Is console exclusivity really such a bad thing? PC users are very vocal about exclusives for example, but why?
Is console exclusivity really such a bad thing? PC users are very vocal about exclusives for example, but why?
Oh christ the shit storm is coming.
I think it's fine. I hear that consoles are easyer to program for and that devs like them. Just one system one set of programing. not like pc where you have dozens of variables.
Because that means they can't play them. This isn't exclusive behavior to PC users either. See: All the sonyniggers that talk about how much they hate nintendo but then are the first to say they should go 3rd party
Games would be better on the system that is most powerful. Currently that would be the PC.
There is nothing wrong with exclusivity.
>PC users are very vocal about exclusives for example, but why?
Why can't we be? You'd think after everything that's been done to prove that piracy doesn't hurt good games getting sales, developers would feel safe enough to release their content on PC.
I think the main reason developers create exclusives on big platforms like ps4 is because then it guarantees that no one can pirate their game to play it.
>Demand every console game to be ported to PC
>Throw a bitchfit when games like Killing Floor 2 or Torment get announced for consoles
PCMR was a mistake
Pc users are very vocal about it because they are particular.
allocating any resources to consoles is a waste on the dime of PC users.
Yeah but on the console side you have used game sales in stores and shitty garage sales where none of the money spent on getting the game goes to the dev, yet the person still gets to play it.
I agree with this guy honestly. It's probably just an issue of a more standard hardware setup. Plus they likely get the backing of the company whom the console belongs too as well if they garuntee exclusivity and are big enough.