Completely, utterly...

>completely, utterly, 100% useless pick that shows you don't give a shit about proper team composition or winning because you think you're le ebin l33t quicksk0p3z xD
I report all Widowmaker players.

I think it's time to accept that this game was never good.

I just pick her because she's hot.

Haven't played the game yet. What exactly makes Widowmaker bad?

Its a decent pick on route 66 and dorado. Pop out. Snipe one person and change.

Why are Overwatch players so pathetic?

Fuck off and die, cuntlord. I play who I want.

nothing really, she's a bit underwhelming at top tier since her body shots got nerfed, but most of the time it's just bad players using her. Her unscoped rifle is pretty damn good, as are her bombs thrown into a group, but most people just sit at the back trying to pick off headshots and failing.

>"It's only Quickplay"

This game has too much "NO FUN ALLOWED" shit. Seriously, Blizzard needs to get their shit together and move away from this stupid current meta.

The fact its possible to have a bad pick is a failure of the devs in making a good game.

It's also only a game.

List of characters I report on sight:

In master's elo widowmakers terrify me because they are consistent enough to make up for the lack of a dps slot on their team

Damage isn't very great for a sniper, has to wait for her shots to charge to get full damage. You're better off playing a dedicated DPS hero. She also requires you to stay back meaning she won't be helping to push payloads/capture points most of the time.

Every match you lose is your fault if you pick Widowmaker. This is an objective fact.

Oh I guess you should go and show the devs of smash, dota, smite, overwatch and league how to make proper competitive games then ;)

It's their first online game

Pretty much all of Dota 2 heroes are viable in top play.

I instantly leave a match if I see a Widow on the team. It's a 100% guaranteed loss, no exceptions. You're playing 5v6 and you will lose.

Remove all the uniqueness of the characters. Done.

How do you know you'll lose if you always leave before the matches are over?

Add Rein and you've got a good list.

>Attacking on Hanamura
>See a Widow and a Hanzo on your team

What do?

>he never played against a good widow
she literally rapes you

Is she bad if you can consistently get headshots, even while in midair? Not saying I can, just curious

Widowmaker as a singular character actually isn't all that bad and, before her damage nerf, was one of the better snipers in games like these. The issue is that she is completely outclassed on every level by the rest of the cast so she is really easy to shut down due to that and the relatively small size of the maps.

Add that to the fact that the game is 6v6 and most people are dogshit with her on top of all this and you can pretty safely bet your left testicle that you are going to lose the match if you see her on your team in solo que. She can definately work, even more so out of solo que, but even then she is pretty much being carried by the rest of the team.

Her and Symmetra need a serious rework even for casual play. Her being viable in competitive isn't even the main issue. She just isn't a good pick.

Report, Block, Leave.
I'll take the penalty, fuck shitters.

nigga why?

Leave the match

Or pick a character you never use and try to have fun with it, because you aren't winning that one...

>friends keep talking about overwatch
>decide to try it
>play all night, trying ever character
>sprint isn't standard, it's one character's unique abiliity (on cooldown)
>ADS isn't standard (it's one character's unique ability)
>every character walks everywhere
>every character (sans S76 and WM) hipfires their weapons
>pace of the game is extremely slow
>the 20 to 30 second walk back to the action after respawn kills the momentum

Like, the game isn't bad by any means, but it's just so unnecessarily bogged down by things that FPS games suffered from in the early 2000s. If you've played any other triple A shooter, Overwatch feels clunky and slow by comparison.

t. sub 3k shitter

what the fuck kind of defense is this lol

"MGS5's ending was disappointing/unfinished"

"it's also only a game"

>sprint isn't standard, it's one character's unique abiliity (on cooldown)

This. I've seen a couple good Widows, even had one guy who was absolutely godlike with her carry a match attacking on kings row because the other team wouldnt switch to counter him, and when they did get a winston he never got close. Unfortunately 99% of the time they end up being a wasted pick because the majority of people playing overwatch are retarded and pick her attacking, on maps that have no good areas for her to utilise, or most of the time they're just straight up terrible and can't get kills.

So you're pretty wrong on all facets and the bait is real. But I'm gonna single out one point

>ADS isn't standard

Why the flying fuck would you care about this at all on PC?

Snipers are unfair in competitive FPS games.

