>Haven't found a worthwhile jrpg in years

>>Haven't found a worthwhile jrpg in years
>>Slowly falling into despair
>>Every few months I go mad looking for new jrpgs old and new but never see anything interesting
>>Remember Sup Forums threads for trails of cold steel had minimum shitposting considering overall shitposting
>>Finally give in and get it for vita after months of thinking about it
>>No japanese va but whatever, I'm desperate
>>Story starts, it shows what you'll be able to achieve in the future in terms of gameplay, that's neat
>>As the story progresses I pay more attention to the va and characters since the story is same old same old
>>The va gets better and better
>>I start falling in love with the story and characters just because of the va
>>I'm actually liking an english dub
>>The story is getting interesting just because of it, despite the character and story tropes
>>My child like joy is slowly coming back
>>Getting excited to finally find another game that can make me feel like this
>>Finish prologue
>>Oh boy let's do this
>>Rean's va goes out
>>W-what's going on?
>>Look it up
>>They took out his va because fuck you
>>Everything feels weird now
>>I can't feel the whole group dynamic now
>>Everyone talks except him
>>Inb4 not your blog

FUCK YOU. FUCK. YOU. I WAS HAPPY AGAIN. I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS NEW ADVENTURE. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS, YEARS!!! I'M LIKING AN ENGLISH DUB, I'M ENJOYING A JRPG STORY. AND THEY GO AND FUCK THIS UP IN THE WAY YOU LEAST FUCKING EXPECT IT BECAUSE FUCK YOU. I give up. I just fucking give up. Developers just can't fucking do anything right. They'll always find something they can do to fuck everything up.

Other urls found in this thread:


at least he still talks in battle

Not a fucking big deal

It is when the sole reason I'm getting into the game is the va and the interaction between the characters. It's not even in the style of taking out everyone's voices for certain scenes. It's just Rean.

Its a great game just keep on playing it. Rean still has scenes where he actually talks. Its just not in all scenes.

>being this autistic

if you give up on the game now because of this you will be denying yourself quite a bit, especially considering there's a 50hr sequel that's just as good, if not better

I think you will get used to rean's voice disappearing during secondary scenes the same way you got used to the english dub in the first place

also if this is going to be a coldsteel thread then can i go ahead and claim laura as my exclusive big damage waifu

After playing so many jrpgs, everything new becomes a blur. It's always the same shit. So what do you do? You start looking for the little things that can somehow add to the same dribble they spout yearly. Mine was becoming the voice acting and group dynamic. They ruined that.

>the sole reason I'm getting into the game is the va and the interaction between the characters
>english dub
Just kys

I payed 40 dollars for this. I'm playing it no matter how angry I get. Make the thread whatever you want, I won't be here for possible spoilers. I also prefer Laura. She has a big sword.

Yeah, I'd probably tell myself that too. But the English va for it actually isn't shit. They add the all important intonations to sentences to express different emotions at the same time. In other words, they don't just read off the script in one tone, they change it up midway all the time. That rarely happens in English dubs, if ever.

yea OP I feel your pain was bullshit how the MC actually has a really good VA but has the least amount of lines in the entire cast

Rean talks all the time

>finally get to hear Sean Memelocks voice again in ~2 weeks because yurop and not having Cold Steel II yet
Didn't want to import. Wouldn't get my savegame transfer bonuses.

there are a lot of parts in the game where the characters have voice acting but when its Rean's turn to start "talking" theres no voice acting its just dialogue that you have to read its very awkward and took a while to get used to it

PC when? I want to experience the joys of headpats.

Rean has the most lines in the entire game.

I agree that it sucks that his voice cuts out sometimes but he still has the most voiced dialogue out of anyone in the game.

shit, really? I never noticed that. Well perhaps because I am used to reading and get really into what's happening and the music.
in 10 years


all the real money is on vita now, we're lucky to even get ps3 versions. pray for crossbell arc some time in the next 10 years

Wouldn't they have to redo the whole thing again from scratch to port it to PC? since i doubt they wasted their time trying to code for the PC

unless I'm totally being retarded and programming doesn't actually work that way.

Is it just the english voices that have this problem or do your complaints apply to the jap version too?

Jap version is the reason for it. Reans' seiyuu was super busy at the time so he could only do a few sessions and Falcom just used that to go full dating sim and have a partially voiced protagonist.

Xseed wanted to add voiced lines for Rean in every scene where he was unvoiced, but Falcom's plate was full of other projects and Xseed didn't want to delay the game just for that.
Apparently you somehow haven't heard any of the Class VII females. Only Emma is decent out of those.

