Am I a retard or is this the literal worst minigame ever added to any game, ever

Am I a retard or is this the literal worst minigame ever added to any game, ever.

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you probably dont even play sports if its so easy why dont u od play blitzball right now u stupid faggor

Well considering that is the worst game ever made, I wouldn't be surprised.


It was fun the first few times, that shit stopped getting fun real fast when I was trying to work on Wakka's overdrives and ultimate weapons

Blitzball was fucking great.

>mfw when i was a kid and this game came out it was so popular that kids in my class play "blitzball" in the field while pretending to be swimming

All the """""mini games"""" in that game are fucking terrible, you think Blitzball is and go catch butterflies or dodge lightning.

"dodge lightning"

Fucking hell. I remember doing that. You had to dodge something awful like 200 in a row to get Lulu's final weapon. Fuck. That. Never again.

Here it is, big guy

Thankfully based Hamauzu came up with a pretty soothing track but yeah that was single handedly the worst experience in an FF game doing that.

Blitzball was fucking shit. It took the only interesting concept (three-dimensional underwater soccer) and just made it a shitty rpg mini-game that works only on a two-dimensional plane.

And forgot to link the song.

You are a retard op.
The amount of time i spent getting the perfect team wouldve made up for another game

You're a retard, Blitzball is easy

If you can't beat the Luca Goers your first time through you should just quit vidya because you are awful

>catch butterflies or dodge lightning.

Those are not minigames, those are extremely well designed methods of torture of the most heinous variety I did all of them and to this day I marvel at my younger self's determination

I recently passed the butterfly part
What the fuck were they? I only saw 3 butterflies. One did nothing and two made a clock appear, neither hit 0 because I got out of the area before the time went down
That is all I noticed they did

The Chocobo racing thing for Tidus' weapon was worse

It gets more fun when you actually recruit useful players.


It also speaks miles away that you haven't even played SMT 3 Nocturne, where the worst minigame ever actually resides. You are a retard and a casual.

all the side content in X sucks donkey dick


I always wanted a fully realized FIFA or Madden style Blitzball game...

I remember I made a board game of it so my friends could all play against each other. Might have to give that another go, see if I can make something out of that again, maybe market it as my own thing.

youre a failure

>tfw the second best goalie in the game is right fucking there, guarding the bleachers

what the hell was this from? mario party?
I remember this

Blitzball was so good it should replace annual Madden and FIFA releases.
I've only ever beaten FF10 twice but I've owned it four times in the last 15 years, mostly just to play this.

Fishing in Breath of Fire 4 made me drop it.

Fishing in Breath of Fire games is the most relaxing zen-like thing you could ever do with your life.

Blitzball lovers of the world. Please explain to me what was EVER appealing about this minigame? Building a team was about trial and error depending on who isn't already on a team, matches took for fucking ever and you're pretty much required to do this shit to get Attack Reels which fucks everything once you get Wakka high up in stats.

I'd rather do Chocobo Hot n Cold a 3 more times than ever playing Blitzball again.

We all secretly want to be Madden/FIFA Manager addicts but cant stand the thought of giving money to EA or the NFL and FIFA agencies.

holy fuck user i want a fully realized blitzball game too

tfw it'll never happen

I thought it was fun. Then again I always like the minigames to take a break from the main plot.