Which one is better? League of Legends or Dota 2?

Which one is better? League of Legends or Dota 2?

Heroes of the Storm


League is the only relevant MOBA.

They both suck

Here's your (vous)

If you're 12, that is.

Which you apparently are, making your childish statement entirely true. I too used to enjoy simpleton oriented games when I was a kid. Kinda miss it, desu.

DOTA2 if you're not a complete moron.

I prefer Dota, entirely because you can't forfeit a match. Nothing is more satisfying than turning a game around, but in League, someone will propose a surrender if they have missed a few last hits, and the rest of the team just accepts it because they see the option.

>I prefer Dota, entirely because you can't forfeit a match.
spoken like a true fucking moron

people who cant surrender even when the game is objectively over should be shot in the back of the head

DotA 2 is better from an objective point of view, but if you're mentally handicapped League is more up your alley because it has a lower skill floor.

>Game is objectively over

Nigga I won countless match by telling them "gg end fast" and then wrecking their shit when they get too confident. Unless you picked like shit, there's always an item you could build or a strategy you can employ unlike league players that just give up at the second teamfight lost.

None. They're different, that's it.
League's faster and easier to get into, while dota is deeper, more strategical and takes more work all in all.
Both scratch different itches.

>when the game is objectively over
Well, with the half-assed gumption of your average League Player, it's not surprising that they pussy out of an actual challenge.

both shit but at least league isnt a 10 year old game in a new engine


>the second teamfight lost.
>Implying they made it to the first teamfight

people shouting gg end fast are mostly idiot. im talking game where youre 13k behind, everybody insult each other and all enemy turrets are up

>Well, with the half-assed gumption of your average League Player, it's not surprising that they pussy out of an actual challenge.

>m-muh challenge im so hardcore guise i play darksouls (for real)

its about efficiency retarded halfwit. no need to try to win something you have 0,6% chance of winning you just ff and move on

Don't get into assfaggots they are a waste of time and you'll be dealing with retards on your team 90% of the time but if you do decide to get into the genre go with League of Legends since regions are locked and there is no voice chat so you don't have to hear disgusting 3rd worlders.

both are shit, and only worth it to play with friends.

Play whichever your friends already play.

>at least league isnt a 10 year old game in a new engine
You're right, it's a 10 year-old game on an old engine.

They're both crap. Play smite.

League is like a shitty Chinese looking knockoff of DOTA. Half of LoL's character are basically altered versions of DOTA heros.
LoL is embarrassingly simple: you never need to situationally get items (get the same ones each game) and abilities are very basic: does damage, is buff, or moves you over.
LoL feels like bowling with bumpers on.

>3 inhibs down
>Enemy has baron, 3 elementals, and Elder
>all enemy turrets still standing
>only thing keeping you alive is the Anivia waveclearing in your base like a motherfucker

"don't worry guys we have late game"

>"don't worry guys we have late game"
lol yep. that 1-8 vayne got that in the bad


Heroes of Newerth is best moba.

Ha ha.

Honestly, it depends on what appeals to you. Superficially they are both pretty similar, and there are, but there are small differences that can make or break the game for you.

Generally speaking, Dota 2 is harder. Part of this is due to mechanics that aren't used in League such as Denying, where you kill your own NPC cannon fodder so that the enemy can't and deny them from getting the gold and EXP that comes with it. There are also some game design choices that are different, such as the fact that characters in Dota tend to turn like you're playing a game with tank controls.

League on the other hand is more simple by having none of that as well as a little faster by making abilities easier to execute and and use.

Honestly, you could probably compare it to something like "Monster Hunter VS God Eater" or something. One is slower and more technical, the other is more fast and fluid. People like one or the other.

I think we can all agree that League has the better waifus though.

When you don't have much experience in the game then yes, you usually can't tell when a game is objectively over.
Play a few hundred hours, or at least get out of 2k, then you'll be able to tell.