Fie is good.
Laura and Alisa are iffy, but they grew on me.

Falcom got screwed over by their last partner company that did PC ports for them, so probably never. PS3/Vita emulation shouldn't be too far off in the future.

Finishing up Cold Steel 1 right now. Game was a lot of fun and I'm probably gonna start 2 sometime in the near future.

Not sure what happened with this game. I made it to the final dungeon of cold steel 2 and then I just fucked off to start another series




Rean's VA did voice some lines and posted them on his twitter. Dudes cool.


Yeah Rean's VA is what made me pick dub over sub, it just sounds so fitting. Blame Falcom for picking a high demand VA, xseed tried.

Too bad nips had to fuck it up with their fujobait seiyuu.

To be fair, Laura's gimmick is that she rarely gets worked up about anything and Alisa's gimmick is that she's always a bitch. That scene in the second one where Laura is almost overcome with emotion calls for her to actually act, and she pulls that off.

Anyone got the vocaroos?

She was my party MVP in both games.

But considering the way you can customize everyone, it really could have been anybody.

Cold steel 3 jpn 2017. PS4 confirmed. No ps3 and vita still unannounced. It better hurry up after that clusterfuck of an ending to 2

I muted everyone's voices and had the time of my life playing this. The only awkward moment was when someone screamed once in the abandoned building in a cutscene. Literally only that one small instance.

>jpn 2017

good, so we'll be getting it before 2020

>Give Laura Taurus and Domination
>She can now one-shot bosses

Sword Autismfu a best.

Rean's VA is so based that he played Sen 1 in Japanese before he even started dubbing the localised version so he could get a feel for Rean and the cast. And then he did the same with Sen 2.

He's based as fuck, I hope he gets more large roles in the future.

Why is Fie so sexual?

She wants to make a family.

I will always like Chiplock because he came here and gave us and is responsible for the Demon Gaze spreadsheet.

The guy does genuinely seem to enjoy being Rean's VA which make sense since it seems to be his first protagonist role.

That's because he was a normie before he became a VA, not thats it's bad, he's great.

He also gave us this.

Her blade will cut down all evil.

>is responsible for the Demon Gaze spreadsheet

That thing is so damn helpful too. I remember he mentioned one of his favourite games is Radiant Historia, nigga has taste.

She's so cool

what demon gaze spreadsheet if I may ask?

Finally replaced those shitty dubs for Cold Steel through Henkaku; much better now


Class guide, item guide, artifact guide, secrets guide, literally everything.

Nigga I understand you. I feel like some sort of weird creature that can only feed on video games. The problem is, they're all crap, but I don't have the option of feeding on anything else, so I sift through all the crap in the hopes I'll find some kernels of half-digested corn or something. Video games have so much potential but nobody in recent memory has knocked it out of the park. Standards for graphical fidelity, framerate, etc are increasing because technology is getting better, but that's making it more difficult to develop games, because you have to meet a higher minimum standard. The only other option is churning out an indie game but that industry is fucking saturated by get-rich-quick shitstains and egotists at all levels. Even the good games aren't comprised of no shit, they just have less shit. Imagine if every time you ate a meal, there was just a little bit of shit in it. It's frustrating but I suppose I can't complain since I'm not developing games myself. I still play video games and I have a lot of hope for the industry, but it's been a slog, man. So, I get where you're coming from.

Rean is a serial headpatter.

Now replace Xseed's translation to the original japanese one and you're set.

Drunken senpai is clearly best, even have big boobies




I bought jailbreaked PS 3 just to play undub of it.
and it broke on the next day.

>everyone keeps talking about how good the trails games are
>get tits
>bored at 15 hours
I can't handle slow burning games...

Eh many people feel that way. And a lot complained until the ending where their whole opinion changed.

Am I really the only one that thought CSII's pacing was total shit compared to the first Cold Steel...?

I thought it was shit because all the cool stuff happened at or near the end again. That being said the Final Chapter (not epilogue) was the best by far imo. Kinda sucks that these games are basically still prologues for the big one.

Yeah the finale was great... but then it dragged on for another 10-15 hours.

Then there's the whole fact that the pacing is all wacky in Act 1 and 2.

I dislike the bonding system in CS compared to TitS. I miss out on character development since the game doesn't give enough bonding points, and the waifu system basically means that there can't be any meaningful interactions between class members because it would threaten Rean's harem lord status.

God I hate Persona 4's influence in this series. I hope they're doing this because Rean goes all cold steel making bonding redundant and only extra 'if' dialogue. The reason Tits was amazing was because of how they dealt with the romance.

