Built that car yet, Sup Forums?
Guide: my-summer-car.wikia.com
Built that car yet, Sup Forums?
Guide: my-summer-car.wikia.com
Will post this as well for anyone interested.
what's the difference between FWD struts and the back wheel's spring + shock absorber?
I think I figured out my terrible fuel efficiency, I just realized there is no fuel door or fuel cap.
Is this it? Where do I find them?
Alright the fan belt got fucked on the way to the store and now i can't put the new one on without the screwdriver to loosen the alternator. wat do?nah they don't exist. it's probably your carb, the air/fuel gauge helps when tuning it.
only purpose of shock absorbers are to keep your car from jumping up or bouncing, that's it. struts are part of the suspension system.
I'm at 14.1, the dude at the shop did a decent job.
Still took just over half a tank to make it home from the shop.
Check the nut connecting the fuel line to the fuel tank, as well as fuel line.
>don't use suspension for extra speed
thanks /o/
Son of a bitch, it was completely loose. The fuel pump is still bolted in just fine though.
Are there any more nuts/bolts for the fuel line? I don't see any connecting it to the carb or filter, just the bolt behind the filter.
its open 8 till 8
Alright how the shit do i get the belt to stop falling off? is my alternator too tight? it's done it 3 times and since you can't buy more than one belt at a time its a bit of a pain in the ass.
I had the engine pretty well built and was halfway through the chassis when i went to go do some poopwork and ended up committing sudoku and chasing the pooptube down the septic tank. I was planning to hit 3 poop patrols.
I have since found out that you need only save and the poop tube respawns. My main problem is that I can never get the damned thing out of the septic tank since I assume that you pretty much have to put the whole thing in there, surely?
just try and suffle it out manually.
I don't remember any more, but double check anyway just in-case, especially at the ends.
>yfw flying past bolice checkpoint at almost 200kmh and the sirens come on but then stop shortly after
This game looks pretty interesting.
Going to wait for it getting gold and then on a sale.
yeah that's what i tried, but I'd get it out so far then it'd just drop back down the pooptank and my finnish retard would let go of it eventually. I may have been parking too close to the pooptank
Did that one user manage to change the eurobeat faggot's music?
Post supplies
this is so comfy i live in this type of area. driving on those empty forest roads and highways in the dark is just so much more immersive than any other driving game. and just the signs and everything
>reading a guide
doesn't that ruin the fun entirely?
it's in a different league than just getting someone's save with a constructed car; it's still fun
i don't know if you can expect people who know nothing about cars to try and research every single bit for a game
if they gave links to all the information you needed it might be a different story so you don't have to sort through all that shit
and in the end you'll still have to learn about the processes behind tuning everything
Is there a purpose to this game? On the surface, it looks like one of those survival multiplayer games like Rust and DayZ, but there doesn't really seem to be an element of danger like in those games.
Do you just fix up your piece of shit car, drive it around, drink beer, and piss on stuff?
You don't "fix it up". You build it from scratch, including assembling the engine with dozens of different parts.
>waking up at 3am in-game
>also woke up at 3am irl
>nothing to do
>turn on tv, drink peer
gonna remove the doors on the car. Who needs doors anyway? It's extra weight
I park the back of the truck right over the septic tank so I can just drop it fully in there easily and when I take it out, I just put the truck in low range, first gear and forward for like a second or two, come out and the hose is all out of the hole
I don't know if I should...
I'm a fucking animal
Up to Thursday. Still need to install the engine into the car, but first planning on putting the other stuff in first. Spent Wednesday drinking peer and sucking shit at 3 places.
Doors are basically peer case holders.
>the developer can't afford viral marketing
It's a top seller on steam you niggers, he can afford to pay some neets minimum wage for a couple of weeks
He doesn't need to. The Finns do it for free.
Satan again
this is fine
are there any tricks/launch options to get better fps?
play on something better than a toaster
Nigga what are you doing!? There is still good peer there to drink before you cry yourself to sleep.
Why don't you take this to /lgbt/?
Not this shit again.
Literally no reason not to.
What song plays on the death screen?
Isä poltti puisen veturin.
Thanks Famalam
how do I order car parts? I put the envelop in the mailbox at the shop, is there something else I need to do?
How do you even start a game?
I click on new game but there's no button to start.
wait for a phone call telling you to go pick them up, then pay for them at the store counter
Wonder what brewing kilju will be like and how much you'll earn.
