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is this the start of an epic new trend ?
It's not desperation, it's greed. Get everyone's money before anyone has a chance to review it.
arkane please make arx fatalis 2
Physical pre-order for the first one was great. Pack of cards with some tarot cards featuring the characters. Pretty good quality too.
Why bother making a good game when you can manipulate people to buy your garbage with shills and stupid "lol preorder to play a bugged version before everyone else xD"
Eh. It would bother me, but Arkane is one of a very small group of devs I'll blindly preorder from.
>review copies only one day prior
>pre-order to play a day early
All of this seems awfully shady to me.
At least you get the Definitive Edition of the first one for free. Never played the DLC so why not. Game looks fun. There are too many games, those Early Access pre-order incentives never really bothered me. At least you don't need to pay additional $20 like with EA.
Dishonored 2 is literally going to be GOTY 2016.
Hyperlight Drifter is the only good game to be released this year thus far. But I feel like Dishonored 2 can beat it out.
Remember Bioware user? it can and will happen to any company. NEVER pre-order or eventually, you WILL get hurt.
>Hyperlight Drifter is the only good game to be released this year thus far
Titanfall 2 and XCOM 2. Agree with the general sentiment though.
>Remember Bioware user?
Last BW I bought was ToB, original release. To what are you referring?
But I want that mask
>you preordered Dishonored 2
Why does he wear the mask?
That's Corvo wearing the mask.
Because he's a big guy
Why did they decide to change descent cartoons with some shitty short movie?
As soon as I saw the mask I pre-ordered without a second thought.
It's just too cool.
You know you can't wear it, right?
Of course I know that. When the fuck am I ever going to wear it anyway?
Guess it'll look well with fedora and katana.
The mask has animu eyes.
I played through the first one but either traded in or lost my copy, was considering getting the definitive edition before this comes out. This might have sealed the deal for me. Is the DLC fun/worth it?
More like arx corridors and cool magics
Serious question vee, why can't we have nice things? I don't even touch myself at night.
just buy one from goodwill in a month's time, idiot
ITT: Dishonored was a console game that happened to play on pc, but was fun in spite of this.
I sometimes find myself hooking my controller for this one fps.
And they'll accept it with open arms. Suckers!
I'm gonna buy it
Never played the first game so the fact that it comes with it is perfect
It's a legit good game, the first one, that is.
No it's not
It punishes you via a bad ending if you kill a single person
>trying this hard
Have a (you)
Will the game be better on pc or ps4?I have a $60 psn wallet I could use on it, but I would by on pc as well and save the $60 for other games
>give you tons of cool ways to kill people
>punish you if you actually use them
It was shit in MGS4 and it's shit here.
>Will the game be better on pc or ps4?
>an FPS
I swear this exact post is in every Dishonored thread
No, it actually matchest the lore they want to give the outsider, the outsider gives powers to complete the task and gets out of the way, but you are responsible for your actions.
Maybe Sup Forums shouldnt have places like x demanidng bullshit of me, if you know whats good for you.
Wow it's almost like they want you to sneak past enemies in a stealth game.
Then don't give me a dozen ways to kill people. Make every ability non-lethal and stealth-based.
you cannot pronounce stealth game without reading murder simulator.
Maybe if the only stealth game you've played is Hitman
>implying it didn't work
Think you'll get your own squad after what happened last night?
It kinda draws you, you're the stealthy marksman and you have preys
What the fuck have happened then?
I can review it myself and if I don't like it get a refund
well it´s not like I still care about this game
I lost any interest when they put it full of sjws stuff and removed all the "sexist" elements to appease feminists
I got the CE because I wanted the mask. I've ordered games before just for the CE shit that came with it. Like Titanfall.
every fucking thread
this shit will be half the price in 2 months, no one is hyped for this and no one will buy it
doom is like 20 bucks new now
thanks for the tip user
you're welcome shill-user-kun
Which means that me buying it now for 30€ was a good deal.
oh sure, if you can get it cheap and you liked the first one then go ahead lad, I'm just saying there's zero hype for this game from the casual crowd, they're busy playing BF1, TF2 and in two days CODIW to even notice DH2, Doom had more name recognition than this (and no major competition) and it's sales were lackluster to say the least
I expect DH2 to go on sale fast
>play a day early
people actually care about this? it's one fucking day, holy shit
>I lost any interest when they put it full of sjws stuff and removed all the "sexist" elements to appease feminists
You should have known this all along, one of the first things they announced about the game was that one of the lead writers was feminist games """"journalist"""" Cara Ellison.
that is really sad
So the the day it comes out would be the review copy that reviews get?