Literally a whore. Don't get burned like I did user, I went in for the hot for teacher fantasy only to feel the sting of becoming a cuck. Be advised.

It's just something to do in NG+. Personally I liked that the events with your party members 'happened' whether or not you chose to hang out with them instead of the Persona system where nothing can happen without your presence.

>entirety of both games is 'heh, nothing personnel kid', nobody important EVER fights you seriously and when they do they instantly kick your ass, even in the penultimate battle of the final dungeon
Is every game in this series like this? I thought I'd be a character of some physical consequence in the sequel but nope.

In Trails, the protagonist and their posse aren't usually that strong, TitS 3rd being the exception.

Well that's bullshit and I'll probably blank on the third one. I'm not up for watching the adults' awesome adventures featuring me, the weakling student faggot. No idea what they were thinking. If defeating the PC is so fucking trivial why is he even present?

>VIT primary on gazer

I'm only right past Neptune but literally why. Do people just not run a Paladin or something?

I read that you can get some unique cutscene(s) if you beat the final boss using mirror characters in NG+.

Anyone know if they're on youtube or somewhere? I couldn't find them myself.

Also this series is one of my all-time favorites and I'm fucking hyped for TitS 3rd. I just wish we'd get the Crossbell games too.

The third. Kevin is boss. A characters that actually knows all the crazy shit happening in the dark.

The archer faggot from 2 that steals my kill? Man, FUCK that guy!

Hey now Wazy, Randy and Rixia are pretty strong knowing their actual identity from zero/ao.
>Talking shit about gate of babylon Kevin Graham

>Hey now Wazy, Randy and Rixia are pretty strong knowing their actual identity from zero/ao.
I know the last one gets her ass kicked by Rean, who sucks.
>Talking shit about gate of babylon Kevin Graham
He was a faggot. Archer characters are all fucking godawful. And for him to trivialize the party's entire struggle the entire game by just ganking the big bad secretly was like the dev spitting in my fucking face. Fuck you, then. Just make a fucking anime if this is how you're gonna be

Has anyone bought any physical Falcom soundtracks? What's the best to buy them and maybe other merch too?

Guess what Kevin knew Wisemen had a fixation on Joshua & Estelle, he stuck around Estelle because she would be bait to give him a chance to close in on Wisemen. Kevin knew Estelle was going to get kidnap by Oroboros at one point and did nothing but played dumb and pretended he cared. He helped Joshua with his stigma only because it would allow a chance to surprise Wiseman during a future confrontation.

I could give a fuck about his motivation, backstory or DEEPEST LORE. I'm just pissed off that the devs that bullshit wouldn't piss me off. It basically shits on all the feeling of accomplishment you've spent the whole game building up to when you finally win. What a swindle. Did I even need to be there for this?

Joshua should have just railed the bandit girl. Fuck this whole thing.

Well stay mad for eternity then. Look forward to Ao for his return.

I turned off voice simply because it's dubbed. Also later learned that Millium is voiced by cuck's sister, so it was a preemptive strike.

Doesn't matter, I won't be buying it. Already got fooled twice.

Trails games are the slowest of burns. Cold Steel is a little faster, if you want.

Good, the less people who like Josette the better.

Millium a cute

On the other hand I thought it was refreshing, adults that are actually doing shit rather than kids somehow becoming the strongest characters and the only saviours of the world, sick of that shit.

Then let me play as the adults.

>not going for the best cake

Like I said. Third.

Something I didn't get is this
>get back to the village after getting some classmates back
>told to rest 1 day to recharge Valimar
>calendar skips 2 or 3 days to the rest day

Is that implying that I stayed for longer or that my adventures in whatever region my class was at that time took that many days?

>tfw want to play cold steel but want to play trails in order

>that means having to wait for TiTS 3 to come out
>that means having to wait for the Trails to Azure and Trails to Zero fangames to be finished

even though trails to zero comes out before TiTS I still have to wait for TiTS 3

This thinly veiled voice actors strike thread is retarded. No one gives a shit about your awful voices in games. It woukd be great if they just got rid of all of you. I miss the days where I didn't have to hear your awkward performance and could actually use my imagination.

>he didn't pick Sara in CS2

Even if you pick her she swoons over Laura's dad in the final dungeon. It's quite disgusting f-a-m.

It's Rean's fault for not growing a manly beard yet.

I stopped mid game to watch that skirt-wrapped ass more times than I care to admit
that outfit was pure sex

You are justifying a whore. Do not be a cuck all your life.

Rean's gonna get that cake