>finish car
>attach left door
>tighten bolts
>open door
>it falls off
the hardest part so far
Why don't you fuck off
alright thanks
why dont you go post this in every overwatch or civ6 thread?
You have to type in a name and surname on the license before you can begin, silly
A quick note: I ordered parts and waited until the next day and that stupid fag still didn't call me so I just drove over to the shop anyway since I was bored and the invoice for my parts was there. I don't think you HAVE to receive/answer the phone call if you've waited long enough. Same thing with poop pumping (and I've tested this 3 times), you CAN pump poop from houses that didn't call, but you will ONLY get paid if the shit well is full (they slowly fill up in real time).
If you're bored and want some money, do a quick run around to every pumpable house (there are 5 IIRC) and check their wells.
Pretty boring and then the cops force you to pour it all in the ground on new year's eve and call your parents because you're 14 and shouldn't be out drinking homebrewed kilju in public
nice viral
Well you just take a ferry to Estonia to get cheap liquor
Tracer is best ass amirite haha xdd
>look up what's kilju
>sugar wine
Damn, I'm gonna have to try and make this at home
there are 4 bolts nigga, not only 2
I know there are 4 bolt.
I do not know why the door falls off.
no ur mom is
It's not as good as it sounds like.
I heard it's disgusting.
symmetra is so hawt dude like seriously
maybe they are all fucked up? Get them repaired at the mechanic
It's not great
Can someone tell how much you get paid for firewood and driving drunk guy to home?
3200 for the wood I think, dunno for the drunk guy
I got ~500
It says in the recipes you have too mix it up with various drinks to cover up the bad taste.
>Sup Forums is mesmerized by how autisticly hard this game is.
>TFW you realize there's been nothing this hard and autistic out for fucking AGES.
>The finnish guy said this isn't supposed to be fun and he's just making it because it needs to be done.
Fuck videogames are terrible, if these random finnish devs can get games right compared to fucking AAA companies.
Here's a song to listen to while driving the poop truck
stop shilling your epic youtube indie bait game, eurofaggot shill.
To be fair, this dev is a special kind of Finnish autist, just like the dude who made Unreal World, no one can compete on their level.
couldnt get the car to run, huh?
long enough to blow your mom.
Must be hard being 12 today.
That made no fucking sense, get outta here shit lord.
Finished building my car, sent it to be repaired because of all the physics damage accrued during rage building.
Decided to buy some after market parts for when I pass my inspection, gonna go full ricer. Now I'm just waiting to pick up my car and I've fully organised my Finshack.
tell us about it then.
>reading comprehension
Anyone else got three halfshafts?
that shouldn't be possible
did you?
Is there much customization in parts or is it just what you get in the shed?
I've sent my car to mechanic and i don't know what to do in the meantime.
Should i just make mad money to fix my car completely and buy aftermarket shit?
so since we now know there are possibly aliens in game, and we have already seen webms of animals jumping out in front of drivers. how long until someone sees pic related?
this game is becoming 2spooks
There's a magazine in your room with aftermarket parts you can order to spice up your Satsuma.
That's basically all you can do while waiting, or go full autist and reorganise your stuff like I did.
Almost everything in in the garage is after market stuff that you don't get by default and have to buy out of the catalogue in your room.
>Couldn't get that car to run huh?
>long enough to blow your mom.
You can't fucking blow a mum.
You can't just say "long enough" you don't reference what you're talking about, it could be fucking ANY thing.
You should have said:
> "I got it running long enough to blow your dad".
Ya know, because you're a faggot.
What's gear range? Google only finds bicycle stuff
Also, how the fuck does saying "long enough" even imply an insult, fucking hell, I need to bleach my eyes after reading that piss poor excuse of a shit post.
What if she had a feminine penis?
Long enough is implied as "I got it running long enough to" which is in reply to you saying "Couldn't get it to run"
Not that user btw, just shitposting for fun.
I put one halfshaft in the car, and when I tried to put the second in I noticed there was already one there. I took them all out to see if one of them would disappear, but no. I've got two in my car and one I don't need now.
>eating lihapiirakka
>drinking olut
>simulating an amis life I will never have
>look far into the horizon from the doorway of my yurt
>watch the setting sun with a warm cup of goat milk in my hand
>shed a tear for the life I will never have as a Mongolian throat singing techno song softly plays in the background
I was a fool to not become an amis