It's fucking Sup Forums, what did you expect, them not to get anal at Bethesda and trite shit like this?
They're not hiding day 1 dlc. They're not doing anything bad, it's just one day early for pre-purchasers.
How desparate do you need to be to hate on a game if you have to litteralry bitch and moan about some people getting to play a day earlier than you will?
Come the fuck on Sup Forums.
Who, Bethesda? Or you for digging the bottom of the barrel to find something to bitch about for a game that looks pretty good from what we've seen so far?
Because the latter is pretty fucking desperate.
No, I mean why would "play 1 day early" be a selling point for anyone?
>plan to release the game on day X
>write that the release day is X+Y
>OY VEY! You can play on day X if you preorder
>spending 0 dollars to preorder a game to play it early
What's the issue
>removed all the "sexist" elements to appease feminists
after mgs V im not preordering anything ever again
But shocker, I can choose to not pre-order it and just ignore that all together.
Either way it's silly to pre-order for this reason, and silly to get this mad for this pre-order incentive. It's literally just one day. That's not worth throwing a whole game out the window.
When I think shitty Pre-order incentives, I think of that weird Zombie tits bust from Dead Island's Sequel.
OP and by extension this thread is just really desperate to hate on Dishonored 2 just because.
And if some asshole does buy the game to play it one day early, then good for them it's their fucking wallet. If designers want to know what incentives are shit, then they'll wait for us to moo loudly before they hold back and try better incentives.
>literally just came out with "we want everyone to play it on the same day" bullshit to avoid review copies
smells like Publisher bullshit to me
Fuck, can't unsee it.
Arkane + Harvey Smith, how can it go wrong?
r-right guys?
>buy game blindly before any reviews get out
>just to play game early
Also 59.99 is not 0.
It literally costs nothing to place a preorder, are you dumb?
And returns are a thing if you ultimately decide you don't like the game
The reviews are already saying it doesn't live up to the first game.
Sure, but not everyone seeks out them. This is why they're trying to get people to buy the game, before anyone realizes the game is bad.
This basically baits them more money. It's not to be supported.
>Hyperlight Drifter is the only good game to be released this year thus far.
How is Emily still alive?
Nice bait. We all know glorious Bethesda isn't giving out review copies until the day before release.
That's not the canon ending user
They picked an ending as canon.
>Bethesda isn't giving out review copies
You are one dense motherfucker, aren't you
>Falling into water
>Falling into water on top of a man
>Falling into water on top of a man built like a tank
She'll be fine.
Bethesda is giving out early review copies for jack shit. It's a blanket policy, nothing to do with Dishonored 2 specifically.
I'm hyped as fuck for this shit, and I'm not buying it day one.
Be careful anons
denuvo y/n?
Same. Just gotta avoid spoilers until Denuvo is cracked again
who cares if some dumb youtubers dont get it early
This couldn't be less true considering Thief 1-2 are the best stealth games by far.
This is more against the "no review copies until the day before release" thing, not preordering in and of itself.
There's literally nothing wrong with preordering if you know what you like and what you're getting into
>Not completing blood money accidents-only
Fucking casuals
B-But you will buy it if you like it, right user?
Telling yourself that you'll know how a game will be like before anyone has seen or played it is a pretty big lie.
There's a lots wrong there.
Once I can afford it. I'm broke as fuck and it's Christmas.
You're a good guy!
Again, refunds and returns are a thing that exists
>"I liked the first game and I like how this one is shaping up based on the footage I've seen. Let me preorder it"
>time passes
>"Oh no, this isn't what I expected, let me return this and get a refund"
It's as simple as that.