Ttw you will never experience Undertale for the first time again

>Ttw you will never experience Undertale for the first time again

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Good, I was going through a lot of emotional stress in my life at the time.

It genuinely revitalized my appreciation for video games for awhile

Too bad its since worn off

>tfw i've never played it and literally never will

I don't think he was saying anything of the likes though. It is his opinion if he doesn't want to play a game.

>literally never will
What did he meant by this?

haha, so random!!!

>mfw I played and completed it before Sup Forums decided to start hating it and tumblr took a pink shit all over it.

It was great stuff.

It's a good feeling

I played it at that time too and I still hated it..

Temmie figure looks really good


Looks better than Battleborn's figures

know that feel

How early did you play Undertale?

Played the Demo the day it released and pirated the game as soon as I could, I was probably one of the first 100 people to fap to Muffet too kek.
Didn't get spoiled about Genocide until I 100% finished my pacifist run. Went on Sup Forums and took part in some threads and there was even a thread with the OP doing some digging to find Wing Dings and Gaster in the game while Toby Fox was responding to us about what we were finding in the thread on twitter.

Pretty good times until kids started downloading it.



>I was probably one of the first 100 people to fap to Muffet too kek.
In context, that's pretty fucking disgusting

actually most of this happened ingame, if you played the demo.

i enjoyed it too


>you played a shit game before everyone else
How big would you like your trophy?

The cars, motorcicyles, and airplanes crashing into everything was in the demo?

I relate. Undertale was one of the most hard-hitting emotional experiences in a Video Game.
One of those few you'll never forget.

>he didn't get the secret

I remember playing 5N@F when it came out and all the threads on Sup Forums talking about the lore and what it all means. Then Markiplier played it, it got popular, and then Sup Forums became contrarian.

Borderline uncomfortable If I were to have it plunge my anus.

I played it about one week after release and I'm damn glad I did.
I wish I'd pledged for it, I remember seeing it on /d/ but I figured it was some monstergirl porn game (why the fuck else would it be on /d/) so I passed.

What was the secret?


>tfw I've only bothered playing genocide

>It's bad because Sup Forums told me so

Exactly. Sup Forums is hipster as all fuck and disown anything that becomes associated with other websites. It's really predictable.

Its a secret fucker, I'm not gonna spoonfeed you

Well then I'm assuming you're full of shit. thanks

I played it before it blew up just because someone said it was basically earthbound. Was disappointed because it was nothing like earthbound

It was really entertaining and the story and characters were some of the most charming I've seen in a long, long time.

The gameplay is too easy though. Aside from a small handful of bosses that admittedly kicked my ass, most encounters are too shallow to be engaging enough to carry you through the game if you don't end up caring about the folks you meet.

It was worth playing despite the tumblr echo chamber claiming WOW SO DEEP and the Sup Forums echo chamber shitposting loudly to try and counter that. Although with that said my preferred games are story-rich AND solid challenge / GAMEplay.

Missing out man. I'm sorry the memes tainted your thoughts because this game was a bug surprise to me when i played it and I still think it's fantastic.

I enjoyed the touhou like gameplay of pacifist. Didn't give a shit about the characters and their strife. And I really didn't feel my character should of been rewarded so much praise just for 'not killing things'.

it's ok as knowing your a passive aggresive Sup Forumssshole that will never get laid is enough satisifaction for me

>tfw you're saving all your friends while this song is playing
One of the best feelings I've had playing vidya.

>wanting to get laid
What am I, a faggot?

Me too, and it wasn't too good.

I think you did deserve the praise considering that the majority of people you met were actively making attempts on your life and the retarded amount of effort it took to convince them that you're not a threat to them despite their (mostly justified) prejudice to humans.

Always thought Toby balls things up by advertising the Pacifist run. It felt like something people were meant to discover themselves after playing the game as a regular fighting rpg.

The game straight up tells you that you can save people in the first few minutes of the game. It's not really a secret anyways. Who the fuck kills people when you can save them in a game?

>would you use the privatized gold toilet or would you rather use the public latrine?

But the game just treats you like a god saving everyone from the heavens, like shit, I just wanted a little fun adventure, it just becomes a stressful aspect of the game. I didn't enjoy that at all.

>I only bothered playing the longest, most boring, and monotonous route

well yes but thats because im never going to play it once

I quit after I killed the fish lady, it wasn't really doing much for me.

Actually, is mostly people suggesting you play the game that tell you to go Pacifist. Toby only advertised it as "game where you don't HAVE to kill people."

Were it not for people going "OMG HOW COULD YOU KILL TORIAL YOU IDIOT WHY WOULD YOU THINK YOU HAVE TO WEAKEN HER" (despite that being exactly how you spare Asgore) most people probably would have stabbed Goatmom and continued on their merry way.

>MFW I reset after killing Torial
>That stinger

Another mistake of Toby's, though it suits Goat Mum to say that and she puts it to the test when you fight her.

It just feels like Toby was going for something and dropped it for fear that players won't replay it if they get the wrong ending for things they weren't informed off before hand.