League is too slow for me to enjoy

>last hitting is the same or very similar for every hero
>gold comes in passively much faster
>waifu game is strong
>most players are permashitters and casuals
>zero interesting active items
>map is tiny
>gives you the option for free town portals and blink but puts them on a 5 minute cooldown
>people will give up and surrender if you lose the first 15 minutes

>graphics and animations are much better
>heroes feel more unique and less like some 3 skill cookie cutter plus an ultimate
>far more depth
>has comeback mechanics so you can pull wins out with tricky defensive plays
>you will feel like a noob for an extended period of time
>youre basically forced to learn game mechanics or get raped

no idea why i even bothered to write this much. league is basically a ripoff of dota with loads of interesting mechanics stripped away then further bastardizing the jungle and basically the whole map. don't bother with league unless your rl friends all play it. yes your internet friends are not worth this suffering

t. dota player who was "forced" to play league for several hundred hours

Meanwhile in Dota, characters designed to sneak down dowers while the rest of your team is getting buttfucked have breached the enemy base, forcing the enemy team to leave everyone else alone long enough for an actual comeback to take place.

To be fair, League does have a handful of interesting characters (Jhin, Azir, Aurelion Sol, Ivern, Illaoi, and so forth all of which are relatively new, come to think of it).

Likewise Dota has its fair share of mechanically simple heroes, or otherwise have abilities that can be distilled into the same "damage, buff, movement" categories.

Dota is still a better game overall though.

>better waifus
>implying League has anything on par with Winter Waifu

Is that real? I saw a post somewhere saying the team to get the first tower down wins some crazy high percentage. True?

What exactly is this image trying to convey? Your retardation?

Objectively, Dota.
That being said, I uninstalled both after years of playing both religiously and the withdrawl symptoms are starting to kick in

This image conveys the average snoozefest League game of passively farming for 20 years before finally deciding the game with a teamfight or two

that league is boring as fuck and dota games usually have action the entire duration of the game some times even before creeps spawn

League tends to be a faster game overall, but fights in Dota tend to be resolved much more quickly/there's less margin for error in teamfights.

I never really cared to look into it that much, but there was a time where I watched League games regularly/played the game regularly. The games are very boring to watch with some few noticeable exceptions (ROX vs SKT T1 this year was gold) but the majority of the tournaments consist of boring snoozefest games

why is there no defense of league in this thread?

i don't play either but league is way more popular right?

Because it's easier.

League is undoubtedly more popular than Dota, but we don't know by how much. The latest figure Riot stated was "100 million active monthly players" which is a steaming load of horseshit

League definitely isn't more popular than Dota 2 on Sup Forums though. League is played by mostly casuals and women

post cool pics guys

It is much harder to make a comeback in LoL than in DOTA though.

Game is only over when the acient falls faggot league babby

Dotes is better bc more in depth mechanically and every skill isnt "every 3rd attack is super hit"

I generally play League more often than Dota, if only because most of my friends adamantly refuse to play the latter (for reasons that are beyond me).

Granted, it would hardly be my first choice, but it's definitely better with friends except when they spend all game feeding top.

you speak like an nigger halfbreed

any more of these types?

now you're here just getting triggered by comments, kek

Yeah because the game is so linear AKA gay.

dotards have had a monopoly on Sup Forums assfaggots discussion for several years because it's more "hardcore" as well as being gaben dicksuckers
dotards are also the most irritable and aggressive fanbase on the internet and they spend more time thinking about how much they hate league than they do playing the game

they're sorta like the sony fans of the PC gaming community

i'll give them some credit though, league isn't as good as it used to be and i hate riot with every fiber of my being so i'd probably be playing dota 2 if the fanbase/game mechanics weren't so horrible

League players were exiled in the great board split of 2011 and have never returned since.

>dotards have had a monopoly for several years

League of Legends was one of the three games that were constantly spammed that influenced the creation of /vg/.

>horrible fanbase

Don't kid yourself. They're equally horrible.

>horrible game mechanics


>dotards are also the most irritable and aggressive fanbase on the internet and they spend more time thinking about how much they hate league than they do playing the game
accurate post. i hate league with a burning passion. it grinds my gears that i ever wasted so much time on such an awful game when dota existed. it pisses me off that people STILL choose to play league when theyre perfectly capable of learning dota.

>Don't kid yourself. They're equally horrible.
to be honest i'd take leaguefags over thirdworlders

>three games that were constantly spammed
What was the third?
I know the second was Katawa Shoujo

Starcraft 2

I noticed this as well, I mainly play Dota but I tried watching the worlds thing LoL had these last few weeks. Every game had like 10-20 kills total even if the match was 40 minutes long. Insane how little there is going on.

I can't remember the third, it's just as dead and irrelevant as Katawa Shoujo is now


The problem is that while pub games of Lol look more like the Dota-side screenshot, pro play in LoL is all about the farm.

