>spooky day
>no good spooky threads
What the fuck is wrong with you, Sup Forums? Too "muh churr" for Halloween?
Spooky day
why the fuck is his ear so big
how does he expand his ear like that???
he's listning to how much of a big faget you are
What's up with his enormous ear?
I fucking loved these cartoon network specials.
Comfy as fuck.
Grandma Got Ran Over by A Reindeer was comfy too.
Choose your character
Are you me?
That's a big ear
No, you're literally everyone.
I might be, I've always wanted to meet my other half
>deceased characters | main antagonist | stands
Seriously, where's the fucking stream!?
I am dead inside and can no longer find vidya spooky.
>always play spookies in October
>just wasn't feeling it this year
>tfw been off Zoloft cold turkey for more than a year now ever since I ran out of insurance
>my anxiety feels more amplified than they have been
>try playing Eternal Darkness
>low sanity makes me feel very uncomfortable and cause my breathing to be heavy
>try watching Eraserhead
>VERY uncomfortable when they first introduce the baby and feel like I'm about to have a panic attack when the baby gets some sort of illness that makes it look like it's about to die
>watched Star Wars: Episode VII in theaters
>already knew the big spoiler, but was having heart palpitations as that certain scene was happening
Feels like I can't enjoy anything I like anymore.
>last year
>non-stop halloween/horror game threads throughout most of october
>this year
>barely any and ones that do pop up die shortly after
I guess everyone stopped caring about Halloween this year. I blame the elections.
I fucking HATED all of the Cartoon Network Specials. They would play fucking back to back sometimes and they were gay SHIT.
I can't understand why people actually liked these straight to VHS monstrosities.
But Scary Godmother was kind of hot I'll give you that.
Not able to get insurance from the state? You shouldn't be denied medical attention especially if it's interrupting your ability to live a normal life, user.
Welcome to (probably) America, where health care is monetized!
You don't get a welfare check? It sounds like you could probably get it if you applied. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed about, user.
Guy who posted here.
I'm American (Michigan), but I'm just a stupid soon-to-be-20-year-old who doesn't really know how to go about this.
What should I do?
what the actual fuck is this
>got 1 of the 4 dark devas of destruction
It's his sutando.
Would anyone care for a late night showing of Scary Godmother?
it's euro/aussie time
they hate halloween
You mad me wait all night, you asshole. How could you do this to me?
I'm sure people on this board probably don't want to hear this lol, but I was in almost the exact same situation as high anxiety and I'm guessing paranoia wise, and turning to God (Jesus) actually gave me a sound mind and helped tremendously. I was an atheist beforehand too
I didn't even know Sup Forums liked it
Not trying to be an edgelord, but I don't think I'll ever really be able to take Christianity too seriously. It just ain't me.
Go shill this stream NOW!
Okay, take this from a guy who went to college at 21 with no prior mental issues and then in the 2 weeks I was in college I broke down due to pressures of being in a small dorm with 3 other people, I was forcefully keeping myself awake out of paranoia, and I experienced a manic episode that was triggered due to begging one of my roommates that I could take his ADHD medication.
God ain't for everybody, kid.
Medication and therapy go such a long way I'm so much happier and stable now than I have ever been and it really all started with going to my nearest Health and Welfare center and looking at what options they have. Many places will do a "Pay what you can" type scale based on your income. I know America gets shit for it's healthcare but where there is a will there is a way, my best friends that deal with anxiety take medications and some stopped but it's nothing to be ashamed of to do what needs to be done to keep your mind and body healthy.
If you live with your parents, legitimately talk to them about your issues and ways you would like to know about helping yourself. Look into a counselor if you can or even just a close friend.
Anxiety untreated doesn't get better.
Not the guy that you were talking to, but it worked ok for me. I turned my back on it because of the awful people at our old church, but I can't let go of the whole thing because it's a very stabilizing thought to think that he's always there. I don't associate with other christfags though.
Playing Corpse Party 3DS now, got it for the figures. I guess it's spooky but it's more just gruesome.
I win. Forever.
meant for this
This pic is being forced too much.
I got G A R F I E L f
>tfw to inteligent for holloween
I cannot make this shit up. Bless these beautiful dickriders.