>item drop rate is 0,001%
Item drop rate is 0,001%
Used to have a friend who would grind out items with insane drop-rates like that all the time. Eventually found out he was hiding a meth addiction.
>search for thing
>accidentally search for it in the area where it appears rarely
>find it first try
yeah fuck you Yuffie
Name literally one (1) game that does this shit.
The first Xenoverse.
The World Ends With You on the DS.
Literally any Korean MMO.
>curved bone 1/5000
>pet 1/3000
>mfw getting the useless bone
Diablo 2 has several items with a .00000X drop rate that can only drop off a select few enemies/2-3 areas.
>have an item
>don't think it's worth much and throw it away
>it becomes super rare and valuable sometimes after
Doesn't EverQuest have drop rates even more asinine than this? Hell, a ton of MMOs in general?
Pokemon, Monster Hunter, most MMOs
except that korean mmos have .01 as the lowest always. a whole other decimal point is insane rarity
>tfw you have 5 curved bones and no pets
1/255 chance of finding enemy who has 1/255 chance of dropping weapon
>Key Item
>Doesn't disappear from inventory after you use it
Borderlands 1 2 & Presequel.
Why did people ever played MMOs in the first place?
Games where items mean more than skill should be avoided like the hot trash it is
>keep getting the rare item instead of the uncommon item that you need
Ragnarok Online is notorious for this
FFXI did it
>Item has a low drop rate
>Enemies eventually stop spawning if you kill enough of them
>Drop rate is low enough that you can go whole playthroughs without getting the item even with grinding
Don't make me bust out the Ragnarok Online drop tables, user.
Beat you to it
You poor innocent child; I am sorry, you couldn't have known.
>Your character's name locks you out of whole tables of loot
Nigga I just want (You)s
>Get a worthless box that's only 3 cents on the market
>Don't even bother selling it because they're so common it'll never sell in my lifetime
>Come back months later and look at market value of worthless box
>It's now ultra rare and easily worth a whole dollar
I still don't understand why people actually buy crates in valve games. There's literally no chance of getting your money back. It's essentially gambling where you KNOW the house always wins. Whatever though. I sold that crate and bought a cheap game.
dont remind me
nigga you don't even understand, no
most KR MMOs of the maplestory or RO clone variant have some items with a droprate under 1/10,000,000 off of bosses on global 6 hour and even up to 48 hour+ spawnrates, global as in you WILL get KSed by a stronger player 100% of the time, and the stream of minmaxers looking for that loot will last literally forever because of the rarity, they will build timers and spawn location algorithms just to be able to camp it's spawn point exactly when it spawns and kill it before anyone else even pulls their weapon out. You probably never played xlegend games, or la tale, but those are great examples of artificial item gating of that level.
>someone gets it on their first try
>takes me over 100 tries to get it
Fucking dreamcast drop rates man. I don't see how anyone was supposed to find anything legit in that game.
>someone gets it in under 10 tries
>I've spent several economies worth of currency already and still haven't gotten it
TERA sure was balanced before the MW change am I right
my record was 3455 MW scrolls. I didn't get the masterwork, I quit. A friend of mine MWed his entire gearset in 145 MW scrolls. I went back and played again recently and enchant correction is the best thing ever because I could just reach fucking 100% correction before that happened again. Already pushed it a few times, I reached 50%+ correction multiple times. I am apparently blessed by the god of misfortune, it has always been so.
Shin Megami Tensei
I actually remember playing the game on an emulator in middle school and I once ran into David in the Echo Building. I didn't know what the fuck was going on and thought it was a glitch.
Ragnarok Online.
>card has a 0.001% drop rate
>only drops off a boss
>boss only spawns once every 24 hours
>boss spawn point is always camped by at least 5000 people, further lowering the odds of you getting the last hit and claiming the card
How the FUCK is anyone supposed to get one of these?
>One day at Sega HQ
>"The Dreamcast will be the greatest and last game console ever"
>Our drop rates will be high because it'll be the only online experience console players will have or need
Any rare mount in WOW.
Autism that shit. I only saw one Tyrael's drop and I leveled 3 level 99s in 1.10, which is about 60-65K baal runs total, more if you are in pub runs.
also infinitely more useful in a game with trading.