Pros rarely do teamfights or pushes because the way Riot slapped on balance changes to "stop toxic and unfun behaviour" makes it so that it is objectively better to just farm non-stop for the first 20 minutes.
This is one of the bigger reasons why LoL is so much popular in China and Korea (on top Riot throwing money at them). It's because it's a game designed around farming. People can wank about skillshots these, higher skill that, but in reality, it's all about how much gold you can farm in the first 20 minutes. There is less of a comeback mechanic or wiggle room for an underfarmed team to come out ahead after a teamfight.

Farm for 20 minutes.
Lose teamfight? gg forefit
Win teamfight? gg push mid ez win

This is essentially the same as "20 min no rush" in Brood War (dunno about SC2) encoded as a fundamental part of the gameplay mechanics. You can start angrily yelling at me about how farm is important in Dota too and not just LoL but in Dota, there is room for doing things other than farming, like doing shit like having a 5-man smoke gank before the bell goes, or tp'ing in for teamfights that may or may not end in a bloodbath of 20 deaths over 5 minutes, or a support grabbing a rune and going mid instead of stacking camps, etc. LoL doesn't seem to have much of that.

When I visited Korea, there were at least 3 esports channels dedicated to Starcraft and LoL pro games. The LoL games never actually did anything. The casters would be rambling on about farming stats and how much farm one side would need for 20 minutes until the one big teamfight happens and the game ends. It was the most boring shit ever.

Fucking jesus, I would never guess that now with how dead its become.

Starcraft at that point was THE esport.
It basically started this whole thing and set the standards for how it should all be.
Everything else was still taking off.

Oh and I forgot to mention, people made fun of Dota for being 100-minute long Chinese rice farming games too.

After a couple years of that shit, Icefrog said "Fuck you" to the Chinese farming style, including shit like making BKB virtually worthless now because BKB blocks/stops virtually nothing anymore Fucking Blademail, and having shit like Lycan still keep coming back at every TI means that drafting a lineup based on farming for an hour to rebuy fresh BKBs no longer was reasonable and/or viable. People bitch at Icefrog a lot about making the game MORE CASUL and league-like but he did a pretty good job of killing off rice farming from my perspective.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.
What was the tipping point for when it all came down?

When Blizzard kept sucking ass

Then they stopped sucking ass but it was too late

I used to actually play vidya. Now I just shitpost on fucking Sup Forums.

how can anyone support league with shit like this

i prefer league's artstyle but dota has better graphics
I also like how league has less gay bullshit than dota
I have played both and prefer league but of course /d2g/ will call me a retarded shitter who needs to git gud

Blizzard basically made zero attempt to keep interest in the game's competitive scene.
Then Korea found League.

>less gay bullshit

>dotards still posting a bait image from over 5 years ago
at least make some new ones, jesus.
meanwhile have something actually relevant and accurate about the state of your "game"

denying is gay bullshit
aegis gay bullshit
active items gay bs
tp gaybs

Shut the fuck up kid

open mid

dota 2 is the gayest e-sport of all time

Oh, this is what you meant? You're a fucking retard dude. You really think that tp scrolls are gay? Are you fucking dense? Do you actually prefer having 1 tp ability on a 5 minute cooldown?

please see
dota is currently in great shape while league remains a casual snoozefest
>actually using blink dagger as an argument FOR LEAGUE OF LEGENDS

DOTA has Techies.

But LoL has Teemo

Tough call.

Unless people are farming in their jungles allowing me to mine base that is

When was the last time you watched a competitive lol game?

Those might be four of the worst complaints I've seen about dota.
There are plenty of legitimate things to dislike, but all the things you listed just add depth to the game.

I was actually looking for that, thanks user.

isn't me

what i mean is that in dota eventually certains heroes get to the point where there is no counter for them and some games are lost during hero selection

and then again depending on the patch some heroes are completely fucked from 00:00 to the end of the game (haven't played in a long time but around last year I guess it was Axe Troll Jugger and Sniper who were broke as fuck)

pretty much in dota there's a lot more cases where you die and think "wow, there was nothing i could do about that" which isn't fun, and fun is the only reason i play vidya nowadays (inb4 casual)

despite that i do like certain things about dota, like how there are more viable teamcomps/heroes and how abilities are more impactful in general

the characters in dota are all simple and boring and some of them have remained virtually unchanged since the original dota map back in 04/05. Shit is boring as fuck. The only thing that makes dota worth playing over league is the line of sight mechanics.

