathetic.

And yet you come here...

i could do what he does with better gameplay to back up what i say

eat it

boogie literally wants to suicide by fat and yet he carries on somehow

Blood in shit isnt necesserily something to get hugely concerned over. I got over roids and an anal fissure. Shit literally hurt like hell but there was nothing more to it than that

Though that being said, you really should get yourself to a Doctor when it occurs

So do it then. I'd watch your YouTube shit if you can.

DSP is already better than him

my youtube channel just has like short 30 second or less clips, nothing exciting.

Guacamole Gonzalez is just a complete loser.

She's got a real man on the side, as anyone could have guessed.

That white dude looks gay as fuck even if he is /fit/.

Joe's pluging that white girl up and you know it