Looking at you Proof of Concord Kept
>best weapon in the game can only obtained by doing certain things you wouldn't know unless you read a FAQ
>tfw the rare item is in a game with easily manipulable RNG
Thanks for all the Gloria Helms
I will never understand the reasoning behind the zodiac spear being this way.
That's only like 1/3000 and it looks like they spawn 75 at a time if I'm reading it right. Doesn't sound that bad.
>spend hours to get best weapons
>can beat the final boss with the starting weapon
To sell guides.
When you don't focus on gameplay and instead just endless plot triggers, you tend to take the same approach to exploration and items. To the FF team, an item in a chest isn't a simple reward for the effort you did getting to the item. The item itself is the point. And in order to make the item seem more rewarding, they put up shitty artificial difficulty walls.
>incredibly rare/arduous to get item
>need multiple for crafting the end item
>when crafting it has a 50% chance to fail and destroy all items used
>You can use the weapon to beat the final boss
>Turns out the final boss takes more damage from your regular weapon than the special one that's suppose to do more damage
Fucking Biggoron Sword.
The worst part about FF XII's chest wasn't just the zodiac spear bullshit, it was the fact that the chances themselves had drop rates associated with their contents.
So you could get some gear that'll save you some money from having to buy it. Or some useful consumables.
Or you could get
>Rust Knot
>Rust Knot
>113 GIL
>Rust Knot
But Ganondorf actually does take more damage from the Biggoron Sword. Its in his Ganon form that he doesn't, since its a plot device. Fun fact, Ganondorf also takes more damage from the Goron Hammer.
... So?!
It's the fucking Blade of Evil's Bane, nigga. Procuring it is vital to banishing Ganon in previous games. Of course it'll do more damage.
The Biggoron's sword is still baller and you can use it all game after becoming an adult.
Pure Bladestone in Demon's Souls has a higher drop rate. Still took me over half a day farming.
Nigga, if it's 1 in 0.001 you're extremely lucky to get it in 100 tries
You could go for literally years and years
>End-game content is gated by RNG
>To reach more end-game content, you either grind out lower tier areas and build up to the higher ones getting lucky drops
>Some items can only be farmed in specific end-game areas
>Some of these items have only a few methods of collection, being through these areas or far more expensive, far less likely areas
>Costs of specific areas with best items are roughly twice as much as others
>Drop rates are still nonexistent
Name the game.
Breath of Fire 3's strongest weapon, the Goo King Sword, had a 1/256 drop rate, which after 5 hours of grinding feels like the same thing.
Well, their spawnrate and AI certainly don't fucking help matters. Putting incredibly rare items on incredibly rare monsters with a high proclivity to fucking run away before you even get a turn is fucking bullshit. Or is that BoFIV. Same difference, both you get the best weapon from GooKing.
I'm guessing this is fucking Path of Exile. I never hit the "end game" in that but this is how I've heard it described.
>rare item
>the boss/enemy that drops it is only fought once
the division
That's correct.
I also forgot:
>Some special end-game maps require either trading for them or grinding out the not special variant until it drops
Unique Maps being gated by their base is literally retarded.
Was the chests on the beach thing even intentional, or just a way to game the RNG in order to get it every time, guaranteed?
That one chest in the endgame dungeon with the .1% chance of having the spear seems like a more standard way of placing such a weapon. Maybe the beach method was just a fluke?
like 50% of things in korean mmos
>costs more in supplies than ithe drop is even worth
>Not good xp, frustrating, buggy, and drains your savings
New RuneScape fucking sucks. They're trying to make things "difficult" by giving everything a one-shot attack but they're making pointless content no one enjoys with their shitty tick system
Seeing as how the official guides for the game SPECIFICALLY have warnings about opening the zodiac spear chests (source: I bought the guide for 3 bucks while buying FF 12 used), I believe it was intentional.
Like, the chapters about areas with the chests had it in the index of shit in the area, and the page with the map would have a little sidebar warning you that it was a zodiac chest.
Not as bad as many examples ITT, but still, a full day's grinding, man.
>Run up to Silver Knight, wail on him
>Then his buddy
>Sprint down to Bonfire
>Stand up
>Repeat ad infinium
Doesn't help they Nerfed Anri's Straight Sword.
