>Made by the original Modern Warfare Devs
>single player campaign is the spiritual sequel to Warfare gameplay
>game is a bomb according to first day sales
This is why we cant have good things
>Made by the original Modern Warfare Devs
>single player campaign is the spiritual sequel to Warfare gameplay
>game is a bomb according to first day sales
This is why we cant have good things
I must say this game is pretty good. And it got critical acclaim too. The campaign is nice and features a cast of great VAs. Titans are fun and feel diverse enough for different people to find a favorite for their tastes.
But it's still a modern military shooter (although the parkour is super nice), it's on origin, and it's expensive.
They pulled a princeofpersia/beyondgoodnevil by releasing it in the same week as bf1. I don't know what the fuck EA was thinking.
Tone nerf when?
What's wrong with it?
Also, everyone, post your titanfu.
Claiming Legion, because you can never have enough DAKKA.
Seriously. How could anyone think this is a good idea? With more room to breathe Titanfall 2 could have done well, but you have BF1 releasing the same week and Call of Duty releasing the following week. Someone at EA needs to be shitcanned.
Ion purest and bestest
no one wants titanfall trash
people want cod4 nostalgia, key wording "nostalgia"
Nostalgia is wanting something that you used to enjoy but no longer exists. It's never coming back.
Did modern warfare have auto aimbot pistols? didn't think so bud.
and don't get me started on that titan crap
alright, so i was playing as tone against another tone
we both put up shields but he ended up murdering me. watched the kill cam and he got lock on by shoot near my feet making me think i had to just get splash damage to get lock on.
i tried it on my next titan and couldn't get it. does splash damage actually give you lock on?
Why does this game trigger shitposters so much?
Its fun
Stop posting this every fucking hour EA shills
All you had to do was add a few more titans, abilities, and maps, and it would've been good
Instead you fucked everything and made it CoD with TTKs way too high and not fun for anybody
did they remove the farmable bots, burn cards and aimbot pistols yet?
pandering at shitters in the first game will give you just that, a casual audience
Yeah nah, I'm just gonna pirate this one
Nope they added xray vision though
All the Call of Duty games are mechanically the same. If you want a spiritual successor to Modern Warfare, just play Call of Duty.
>multiplayer is dead already
why is this? is the game just that unappealing?
The CoD kids aren't called that for nothing. These poor retards have grown playing LITERALLY nothing but CoD (and maybe BF). Anything new, any game that doesn't have either of those in the title, is unappealing, alien and frightening to them.
Why on earth would you nerf Tone? She's got a solid kit but there's tons of opportunities for counter play.
Game balance is quite good, if anything very minor buffs should be given to Ronin's armor and the damage on Northstar's primary, and even then I'm not sure, since a Ronin that knows what it's doing is a fucking monster.
But finding one of those is like finding a unicorn
>10/10 accurate anti infantry weapon
>instakill core
>sonar utility
it is the best titan in the game
You're restricted to play with players in your region of your internet zone.
It's fucking retarded
Join a network and "invite network" instead of play then.
You'll get the side benefit of having decent players to boot.
>it is the best titan in the game
Eh. No. It's the easiest to pick up and play, sure. but the best? Overall I'd say Legion, very tough, lethal at any range, and Smart Core liquefies entire teams of Titans.
Ion is criminally underrated, but I think people are finally starting to catch on to how monstrous she can be.
Northstar and Ronin are kind of funny because their skill ceilings are so high; a clutch Ronin or a Northstar that's a team player is the scariest thing in this game.
>the damage on Northstar's primary
Sweet Jesus no. It'd be unbalanced as fuck. I main Northstar and she already does a shitton of damage. I find her pretty OP honestly, Legion too.
isn´t the game full of sjw female leaders
don´t really feel like supporting such a game with my money
yes it does
Niggers in here better start pointing out if they're talking about PC or console versions on here.
Because any fucking "downside" a weapon or titan is supposed to have is just blown away by m/kb on here it's absurd.
