Who /hype/ here?

Who /hype/ here?

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>literally posting this nonstop
you know gameplay vids are out now, right? we can all see it's the exact same wall of text and samey combat, but now it's in shit green instead of puke green.

>we can all see it's the exact same wall of text and samey combat
So it's as amazing as PoE was?

>"Professional" review sites
I enjoyed PoE, but if you think favorable reviews from these greedy, backroom dealing cunts = a good game you can fuck off back to where you came from marketer.

Is the file name satire?


thirty dollarydoos

It's not as good as Iron Snout? What absolute shit!

I enjoyed PoE and look forward to this

>Great scores from all "professional reviewers"
>Great scores by the majority of people that played the game
Hmmmm, I wonder if the game is any good. Really makes me think.


>Iron Snout
>Even half as good as Ty the Tasmanian Tiger

The moral of the story is PoE is absolute garbage.


Second best RPG released this decade, next to The Witcher 2


Not this.
Maybe these.

Sucks to be you, faggot, pretty much no one aside from that one retard from RPG Codex (that also dislikes Underrail, another great game) agrees with your shitty opinion.

I wish I knew who this retard was, since I also dislike Underrail.

Incredible... I can't believe a taste could be this shit.

What fucking CRPGs have you enjoyed lately?

Age of Decadence, was having a pretty good time with Fall of the Dungeon Guardians, replayed Baldur's Gate 1 earlier this year and had fun again, Battle Brothers early access on and off, waaaaaait a fucking minute you're just trying to engage me to post in your shill thread so that more people can learn that, for you, it's the McTyranny aren't you?

nobody likes PoE Sup Forums regularly has threads shitting on it

I fucking knew you were gonna talk about Age of Decadence. Truly complete garbage taste. You're everything wrong with cRPG fans.

Fucking shills

the only shitholes on the internet that vehemently and autistically hate it is Sup Forums and rpgcodex

guess what says about the quality of the game?

Even the majority of RPGCodex agrees that the game was great. All of the reviews it had but one were positive on it and it got a 8 rating.

that it sucks?

>he thinks Sup Forums actually has good taste in games

I like Sup Forums's tastes in games.

I got tricked into buying PoE, they won't fool me again
And I'm the biggest Obsidian fanboy there is

The only thing I'm hyped for right now is expansion for Underrail.

>being hyped for a game literally called tranny

His reasons are really retarded though.

He's so assblasted about cooldowns he calls it a singleplayer MMO.

I wonder if the prose will be throbbingly purple as in POE.
kek, fucking morons.


>there's gonna be an expansion
pls be good

>more sjw stuff made by Anitas biggest fans
no thanks

this one actually looks like a true successor



>level cap raised from 25 to 30

>special feats every level once you are 25+

>new skills/feats

>new items/recipes

>new models/animations


>new lore connected to the Cube
Sounds like a good old-fashioned expansion.

>tfw looking forward to it because I just want more cRPGs and how bad could it really be?

Is it weird that JSaw has said barely anything about tyranny? I know he's not on the team but he's the creative director of the studio now. Barely any tweets or anything.

Not this.

Yeah, it's strange.

Feel like this game is supposed to be an insignificant side project or something.

He's busy with Pillars 2: Balance Harder.

>pretty much no one

Except for the 99% of gamers who don't play retro-RPGs.

Oh shit, that reminds me about Expeditions: Vikings.

>this is actually a thing
oh boy, this game scratches all the right itches

>Q1 2017