>the sheer amount of ghosts I saw farming for ears while I was doing the same
>All of us wearing mimic hats and holding crystal rapiers
It was a glimpse into hell.
Just do PVP you pussy.
Even if you're playing offline, you're probably better off going to NG+8 or whatever and taking them off off the NPC invasions.
>Used to play Runescape 2
>Used to play Old School Runescape
>Items I really wanted that have retardedly low drop rates
>I could hypothetically play for as long as I possibly can and not receive the item drop
>Search it drop on youtube
>Defeats monster the 1st time
I used to grind SoJ's in D2 on this bitch while listening through every audiobook of A Song of Ice and Fire. That's almost 220 hours.
I found 1 even though the odds aren't nearly as bad.
>PVP back when blueberries couldn't get summoned at all
Wew lad
>It's faster to do them 1 at a time every 10 hours instead of 1 every hour
As for PVP, it's not a matter of being a pussy, it's the fact Fromsoft literally made it impossible for many to pop their Darkmoon/Sentinel queue because summon order is based on account age. If there is ANYONE with an account younger than yours (made more recently), in Sentinels (and same area) or Darkmoon, they get priority over you for next Way of Blue summon.
So accounts 3+ years old basically can't get summoned.
And the workaround to get it working is retarded as fuck and shouldn't be necessary.
Couple that with the fact the workaround only works on Playstation and PC and you shafted an entire leg of your fanbase out of a game mechanic for no reason.
And if I remember right Delsabers weren't common enemies, you would only see a few in a Ruins run.
they get summoned now?
for real though why not just cheat them in?
Tree of Savior
Oblivion had the worst quest items. Half my shit was undroppable
Holy shit, is this for real? That's the most retarded system I think I've ever heard of.
>Grinding for pet items in Ragnarok Online
>Never, ever get the pet I want because the area and the monster the pet taming item dropped from was basically a warzone that you either dominated with your group or did you best to not stay longer than need be
>Play a high drop rate server years later
>Still takes me a four hour's worth of grinding just to get it
It was worth it because nobody else had an Injustice as a pet even on the private server.
What's the problem? Kill 1000 enemies and you're guaranteed the drop.
every f2p game
Because cheating is bad.
Why not just give yourself the achievement with an achievement manage by that logic?
You're welcome to, but it shouldn't be necessary to make a chunk of the game not a dragging nightmare because you can't be assed to fix your game.
>Item has 20% drop rate at all the sites you visit
>After 58 one hour dungeon run attempts, you never got it and gave up.
20% MY FUCKING ASS. Still mad to this day.
And they couldn't just patch that shit out. Like honestly, lazy fucks.
>Spend 3 weeks gathering candies
>Bite and Twister
having some moral stance about cheating isn't going to make the grind any more bearable.
Besides, you literally cannot cheat in a single-player game.
And adding onto this, IIRC some drops...
>Ass drop rate
>Rare enemy variant
>Normal variant rarely shows up in the first place
What game and item?
Narrator for those books is just awful couldn't get though a chapter
>Rivendare's Deathcharger from World of Warcraft
>Later had a nerfed drop rate to 0.01%
>Then 0.1%
>Now it's 1% drop
For awhile nobody knew how the fuck the queue worked and people who had been playing games for years (most of Sup Forums) could get no play.
Because soft ban and cheating is bad, mmkay.
It's real. Sadly.
>Got Blue Sentinels from what's his fuck in the Swamp
>Equip 'dat shit so I can help defend the weak and earn some rewards
>Finish first major boss fight without it popping once
>Fuck around for rest of game swapping back and forth between Sentinel/Darkmoon when I found it and Grape
>When I hit 30 Shackles from Grape Dank Covenant, I am at 1 Concord from NPC fight
>This is the point where I'm 2 bosses out from beating the game blind
>Look up the fuck is wrong with these Covenants
>Begin weeping as I plan my Luck build to farm that shit
>No fix, ever
>item has a 0.000001% drop rate
>soft ban
that doesn't happen though
>0.5% drop rate for each parts of new prime warframe
>51 20waves T4D for the last part
I will never ever play that dead and shitty game
fucking DE