>Titans that are supposed to be slow as hell can swivel 180 in an instant to spot and punch pilots attempting to rodeo
>Last Titan Standing requires Legion stacks or it's game over because long-range burst damage + gun shields + highest health + boost engine to enable closing the gap
>The one sniper rifle that can one-shot has bullet drop and travel time, making it hard to use, but every AR, SMG and even some LMGs have the same range and almost equal DPS as snipers
I'm seriously skeptic they'll balance the PC version to be different from the console versions.
>isn´t the game full of sjw female leaders
Not really.
I liked it, but, I beat the campaign on master, got all the cheevos and helmets, and hit level 50 in the multiplayer in the span of just this weekend. I really don't see it lasting. Map variety is almost nonexistant and frankly only a couple maps are good anyway, Most are really, REALLY small compared to the first too.
Also, the release timing is just suicidal.
>Last Titan Standing requires Legion stacks or it's game over because long-range burst damage + gun shields + highest health + boost engine to enable closing the gap
>Mfw every time I play a LTS pug it's me (Legion/Tone/occasionally Ion) three Ronins and a Northstar
don't give a shit about multiplayer, and i for one am looking forward to the 50% sale that inevitably happens 6 months after a disappointing launch (see madmax for example, released the same day as mgs5)
>main Ronin because I love shotguns, don't care about the lolninjakatana crap
>worry games will be filled with Ronins for that very reason
>he actually requires tactical retreat and close-in planning, so most people don't pick him up or are suicidal idiots
>free reign to flank enemies to shotgun their assholes while swordblocking to advance or retreat, reload while phase shifting, and crossing people up with double arc waves to keep them from reacting
I hope the Ronin population will stay low.
Ronin buff when?
>Arc Wave does a tiny amount of damage
>Coming out of Phase Dash inside an enemy titan kills you and does nothing to them.
>Least health
>To go along with their tiny health pool their block doesn't even negate all damage like the other titans, just reduces it
Some straight bullshit there.
So if CoD kids don't like this game because it's too different from CoD, and other people don't like this game because it's too much like CoD, who is this game for?
>EA owns Battlefield IP but does not own Titanfall
>Heavily markets Battlefield 1, way less for Titanfall 2
>Releases Titanfall 2 and sandwiches it between Battlefield 1 and CoD
>Denies Respawn when asked if Titanfall 2 can be part of the Origin access thing
It wouldn't be a far reach to say that someone at EA wants this game to fail. There's just no definitive proof, everything can be explained just by stupidity.
>mfw a ronin panics when I surprise dash up his asshole on ion
>vortex their entire mag
>return fire for an instant doom
every time
god damn I love this game, I wish I bought it instead of renting it. Maybe if it's still got players after infinite warfare comes out i'll pick it up.
I guess, it's for (unironically) open-minded players.
>This is why we cant have good things
No. Respawn decided not to offer their open beta on PC. That was a terrible move that took away a lot of much-needed publicity and early adopters for the game. And the reason Respawn cited? They were afraid of dataminers. Yes, that's what they actually said in their statement.
Respawn intentionally shot themselves in the foot multiple times. They released the game near BF1. They declined a PC open beta. They declined any sort of Origin free trial.
>auto aimbot pistols
You mean that useless kill streak that is harder to get and less effective than a single MW2 air strike? The smart pistol blows.
The block's strength is it can be held infinitely and is always ready to use in emergency. You can dash with it up to close in or retreat. Arc wave's meant to stun rather than damage. The phase death needs fixing though.
having so much fun with this game atm. Fucking loved the first game and they've just made it better in pretty much every way
>titan throws out smoke
>hop off unscathed
>wait 4 seconds for smoke to dissipate
>grab battery and hop away without any sort of damage taken
Even better in last titan standing when they all blow it at once, and I just get a free kill while my enhanced northstar buttfucks everybody
not sure about all that other stuff, but respawn said they did not choose the release date.
how they expect me to drop 60 usd or whatever it cost in the mexican origin store on a game that has no trial or open beta on pc?
EA really killed this game in utero
is there a Sup Forums network?
what makes tf2's campaign so much more involving than say call of duty's?
i just finished it, had a blast but i cant quite put my finger on why i enjoyed it more
Would using a kb+m on the ps4 be considered cheating on TF2? I feel so slow and handicapped with the controller.