>He likes Sprint
>He likes ADS
>Thinks these are actually making AAA shooters play better

Why would I EVER play Overwatch when, apparently, no matter how well I perform or what character I pick, I will be constantly shit on?

Why are modern gamers so utterly unpleaseable?

Why are you so retarded that you have to ignore context, you fucking stump?

>ADS isn't standard
Found the console player, your opinion is instantly worthless.

So you're having fun down there in Bronze, user?

>makes the hottest female useless
blizzard social commentary

>Call of duty 2 Look up throw grenades one shot with kar

>Call of duty 3 complete shit

>Call of duty 4 mw starter gun is best gun look up throw greandes at spawn

Come on nigga that shit aint abap

I knew we had some 'tism on Sup Forums but goddamn

Why is Overwatch hacking so rampant?

Blame the large shitty poorly designed maps full of areas you will never use and chokepoints on top of unnecessary death drops and for some reason spawn has a long and short way as if anyone uses the fucking long way unless Mei clockblocks them

>thinks all guns should have ADS for a good modern shooter
>CS:GO says hello
>time to kill is relatively high, as is time to return to action
>having to consider if its worth you engaging your enemies at a certain point because dying by yourself has consequences to your teams effectiveness as a group

Wow. I can't tell if this is b8. If it isn't then you're literally retarded.

>>pace of the game is extremely slow
this is a legitimate problem with the game

anyone who isnt S76 or Lucio is objectively a terrible experience to play regardless of your performance

>>CS:GO says hello

Doesn't matter what you play this game on

>Play it on Xbone
>Get matched with one of the biggest assholes I've ever had to work with
>Sounds like he can't be older than 12, really high-pitched voice but doesn't sound feminine at all
>Constantly cries about how he plays the game on PC and seems to think he's God's gift to gaming because of it
>Constantly crying about how the team sucks and that I should pocket him (playing Mercy)
>We just barely lost
>Eventually get fed up with his shit and mute him

Reminder to report all Zarya players. Zarya is known to be OP hence her massive nerf on PTR, so using her is exploiting.

>because the majority of people playing overwatch are retarded and pick her attacking

Nah, you're the retard because most top Overwatch players would agree that she's better on attack, especially on payload maps

All memes aside, the shittiest thing about playing OW on console is that you can't report people like this as easily as you can on pc. Even if you can finagle a way to report them, it's through Microsoft/Sony so nothing will actually come of it.

>mfw I started raining Zarya
I had no idea she was so good.

>top overwatch players
>picking Widow at all instead of Hanzo or Mcree

Don't forget about picking bastion on attack alongside her. Those two sitting on the payload is the current meta and any shitter that says otherwise is still stuck in bronze.

>top Overwatch players using Hanzo ever
o i am laffin

>you need to be a top player to have an opinion on how fun something is

Hanzo probably saw more tournament this weekend than 76 and Pharah combined.

>you need to be a top player to have an opinion on balance
Fixed. If you're sub-diamond, you have no valid opinion on matters of game balance.

>Hanzo saw more play than two of the least picked heroes in the meta
Wow what a fucking achievement lol fuck off

>maps are insanely small and all paths just lead back to the single choke point in the entire map
>no decent spots for a proper line of sight to provide long range support fire due to all the walls
>snipers were added into the game

That's where Blizzard lost me.

junkrat and dva i feel can get around enough.
and ocassionally pharah if u know how and when to use her "E" to help u move

>"top players never use Hanzo"
>Hanzo saw decent play at an Overwatch tournament
>"lol fuck off"

>makes believe the purple alien is female

>implying balance only happens at top tier

There's different aspects of balance at all skill levels you aspie. Remember at launch the Bastion haterz who didnt understand his rudimentary counters? In bronze or silver Bastion would be OP as hell.

I'm going to play the next 20 matches as Widowmaker just for you, OP.

There was no hidden context.

Complaint was made about the game. Counter argument was "well it's only a game".

top players = niggas with aimbot

Have you learned nothing from CSGO?

whos talking about balance, nerd

id rather play literally any other shooter with conc jumping
still slow even in her "boost" that only lasts like two seconds
literally slower in the air than on the ground

If I am forced to play support I only play ana, how cancerous am I?

