What is Sup Forums's opinion on the upcoming Watch Dogs 2 game?
Do you think it'll be good or over-hyped like last time?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on the upcoming Watch Dogs 2 game?
>over-hyped like last time
I don't see any hype anywhere
I've not seen a lot about it compared to the first, I have heard it's meant to be more "fun" however I reckon it'll be one of those games I finish once and forget out
It's going to be really bad
It's a Triple-A video game.
It'll be focus-grouped market-researched bullshit.
Are you kidding?
It will be good but no one will pick it up because of the black protagonist.
The publishers will think that PC/Console gaming is dead and move over to mobile games.
Sup Forums will rant about how casual gamers are killing the industry.
Bait or a fucking idiot. No one dislikes a game simply because of a black protagonist. If you believe that you need to get the fuck out of whatever delusion you live in. As much as faggots want this isn't 1800s where niggers are slaves and horribly oppressed.
>Ubisoft quits gaming
you say that as if Sup Forums wouldn't be ecstatic
Honestly? The style is growing on me. I was always concerned about the whole San Francisco hipster libfest that it's being advertised as, but I'm watching the various prerelease Let's Plays allowed on certain channels, and I'm convinced it's a parody.
I've only seen two missions, and already I've witnessed characters accuse each other of being hipsters and then denying that they themselves are hipsters, scenes where they straight up acknowledge that they aren't actually doing anything a lot of the time, a conversation happening amongst (for no reason) an anti-capitalist protest, a trans woman character with the deepest black guy voice ever, a scene where characters in designer clothing angst about consumerism, which is followed immediately by another scene with those same characters comparing action movie merchandise they own, and an entire mission where the bad guy is literally Martin Shkreli with a different name, with no attempts at subtlety.
The consumerism part is the biggest kicker for me. They whinge ALL THE TIME about capitalism and consumerism and how evil it is, but they all wear expensive designer clothes, have all of the latest leading brand tech, and value their branding so much that one of their most senior members is a fucking graphic designer who makes all of the DedSec branded clothing and merchandise that they sell not only to their fans, but to their own members with no discounts.
It will sale like hot cakes no matter how bad this game it is.
we are in minority.
Except no one really cares about the black protagonist, people just don't care about about it because the first gane was shit.
No, he isn't because there is literally no hype for this game.
You must've not seen the butthurt over bf1 if you think that
I don't think it will be good, but I think it will be extremely successful. For some reason, Ubisoft can keep pumping out the same games with minimal changes and people eat that shit up.
I remember a previous thread showcasing how super SJW this game is going to be.
>Your a black guy accused of a crime you didn't commit. Because white cops r bad and oppresive n shit.
>Instead of trying to prove your innocence, the IGN article said the black protag would instead pin his crime on some random white strawman. Because White guilt.
>I think something about one of his buddies being a tranny or something like that.
>"We are the 99".
The only reason I'll be watching this, is to see how bad it'll crash and burn.
Historically inaccurate
I don't care if the protag is black. If he's a shitty character that I can't enjoy or find a reason to like playing as him, then he's just a shitty character. Race don't equate to character quality, unless you're some Sup Forumsock.
GTA:SA was the only game that did a Black Protagonist good. At least to what I can think off the top of my head as "characters who are good and are also African Americans.
i think it's going to be fun like the first one and not boring cinematic shit like sony games or childish *blip* *1UP* *wahoo* shit that nintendo makes.
>Ubisoft getting off gaming
You really think they're going to abandon Far Cry and Assassin's Creed because of one shitty sequel?
grow up.
"It's a Parody"
Wishful thinking fellow user. I'll keep this in mind and we'll see how it goes.
To be fair after seeing Vinesauce playing the campaign. The black guy on the cover is kinda bothering. Not because of race, but because he only has one segment mission in the whole campaign. He doesn't really say anythign aside from narrating the mission select of a War Story, and being the book marks.
Hell even the pre-order merch mentioned that all black unit, though they don't even play a part in the campaign at all.
It's just a black guy on the cover, literallry because EA wants to catch the eye of Leftists (I think).
Other than that, I have no idea why the character on the cover is black, when the guy on the box barely is in the campaign.
Found the SJW.
I think it'll be hilarious.
They've got a lot of things right when it comes to hacker culture, like parkour and martial arts, but I'm concerned whether or not it will have enough rollerblading?
Hey Sup Forums, I liked Watch Dogs
Like Mafia 3 before it, it will be advertised as all fuck by game 'journalists' and turn out to be average and disappointing and everyone will go back to GTA 5 online
EB Games and IGN have already posted several heavily edited/cut together gameplay videos showing the game off on social media
I hope it ends up like Ass Creed Unity or Mafia 3.
I actually didn't mind the first one. So I'm curious to check out the sequel. Haven't really seen any hype for it though. Outside of maybe IGN's clearly paid for previews. People are still tantruming over how the first one didn't make their lack of life worth living, so I don't see many people being hyped for this.
There'll either be madly tapping at keyboards with green matrix shit on the screen.
Or pretending to touch holograms in the air.
Because Hackerz~~~~~~
[Spoiler] Whatever broself that's like your opinion. Glad you enjoyed it at least :D [/spoiler]
When the fuck were spoiler tags cap sensitive?
They just lost Gameloft, so maybe not
>Deluxe, gold, collectors and normal edition
Anymore editions or has ubisoft learnt from last time?
ive done a cum
Same here. It's a shame Ubishit has removed nearly everything I like about the first one.