You'd be amazed how many people stick around for the smoke. Sometimes you just get wedged into it sometimes if you cant jump off right.
More freedom. CoD campaigns are scripted chores to go through.
It had love put in it.
You actually felt for the fucking characters. Having 2 main characters let them bounce off of each other. In call of duty, usually you have fun but most of the characters you see are dead in 5 minutes, and the main character is usually faceless and voiceless.
I'm well aware, but the point is most pilots just pop it instantly when they sense rodeo, and there's a like 20 second cooldown on that shit, you're opening yourself up for 2 or even 3 rodeos if you don't have backup.
I haven't really seen arcs effects properly.
Does it slow turning as well as general movement?
If it slows their turning I'm fine with it doing so little damage, but if it just slows them, whats the point, as any other titan can still significantly reduce your health on approach.
Also I don't know about his leadwall damage, maybe I'm just not paying enough attention but its damage seems inconsistent even when up in the face of enemy titans, sometimes it seems to melt them, at other times it seems to do nothing.
I didn't even try dashing while blocking, so thats good to know.
My only gripe was they said "Trust me" like six times, so it lost its impact.
>most of the characters you see are dead in 5 minutes
never forget
How do you Titan execute? Melee when they're in Doomed state? Do you have to hold the button or just click? Also any bonus to it besides guaranteeing the pilot dies too?
Cod's campaign has evolved into a big movie set piece with no actual involvement. Constantly trying to top COD4 and outdo itself every time as the biggest thing ever.
Titan's campaign actually feels like your playing a fucking video game.
Melee when in doomed state
just press
no bonus
I got it for 45USD on green man gaming. Apparently EA did like a 10 hour trial at some point
>single player campaign is the spiritual sequel to Warfare gameplay
And thats suppose to be a good thing?
Executions are invulnerable during it and you gurantee the enemy pilot can't eject.
If the pilot already ejected they just blow up.
no bonus in exp, but there are some camos you only get for executing.
The pilot kill guarantee is also a pretty big bonus as it rewards extra cash in bounty, and the points for both titan and pilot in attrition.
oh and naturally if the pilot has ejected and set off self destruct, you can't execute. But if they disembark instead, you can, although you won't get the pilot kill, just the titan.
If you regenerate your gun then regenerate your pilot, does it undo your gun regeneration?
What does pilot regen reset specifically?
pilot regen resets all your unlocks, any weapon generation progress will be paused until you unlock it again
gen 3 already send help
>Origin free trial.
You sure are uneducated
Not that I know, somebody should make one
Do you get all the camos when you regenerate? Or do you need to keep doing it one by one?
check the general
/vg/ networks on all platforms.
all the ones that say "unlocks with regeneration" arent actually unlocked, you unlock the ability to see when they unlock. 2 per gen roughly
>the same company that put out the Syndicate reboot everyone forgot about the same time as Mass Effect 3
This is nothing new
Let's just hope this game gets the Rainbow 6 Siege effect and stays with a stable playercount. However, I fear we are looking at the next Battleborn.
Should I just buy it now? At least now it'll be at it's absolute peak players and I can have fun for the time being but I'm really worried about buying it and then later down the road regret it because of dead mp.
Can I still pick my Titans voice? I want sexy Russian lass telling me I'm about to die. And is there a horde mode?
>CoD clone
>good things
at worst it will do what the first game did, die down to a small community that will always be playing
I dont think it can do what battleborn did
Even when titan fall 1 was given out for free I still couldn't find any games.
Although that's probably linked to me living in Ireland.
The problem is that said small community wont be enough to play the least popular gamemodes. I've heard CTF is really fun but you have to wait too much, you even had to wait on launch date which is kinda sad. I hate these games being abandoned since I had the same experience with UT and Tribes...
When 1 started to die off the only modes you could find matches in were attrition, hoard and the campaign rotation. Anything else you needed to get in with the comp groups for pugs
All these people moved to 2 with launch so at the least itll be the same
I tried to play it on my ps4 but shooters on a sony controller are a total joke. You know how mustards feel about controllers in general? Well to someone who has played nothing but xboxs and playstations, the ps controller feels like complete shit for the genre.