>proper team composition
This is how you tell a bad game.

but he's the only necessary character

Are you implying Genji and Tracer are slow

we gonna pretend that tracers walkspeed doesn't feel way to fucking slow


they have the same base move speed as everyone else, tracer's blink is very short and has almost no verticality, and the maps do not make genji's wall climbs actually useful for going fast

even without his speed boost, lucio can get around MUCH faster, but he actually does have a speed boost mode, and S76 has an infinite sprint, making them the most fun characters in the game

Yeah turns out characters can have mobility that doesn't equate to walk speed. Imagine that.

This, everyone feels slow besides Lucio

She's very good in the right hands. Which is only like 1% of people who use her.

Genji and Tracer move slightly faster than everyone else
Other than that, you're right, movement speed is universal

This. The awareness from wallhack ult is amazing, and if you're uncountered, anything not hiding behind a rhein shield will die, which then forces their team to cluster, which makes them easy pickings for teamwipe ult combos from Zarya or beyblade.

If you're good, you can usually force two people to counterpick in order to put enough pressure on you to remove you as a serious threat, which is generally enough to force their comp to be fucked enough that they're ineffective.

That is true.

It is only quickplay. I can understand that, and I can understand that is why you see most of the retarded shit in there because there is nothing at stake. Nothing to lose or win, because it is quickplay.

But when you bring that 47 chromosome baby-back bullshit in competitive that is just crossing the damn line.

So yes, don't be upset in QP, because you should know by now that this is where all the "just a game mang" people gather. Save your anger for when it is really needed.

How good with ana are you?

i didnt notice it in my brief play and honestly they are deeply unfun characters to use

overwatch, in general, suffers from too low a movement speed of projectiles compared to characters, making it hard to hit people with all the projectile weapons, but also too slow a general movement speed, making movement to the front very slow. games like Tribes or UT or even Quake had quite high movement speeds, but they had you enter the furball basically as soon as you spawned, or in the case of Tribes, had you move INCREDIBLY fast (and in a satisfying manner) to get to the line of battle. Overwatch has way too much dead air of moving from the spawn to the front or flank to be fun and has too little in terms of flanking opportunities or characters fast enough to flank to be fun

>no matter how well I perform or what character I pick, I will be constantly shit on

That's up to your own judgement. If you are truly playing by the objective and doing well by your own with your hero then fuck whoever with whatever they have to say. The fuck you looking for an approval from some shmuck you don't even know you faggot.

If you seem like your trying (balancing when you throw grenades at teammates vs. enemies), sleep people who ult with some semblance of consistency, and stay with the team and don't get too wrapped up in killing, you're far from cancer. She's alright; but if the map works better with Lucio like a KOTH match then please switch when necessary.

Well do remember the fact that she is a healer. There. That's all you need to remember. Because half the time I see Anas they seems to think they are Widows with self heal.

>The fuck you looking for an approval from some shmuck you don't even know you faggot.
it is LITERALLY L I T E R A L L Y a member of a gregarious species' DUTY to make others happy

gaming is therefore an untenable hobby, because your fellow gamers will always be totally unpleaseable. even in just the case of Overwatch, if you pick Bastion, you're a turtling faggot. Pick Hanzo or McRee and you're a rushing non-team-player faggot. pick any support and you're a slut who's not contributing to damage output. pick a tank character and you're even worse. there is no way to not get shit on, not even in Quick Play.

The same applies to 100% of other multiplayer video games, even those that just have leaderboards or a repository of saved games to look at.

Yes, even the Tropico series is unplayable because your island will get you hate mail and death threats from random people because of trivial issues, despite your game going just fine in objective terms.

Mei and Ana killed this game

placing the blame on any other character is pure projection

>widow please switch
>potg, 500 gold medals, 300 kill streak
Feels good.


You are such a dumb stump, please for our sakes stop posting for the rest of the day or night.

That counter argument works for that "complaint" (it was more like a comment but okay).
You're being stupid and applying that counter argument to an irrelevant scenario.

Again, take a break from Sup Forums. Just go away.

If this game had no tanks or healers it would be way better

>even the Tropico series is unplayable because your island will get you hate mail and death threats

Remove defense entirely and the game would be perfect


I'm going to play Symmetra on offense and there's nothing you can do. Unless there's going to be an unranked mode with ranked ruleset, Quickplay is going to be my place where I am going to fuck around with no regard to my teammates.

But that's not Pharah.