Please, Sup Forums. I just want to use a spear

Please, Sup Forums. I just want to use a spear.

What games give me a satisfying experience with a spear?

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Rust, The Forest, pretty much any survival game?????????
Payday 2??????????

playing Phantom Lancer in dota 2 against zero AoE

Battle Brothers. Spears are powerful as fuck.

I'm not really that into survival games. I want to feel more like a warrior and less like a survivalist.

Never played Payday 2, I'm surprised there's a spear in a game like that.

League of Legends.

t. Pantheon main.

King Kong: The Movie: The Game has some pretty dope spear chucking if you can handle the graphical time travel.

Mount & Blade?
I don't know desu

Dynasty Warriors.

No mention of Dark Souls yet? Spears in the first one were fantastic.

Vanilla Skyrim.

there are hardly any real warriors who uses spears

spears are weapons for peasants who cant afford anything better

They're especially nice in Demon's Souls

>low quality bait

Final Fantasy Type 0.

Dragoon in Final Fantasy XIV

The Gargoyl Flame spear is such a fantastic and underrated weapon.
>charged super nova ultra attack into the backrolling enemy
More than half of their health gone.

Only throwing spears in pd2

Looks like an interesting game and I like how it looks. I'm downloading it now.

He's still the only spear user? I guess there's Nidalee too. Haven't played since before Volibear.

I love Warband. Other games that have let me have fun with spears have been Chivalry and the Souls series.

They're even better because of the fact that they're relatively easy to pick up and be effective with.

Pilum are Javelins.


age of chivalry, or what ever game they made it into

>They're even better because of the fact that they're relatively easy to pick up and be effective with.
and ultimately useless when used on anyone who knows how to fight

>Go through all of stonefang tunnel using the winged spear.
>Realize it did shit damage on most of the enemies there because they were all strong against thrusting attacks.
Ahh, your first souls game is always the most memorable.

yes congratulations you are well versed in shafts


Spear enthusiast here, check out my list.
All the games in it feature spears you can use.

Are thrust and pierce different in DeS? Because I remember the rapier being decent in stonefang.

Mount and Blade is solid.

Spear people all day in Arena - get fucked if they kill your horse though...

Phantom Lancer is good in Dota, spam spears.
Ragnarok Online, Spear Pierce is great or Brandish Spear. Boomerang Spear.

>Never heard of Triarii

" The Triarii were armed with the Roman equivalent of the phalanx style spear, the Hastae"

Fig. 2 in pic is a Pila, Fig.1 is a Hasta.

>He's still the only spear user? I guess there's Nidalee too. Haven't played since before Volibear.
Yeah there's Nidalee but she's not really a fighter like Pantheon, Nidalee is a shifter and an assassin, Pantheon is a roamer/fighter/assassin/tank/DPS/etc

Pantheon is just hella fun for me. He also counters a couple of champs I fucking hate.

I aint clicking all that shit nigga

what are your favourites in terms of spear combat, down to like your top 3

This a pretty helpful post, user. Wasn't expecting such an extensive list, but it's good to run into someone with a great taste in weapons who can help.

I'll be looking into all of the titles I don't own, thank you.

Diablo 2

If you're into fighting games, Brawlhalla is pretty cool for it, and so is Abyss Odyssey (thought you can only use spears as the peacock person)

But above that, Apotheon is great. You've got a variety of spear types, from javelins to pikes and range plays a HUGE role, keeping your distance actually does have benefits, specially with the Sarissa.

dynasty warriors has like 9000 spear, lance, halberd or other various pole arm users

Most of those are indie games, however, since AAA devs have such a hatred for the polearms.
I must also notice that Delver doesn't natively include spears but there's a mod for that.

The new DLC has a pretty sweet javelin you can chuck. It'd make for a pretty sweet nigra.

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

Tales of Vesperia has Judy

Yakuza Ishin does in fact have spear weapons.

The new dark souls 3 dlc has a pretty cool spear weapon you can loot but the dlc is not worth the money desu.

Soul Reaver

Fallout 3 and 4.



Dynasty Warriors?