>all the Dota players are all simple and boring

As opposed to what? League?


The issue I have with this complaint is that what you're describing is one of the reasons that Dota is an interesting game to watch.
What I mean is that the draft actually matters, having better heroes can be a huge advantage.
Honestly very rarely does it make too big of a difference in unranked games, and really only matters when people are try harding in solo ranked.

Also the Sniper/troll/jugg patch is notorious for being the worst patch about what you're describing and there hasn't been a patch as bad since

>Not mentioning that every champion uses Flash
>Not bothering to look up three heroes to even try to give an unflattering interpretation of
>Describing every League character, while decribing a handful of Dota characters

Do you even know how to make a proper argument without making yourself look like an assclown?

>where you die and think "wow, there was nothing i could do about that" which isn't fun
i get it. one thing i truly hate about dota is stomping in your lane then losing because your team fed both other lanes, but theres always something you can do. whether its early ganking or buying heavy regen to harass you can always do something, whether or not you had the presence of mind at the beginning of the game is another thing

i could probably list 100 reasons to play dota over league.

>t. dota player who was "forced" to play league for several hundred hours
Shit, I feel this. If my friends want to play League I'll play but it's either we lose the first five minutes and spend twenty minutes slowly giving up or we shitstomp. Meanwhile even if a game goes south in Dota we just wait for an opportunity to turn the game around and take it. We've won games where we were down two racks but held high ground on our last tier 3 and took a single teamwipe straight into their ancient. When we surrender after a 20 minute League match I just feel like I'm wasting my time. It just creates this shitty attitude where you rotate games until you find the team that just happens to be shittier than yours rather than actually pulling together a strategy that can turn the tide of a game.

>all DOTA characters are simple and boring
>Winter Waifu
>Techies Admittedly he is boring to play AGAINST but with and as, he is not too bad
>Simple and boring

at least the ones in league are new and fresh instead of being uglier copy pastes of 10 year old custom map characters with simple abilities because their mechanics were limited by wc3's map editor.

Blizzard killing its own e-sports from launch, and the Korean-posting cancer taking hold when nobody talked about the actual game anymore.

When your game starts having any relation to Korean e-sports or k-pop and panty shots are more interesting than the game, they are going to show up and take a long time to leave, if at all.

Most pubs don't know better. Also Dota punishes people for fucking up more than LoL ever does. I know hardcore EVE raiders/griefers who get buttmad about turn rates, less early mana, gold lost on death, and denies in Dota because LoL programmed them to think a lot of strategically unsound shit in Dota like creep diving and pushing the wave and feeding is okay, and thus think LoL is superior while defending every single antic/problem/mechanic/community they do in EVE because "kids need to git gud". The cognitive dissonance is hilarious.

But the game is stagnating and everyone knows it. Overwatch having its 15 minutes of glory in Korea as the #1 PC Bang game over LoL wasn't an accident. People are just getting sick of playing it, and the Chinese have too much money to throw around so while the lesser Korean players are engaging in match-fixing scandals, all the good Korean players are fucking off to China for higher paycheques and there's nobody left in Korea to give a real shit about the game. People probably want a new game but LoL is at the moment, too big to fail and there's nothing else to come and fill the void. Koreans still suck ass at Dota, HoN is dead, HotS is starting to show signs of SC2 syndrome where the only pros worth talking about are Korean, and Korean Overwatch is full of aimbots because Koreans suck at FPSes so there's no real e-sports scene.

>dota is currently in great shape while league remains a casual snoozefest
Please don't put words in my mouth. I never said Dota was good either.

And Leagues characters don't fall into certain archetypes?

I mean, count the amount of melee heroes with a gap closer that is followed by a stun or an AoE damage spell

how about having 4 coworkers who want a fifth so you basically have to play. then youre the best player by a huge margin with dota carryover even though you dont even play league and actively despise it. you cant even enjoy pub stomps on league because every time they surrender

This. You can win a game of Dota is you are out-carried. Not a little out-carried, but really fucking outcarried. Teamfights go quick, and if your team gets even a tiny advantage, like catching the carry with his pants down at the secret shop, it can turn a game around in under twenty seconds.
I understand why League players quit. There is no way to come back in a league game, barring extreme stupidity on the part of the guy carrying the enemy team. That is the game's problem, not necessarily the players.