Good, that limp wristed "if you kill monsters they win" atmosphere was really cringe inducing

Really, I see it as a symptom of having a demo before hand.

It was seeing Flowey call me out after resetting to save Goat Mom that made me go "I'm buying this game the second it's released"

i still haven't even finished it, i just left the lizard scientist's house

i like the writing, the characters and the music but the game itself bored me to tears
i'm already locked out of the "good" ending for killing a couple people anyways so i don't feel motivated to finish it

maybe one day

I miss the early fandom before it went to shit

I got in and out of there just in time

>"if you kill monsters they win"
How the hell did you get that message out of it?

I thought it was fucking stupid for make the dialogue say to fight, and then shit on you for fighting because the game decided that you fought 'too' much and killed her. I really stand by my thoughts that they could of done that better.

>I liked it before the fanbase did!
Stop pretending you're better than anyone else you damn hipster

Never played it, never will.

Remember when Undertale won GameFaq's Best Game Ever thing last year and there was a huge shtistorm over it?

Good times

I don't remember it being a shitstorm. All I remember was seeing people saying it's a shitstorm. I didn't see anything else.

It was mostly Sup Forums laughing at the gamefaqs forum and reddit. Most people here didn't care that much

Read, dumbass
I'm talking about when there was still fresh stuff to discover. I still like the game but I stopped drawing stuff for it (mostly because I only wanted to draw Alphys/ Undyne stuff and I felt bad I barely drew anyone else)

every time Undertale beat a revered game like Final Fantasy 7, there was a meltdown on GameFaqs about it.

Then there were the retards on Sup Forums that were taking the poll seriously and got pretty butthurt

Well when I started killing everybody the game kept hinting that I'm playing it in a wrong way

Isn't that the same poll that was rigged to make cory in the house ds the best game of the year?

Its a shit game get over it

How does people getting upset when their friends die imply that they won?

Don't care about your lame ship
You and everyone else here are just trying to distance themselves from other fans by saying that you were there first, but that shit is so beyond pretentious and every damn undertale thread here there's some damn hypocrite saying he "stopped liking it before the fanbase ruined it." What a disgusting mentality

i never played it.

So glad I avoided it. Just saying all the tumblr cancer around it made me certain to have the right choice to never touch it.

God bless LPs. Games like these are pure cancer.

>(mostly because I only wanted to draw Alphys/ Undyne stuff and I felt bad I barely drew anyone else)
You sound like the kind of autistic part of the fandom I want nothing to be associated with.

If I told you that tumblrinas also breathe oxygen would you do us all a favor and drown yourself?

Where did I say I stopped liking it? You can like something and not be in the fandom for it
I never drew them together, just separately in different drawings

>I watched an LP of it, that means I get an opinion about the game
You're still cancer

>have only ever done the pacifist route
>never restarted the game after I beat it
>all the characters are safe from my meddling

I regret absolutely nothing. The game was pure magic.

I have reset multiple times, any time I feel nostalgic and want to play again I reset and do another true pacifist or genocide run.

Gr8 feelin

does anyone have a spare key for LIMBO before I buy it?

I just played it a few months ago and really enjoyed

I just kind of ignored it when it was popular on Sup Forums

Its a rewarding feel

That's like saying "oh I love MLP but I'm totally not a ponyfag"

I really liked the ending I got during my run where killing Torial (and a few nobodies in the Ruins) reinforced my decision to spare as much as I could just to prove my good intent only to end up getting called out by sans of all people, got the king killed after learning who he really was, and had to fight the flower with none my friends coming to my aid, and escaping without actually succeeding to save the still trapped monsters leaving a vengeful fish lady now fired up to wage war on humanity even ofafter all my efforts to change their minds. It being bittersweet and not having the weight of those consequences would have made for a much, much weaker ending. I don't see how the "good" ending could possibly be more interesting.


>That's like saying "oh I love MLP but I'm totally not a ponyfag"

Yeah? That's possible

You can enjoy something without being involved in the fan community at all

I hate how the game guilt trips you from playing the game again. I know it's all story-based and all, but I just think it's just not cool of toby.

>It being bittersweet and not having the weight of those consequences would have made for a much, much weaker ending. I don't see how the "good" ending could possibly be more interesting.

Try it. Its not the OH MY GOD THE BEST only ending that feels rewarding but its an extremely potent route. And has the second best fight in the game.

>I don't see how the "good" ending could possibly be more interesting.
You may not believe me but the good ending is the most feelgood moment of any game I've played.
The final boss, the music, what you're actually doing during the fight, it all adds up and makes the final boss of pacifist a really unforgettable experience.

There were multiple endings like that depending on who you left alive and who you killed

Being a fan means being a fan, you can't say you're only half way there.

There's a difference between liking something and being involved in the fandom

Own up to your faggotry.

>mfw playing it after the shitstorm happened and managed to dodge all spoilers

One of the few games I think truly is 10/10

Genocide is about 2-3 hours long if you're gud at Sans. What are you doing nigger.

>you will never experience that first week after its release before the furshits, tumblrinas, and contrarians started ruining the threads

All the windows popping up again and again when nothing was there seems pretty monotonous .