Tell me Sup Forums, why do you hate sports games?

Tell me Sup Forums, why do you hate sports games?



Why does Portuguese sound so stupid.
It's like they cut the tongue off Spanish speaker and let him create a language out of it.

I unironically play NHL games

Because if i want to play sports i'll do it irl

so you're as capable as a professional football player?

I don't though. In fact I just got done having my own little World Series in MLB The Show where I beat the Cubs. Hopefully real life turns out the same way.

Of course not, but i don't see why would matter


for the same reason i don't play other yearly franchises. it's the same shit year after year with some additional minor alterations and gimmicks to keep suckers buying it year after year.

even beyond that, they're just boring. if more sports games were like nfl blitz or nba jam than i would likely play them but muh realism.

I don't.

Hockey games are fun.

I like arcade sports games like ISS64, Wayne Gretzky's or NBA Street or shit like that.


they are boring but my normie friends insist on playing them

is NBA 2K objectively the best sports series?

no football manager is

because its the same shit every year, not to mention if I wanted to play sports in any form, i'd just go play sports. There's nothing new and exciting and the whole reason I play games is so I can fucking do something I couldn't in real life. If arena shooters or platforming was something I could do in real life, I wouldn't fucking play a game about it, I'd do it.

They're okay but the whole yearly release with no new content is a fucking joke. If you only buy one every 3 years or so they bretty good. Sports is one of the only couch co-op genres around these days.

It's not that it sounds stupid, it's that they think it's funny to end everything with "CARALHO". That's what ends up making them sound retarded, which they might be.

In what sport can you control 11 players at the same time in real life?

because I get pwnt on Hall of Fame difficulty
how to git gud at NBA 2K? Bulls fan here

Is pro wrestling considered a sport? Or do we lump it together with other things like NASCAR and darts as a pretend sport?

That's a tough one. Pro wrestling is definitely not a sport. However I would lump the video games based on it in the sports category instead of putting them in with fighting games.

Same could be said for Dutch.

It sounds like retards trying to speak German.

But I don't hate sports games

I don't hate sports games, in fact they're fun, the only thing I hate about it is they are absolute timesinks. Seriously, sports games are like an addiction. One moment, you just started, the next you've played 1000 hours on it.

Why do you think sports games are up there together with MOBAs as most played games on Steam?


Technically it's gookshit.

>this triggers the frenchman

>Bulls fan
I'd recommend suicide.

In seriousness, HoF difficulty is confirmed cheese, stick to Superstar, it'a challenging enough but fair.

>not playing the best RPG of the year, NBA 2K17

>if I wanted to drive cars I'd do it IRL
>if I wanted to shoot guns I'd join the military

Best? I was 7th pick Denver Nuggets, and that faggot Justice stole Mudiay's PG starter spot.



Look at Justice's overall, he's like 89 for me and I'm halfway through the rookie season.

But yeah, the game obviously doesn't want to you to be just a role player. I just forced Kyle Lowry to bench so now the starting lineup for Raptors looks like my PG - Justice - DeRozan - Sullinger - Valancunas and we're number 1 in the East.

even worse

why the fuck did they even record that line, it gets annoying after the first game..

Say what you will about their quality and exploitation, but they contain far more gameplay than many other games do today and they're some of the only games you can play with a friend locally.

I typically like to play them every other year. I feel that's enough time to recharge and the differences are enough to notice.

It's a lot better than FREAKING AND VIBIN

The presidential stuff kinda grew on me but I still don't understand the reasoning behind it apart from the obvious fact that it's election year.



Amanhã é feriado.


Agree, that's why whenever some retard asks "PT?" when I'm playing Rainbow Six I tell them I'm from the Congo and that Portugal is garbage and they get all triggered.

What? benched Lowry? Well, it's okay I guess, since you replaced him, but Justice should have been 6th man.

And Pro is too easy in myplayer, steals are too easy, I'm thinking of going Allstar or Superstar.

So are Reus and Sturridge perma injured in FIFA?

Could they at least get that right?

because most people on this board associate sports with the people who bully them, basically.