Mount and blade, for sure. They've got regular spears, pikes, and lances that you can use on horse back which are satisfying af.

money IMO* idk how autocorrect choose desu.

I'll probably still buy it anyways.

Onimusha 2 and this also looks great.
Musou for over the top shit.

Blazblue Central Fiction has a spear-using character.


Ni-Oh demo had pretty good spear mechanics.

dude that shit is straight meta cancer

You wanna repeat that, bitch?

>play a game of dota 2
>someone picks Phantom Cancer

Every. Single. Game.

Same with Dazzle it seems, Played about 5 games in a row with an enemy Dazzle and lost each one

Learn to counterpick. Phantom Lancer gets buttfucked by Legion Commander, anyone with strong aoes, and Blademail.

You fucking what, mate?

Spears are the cucks of pole weapons
its pikes and halberds were its at

Anybody who is anybody used a spear. A spear meant you could poke a guy with a sword in the face. A spear meant you could poke a guy on a horse in the face. A spear meant you could plant it and make a horse poke itself in the chest. A spear meant you got to poke anybody before they tried to bisect you with a simple vertical slash, and most people handle being poked very, very poorly. First to poke, first to win.

That looks more like a glaive/halberd?

To be fair, Tadakatsu used something closer to a halberd than a straight up spear.

Spears even have more reach.

>King Kong
Oh yeah, that game was better than it had a right to be.

>cuck yu

>Guan Yu
>Man that fucked over his enemies, ally, and own clan

Why do they praise him again?


Deep Down

Because at least he wasn't Lu Bu

Say that to my face and not online

Nioh. The moveset feels very heroic, and the spear makes the most use of the stance system of the weapons they had in the beta, so you feel very involved when you're using it and not just poking shit like in Dark Souls.

I love that Javelin, it does so much damage. Too bad it's only really useful on big enemies and stuff that's too stupid to dodge it.

For honor has A samurai and knight pole arm user and I'm going to main them.

I bet the caveman farcry game had good spears.


Skyrim Enhanced Edition

the throwing spears in Dead Money were fucking OVERPOWERED so I guess if you like dying when you get hit by one spear that's the game for you.


Fuck honor, spears were way too fun in the beta

t. i have no idea of what the fuck i'm talking about

My nigga. I loved the spear mechanic and I loved how you had infinite attempts to get it right.

Probably for the fucked over his enemies part

Fallout: New Vegas, Far Cry Primal, that game with prehistoric creatures on an island. Was it a king kong game?

Age of Decadence

The Skyrim remake finally added them.

You fucking what?

Swords were considered a last resort weapon in combat up until all melee weapons were made obsolete by guns, spears are the backbone of the classic war machine

Through mods

>there are hardly any real warriors who uses spears
that nigga has 4 arms

A spear also meant you couldn't protect yourself.

In European warfare if you were worth anything you probably wanted a shield, which limits your choices somewhat. At least until 2 handed weapons become the norm.

You COULD use a lance (a shorter spear about 6 foot tall), but why would you want to do that when you could just let the peasents do the bulk of the melee?

Judicial duels during the middle ages were fought with spear, sword and dagger. The idea that spears were regarded peasant weapons is nonsense. High medieval texts describing knightly combat probably make more reference to spears than to swords.

Crawl online when?

Eldritch Knight 5e D&D, maybe
>bind spear
>throw spear
>recall spear
>throw spear

It probably does shit damage but it's thematically interesting.

ITT: Retarded swordfags who get their knowledge of combat from anime insist their shitty sidearm can compete against a proper battlefield weapon.

In Baldur's Gate and other Infinity Engine games, also I think in Neverwinter Nights, your spears (and halberds) had twice the range of other melee weapons. You could have one character fighting a monster with a sword, and your spearman reaching the monster with the spear while shielded by the first character.

> Zelda BOTW

big coward, shitty general, didn't do anything noteworthy in actual history just fiction.

You mean a bow?

Yeah bows are pretty cool.

>mfw plebs think that medieval warfare wasn't 95% skirmishing and archery and sieges.

Pitched battles were rare because to fight them that meant that you were gonna lose a bunch of your economy.

Swords are for girly cock monglers that get dominated by big thick spears in every single situation