Anyway, returned it for an xbone copy and have been having a blast. I beat the campaign in about 6 hours and have just been playing multiplayer since, will go for the 1000/1000 one day. I wouldnt get it past november otherwise you seriously risk not having a sizable enough community. PCucks, i know the game is doa already for yall since no one plays anything but overwatch and counterstrike and lol on the pc.
So if I have a level 17 tone and I pilot regen, does it retain my unlocks if I rebut it with credits?
If you unlock everything for tone and then regen, then buy tone using credits everything will still be there
Games don't sell well on PC. Evolve was dead on PC, but fine on consoles. Battleborn is dead on PC, but fine on consoles.
>campaign is 4 hours long
>MP is more futuristic wall running bullshit*
*dis time wiv hueg robots
> put out both of our big AAA shooters weeks apart so they compete
> market and push bf1 because we own that shit
> TF2 tanks
> Respawn's now in trouble
> We "save" Respawn
> Properly release TF3
> Make enough to cover TF2, Respawn purchase, and line our pockets
PC is a fucking irrelevant platform, don't kid yourself. There's a reason why PC isn't getting games, and why western pubs are finally starting to pull put of the platform. It's just not worth it.
it's fast though, which is the real reason to play it. I didn't play titanfall 1 because advanced warfare was just the same shit but they decided to castrate the only good decision they'd ever made with CoD by turning it into a shitty titanfall knockoff, so now i'm just playing titanfall instead.
Has anyone had success with pilot executions?
I'm 39 now and I haven't done it once. The everyone's always on the move and looking around erratically.
it was always with robots though, whats your point
i GOT executed once, does that make me bad?
i've done about 20. hold the button, don't tap it.
>why does this cod reskin get shit on
gee, i dunno
The point is that mechs aren't reason enough to buy another generic MP experience. The market was saturated with modern shooters, now it's saturated with future shooters. Unless you're 12 or a massive weeb, there's no reason to even bother with it.
>Be respawn
>Make TF1
>Its good, but lacking in content
>Make TF2
>Listen to feedback from previous game and beta
>Hold out against EA on paid DLC and Premium
>Make great game
>Be EA
>See studio thinking for itself
>Kill it
Thanks EA
I love how the members of 6-4 are wearing the assault helmets from the original game.
EA's smart. They're just lowering Respawn's price
Except the fact the gameplay is more akin to tribes than any other modern shooter out right?
You havnt played it have you
that's the point, they're the mercs from the first game. Read their faction description in the multiplayer menu.
people learned their lesson with titanfall 1
>Unless you're 12 or a massive weeb, there's no reason to even bother with it.
Of course not, since I'm neither of these.
I've looked into it, checked gameplay and reviews etc.. literally nothing to warrant a purchase.
Titanfall taps into the same sort of player-hyping that has made the Ace Combat series so powerfully remembered. In Titanfall, you are THE badass, but you're not alone. You get shit done, the grunts on your side are wowed at your skills, the IMC grunts sound like they're regularly shitting their pants when they see you coming and the unique bad guys have to antagonize you directly. The game does well at making you feel like YOU are Jack Cooper (just as you are Mobius One in AC4), and when the soldiers are praising that pilot as he fights with them (during the fight just with their contextual battle chatter), they are praising and thanking you, the player, and you feel it.
Similarly, in the early COD games when Respawn was the Infinity Ward team, their games focused on camaraderie among mostly generic soldiers. In them, you weren't a lone badass (unless it was a British mission), the others did help out, but it was always you there at the point. Just one guy among many others fighting together. Though you assume the identity of a named character, they are voiceless and faceless, they are you. When the game calls out to Davis/Vasilli/Soap/Roach, the game is calling out to you.
Meanwhile the newer Treyarch and secondary team CODs are just trying to be DRAMATIC movies in which you're in control of moving an established character from cutscene to cutscene with Kevin Spacey or whoever. You are completely disconnected, none of the stakes are yours, all of the hallways are linear.