ITT: bosses that wreck your personal shit

ITT: bosses that wreck your personal shit.

Any game is fine.

I've died over 20 times to these ass licking pieces of shit even though I beat all other Souls bosses in a couple of tries on a blind playthrough.

I ended up having to to it naked with a lightning rapier and no summons. The extra health from allies made it impossible, speed kill one and the rest is easy.

The hardest part for me was adapting to their delayed paw swipes, this is why some people find the Smelter asshole (especially the blue one) literally impossible as well.

Fuck it's whole family tree.

They are the only boss in dark souls i used a summon to fight againts.
I have no problem fighting a boss 1v1 but i just cant focus on multiple bosses fighting you.

This fucking bitch

Beanpole and Fatty are tough only if you try to take down the Fatty first.

>it's a "soulsfags complain about the same shit over and over again under the guise of a shitty thread type that they all swarm and circlejerk on about soulsbourne garbage just like webm threads" episode

>it's a "I don't want to participate in a thread, but I will blame other people for participating" episode

Fuck this thing. I've never played a DMC game before so I went in blind with the HD collection. Decided to avoid using items for the entire game since it made Ninja Gaiden trivial, on normal mode anyway, and Nightmare kicked my ass all over the place.

Maybe it gets easier once you start getting a feel for the combos and game style but not having control over the camera in this game was definitely annoying.

>weapons keep breaking mid-fight

The only DMC game I've played was DMC 3 and I could not get past the cerberus fight.

i never fought op, but fuck avaa

fuck that damage, fuck that health, fuck her running around the map every 5 seconds, fuck the magic, fuck her hitboxes, and again fuck her stupidly high health and damage.

They're only tough if you don't know how to fucking block

2cats are like Avaa, but there's two of them and one of them enters rage mode and regenerates health and deals even more damage than Avaa for period of time.

Phase 1
>Not too bad, fast lil cunt
Phase 2
>Oshit this just got interesting
Phase 3
Just died too her for the third time in a row and rage quit. I fucking adore the fight and the DLC though.

Those 2 cats were surprisingly easy for me.
Took me 3 tries and even the last one made me go naked while dual wielding large and great club. I even did it on NG+.
The fucking reindeers however can go fuck themselves in the ass. I've died more to those reindeers than the 2 cats.

>Rage quit after the third time
Step it up, fampai.

Just roll under him and attack his tail, fgt. Though I can't talk too much shit, the Kraeken Cyclops gave me serious trouble and hes a bitch.

only if you're playing an old old patch on PC.

I still can't believe I beat her on my first try. So many people say she's easy but I was fucking panicking at phase 3, everything she did looked horrifying. I was using the augur of ebrietas like a madman just trying to end it.

I only died to her once, and that was because I wasn't expecting her blood sword nonsense, every time after the first I've rolled her.

depends on build, big shields make them easy.

really its just a matter of luring one away from the other so they aren't overlapping attacks on you.
after that its an issue of knowing what to attack into and what to avoid with big stick, and how easily/safely you can punish thunder thighs consecutive butt slams.

jesus what the fuck. that aint right

I was playing the SOTFS version on PS4 at the time.

The old samurai dude in God Hand. The only boss I spent 2 hours on.

>not calling the pic 2cat
You youngins need to study meme history.

The burst in furi gave me a really hard time on my first playthrough followed by the edge. I know the edge is easier, I just couldn't get the parry timings down when he picks up the oar. The line gave my a really hard time on furier, least favourite boss. In souls type games the two bosses that felt like banging my head against a brick wall are orphan of kos and nameless king.

This qt wrecked me more times I can remember
Cerberus is really fucking hard for a first boss, I'm ashamed to say, but I got filtered by the reaper after you leave the building, perhaps this isn't for me anymore

>not lmao 2cat

Get a load of this fag.


>having trouble with Cerberus

The Beowulf fight would make you shit a fucking brick. Literally took me 50 attempts.

The One Reborn, I must have died like 20 times to him on my first playthrough.

>the fucking area before the boss
>infinite pony spawning
>retarded blinding blizzard mechanic

fuck that place, I summoned every available npc and cheese the whole thing, never going thorugh that area more than 3 times again. it's almost as painful as the fucking run to the blue smelter but atleast you could exhaust the enemies there

Only boss that made me use a brightbug.

You just rush and kill one asap

the version of nemesis with the rocket launcher in RE3

I had to restart the game because I couldn't beat him without stocking up on freeze grenades

I only used a brightbug against Elana, didn't work out too well

Elana is only fun cooping, going solo is a DPS race to kill her b4 she summons velstadt.

Brightbugs helped me a lot with some bosses, when i got too tired to try or was short in time to play that shit is basically roids