Find a flaw.
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tacky tattoo
Too skinny
she's not real
She could have been a better party member, good at the start of the game but sort of becomes useless.
I'd rather be dominated by lighting and fang
I still don't fully understand FF13-1 story.
Thin as a rake.
Tacky tramp stamp on her thigh
That fucking accent
she was absolutely insufferable...
>Get to Gran Pulse
>Death Spam to get Growth Egg
She also is the second best Sab and can be the best depending on the opponent.
She's a dyke.
This nigga knows what's up.
she's not on my dick
Doesn't like Sazh black cock
Underage incestuous lesbian.
>sort of becomes useless
>only character with the death spell
>the same spell that can easily hit for 999,999 damage everytime you use it ontop of the death effect
Vanille is top 4 easy, she just doesnt compare to Hope for the more generic fights but when you need her to kill some of the tougher enemies in the game she's on par with Fang for retarded damage
She's in FFXIII
She sounds like an American who's trying to sound British by aping Daniel Radcliffe's accent, but ultimately just sounds like an Australian woman having a seizure.
>that scene where she friendzones Hope
Her game is shit
>Sounds American
Can we stop this meme? Vanilla's voice actress is a fucking Australian, Fang's wasn't.
>playing with dubs
Vanille's a oddity to me. Everything about her appeals to me. I don't even mind her voice, really. But for some reason, she doesn't really stand out as one of my favorite FF females. She's high tier, but not top tier. Best fap in XIII though because Serah spends most of the game as an icicle
Which is strange, considering that her voice actress is actually Australian.
English dub has some weird pseudo Australian accent, she acted like she was innocent while hiding info from the party, probably a communist.
Her name is stupid
Not sitting on my dick.
Her VA making Vanille sounds
Not enough porn of her and Fang.
>Doesn't realize Hope is the one who friendzones her
From the thumbnail I thought a bear was pounding her from behind
Gross, what an old hag!
Vanile and her damn sex moans.
Someone should use this audio for vanille sfm porn.
I really liked the scene at Nautilus, when she said her full name it gave me chills
Being in such a terrible game really drags her down.
it talks
Man, I've seen nep pics in every single thread I've opened today, what the hell is going on here?
>use summon's gestalt mode
>has an orgasm
well then
Not blowing me off.
she's few hundred years old, bro.
- the nose is plain ugly
- mouth upper lips is too small
- bottom eyelash arent the greatest
5/10 I would hit if drunk
She's riding a vibrating metal rod, think about it.
>mfw I know from where this comes from
Feels good
My problem with Vanille is her character is super retarded and ditzy, she has the mentality of a 12 year old.
>"OMG you guise, my bff Fang and I are gonna go hang out. Like I have no idea what is going on, what are we doing again?"
She reminded me of your stereotypical blonde girl who is dumb as a sack of rocks and oblivious as can be, she's pretty to look at but insufferable to be around. Not sure what the point of making her character act like that way was, also her English VA was pure garbage, I'm talking from KING GARBAGE of the GARBAGE DYNASTY.
she's in the 2nd shittiest mainline final fantasy game
>600 years old
thats because she's a filthy fucking liar and she's hiding the fact.
she's knew all along who become ragnarok and scarred cocoon, she knew who was responsible for turning Dajh into a L'cie causing Sazh to go through what he did.
she was designed the be the MC which is why she does all the narration for the cutscenes and what not but they eventually changed that and pulled another FF12 with having the MC be a side character to the plot.
Its a conspiracy.
The reason why she acts the way she does goes over so many people's heads that I have to wonder if they even played the game.
>people bashing FFXIII / one of its details
>having played the game
Choose one.
Majority of the FF13 haters are literal tryhard wannabe fit-ins, parroting some e-celeb of theirs or repeating ancient memes.
She just wanted to die, she was so depressed for all the shit she has caused for a lot of people, at least that's how I see it, it's pretty good character development
I don't think a L'Cie brand counts as a tattoo.
When you get to Oerba and this song played, that was a good moment.
>Want to play the XIII trilogy again
>I am complete autist and want to get the platinum again, my old account is gone
>Afraid that SE will anounce a pack for PS4
Yeah I'm not sure what that shit counts as. Like Chrom's shoulder in Fire Emblem.
Still shit though.
>want to get platinum again
jesus fuck never again, the fucking hours spent reloading the game to farm the adamantoise in eden for plat
on the flip side, pretty fun to get my kill time to just over 1 minute
I've always wanted her to take those cute shoes off. Same with Rikku
Not Lightning.
I liked the part where she moans a lot and is acting dumber than she actually is but not really.
>tfw when Vanille would have been a better MC than Toriyama's slut
At least the music wasn't too bad.
I want to make her squeal.
I hate this game but holy shit the music was amazing.
She was the best character in the game, but they didn't really go anywhere with her.
>You know you have been on Sup Forums too long
>Thought the piece of fur was a buttplug tail
Her actual character is shit.
Her only flaw is that there isn't even a tenth as much porn of her as there ought to be.
Her and Sazh. They had some actual humanity to them. Something that was severely lacking all throughout the XIIlogy.
nothing. her and fang are top tier girls and the reason I played FF13 to begin with.
What made 13 so forgettable was the fact that it felt so dead, take 13-2 for example, those little details the game had, throwing mogu, the ability to jump while exploring, that you had to attack an enemy if you wanted to start the fight properly, the fact that you could talk to people, small things that even games like neptunia got properly, but 13 couldn't, I'm gonna be really honest, my dick bought 13, and my dick made me to finish it, and I'm glad I did, because the world, the lore, and the music is god tier, reaching oerba was one of the best experiences I ever had, and that's why I appreciate it, but I can understand the hate the game has, because technically it's bland as fuck
It's hard to care for Coccoon when it's impossible to even get a grasp of the layout or what's next to what.
I really think it has the best FF soundtrack, Hamauzu is absolutely based.
the battle music is some of the best battle music I've heard, and the rest is great too.
>tfw need more fang stuff
Who is she (male)??
Vanille's Theme is pretty based too, used to study this all the time.
She was voiced by an Australian woman who has seizures, so what's the problem?
She's the inferior lesbian partner
Why is she anorexic?
You'll shatter both your and her pelvis during coitus
Too bad most XIII SFM is lightning "personality of a brick" farron and her marginally better sister.
She has the Ass of a brick too.
What is this from? Why too detailed and sexual to be real?
literally this, if i would upvote you I WOULD!
There is no flaw.
FFXIII is a great game.
Please tell me there's more.
>you will never be that eidolon
Almost 0 good porn
I take it you haven't seen the album where she is shoving Fang's face into her ass.
He said good.
She's not on the flaw begging for my cock.