He plays as a girl

>he plays as a girl

>He doesn't

You gay or something?

>Force self to quit that shithole of a board
>Fags keep trying to bring me back

>implying you will ever be free

>he watches show for girls

holy fuck I want to cum in fluttershy's horsepussy while her huge asshole is gasping for air so bad

>he doesn't

You gay or something?

thanks pony.

I will be. You all suck
>RIP good old days before S5.

my nuts are quakin real bad rn

Ponies are boring except for the sfm porn

Please commit suicide.

>he derives pleasure from his interactive artistic entertainment by controlling a male
pretty gay tbqh

Depends really. If you consider the game world will typically have more male characters and there is bonus damage or other bonuses against the opposite sex it can be worth playing as a female for those bonuses

>implying it didn't go to shit in S3

>mfw barneyfag is asleep already and you're wasting your time

I dropped after S3

you only have yourself to blame

>commit suicide for watching a show other faggots don't like

assholes don't gasp for air retard

beats being a brony

>he doesn't play as a girl
lol gay

>playing FFXIV
>but not really playing because crafting macros
>random tell

The show did, but the board was still fine until a bit after S5.
Then both the board and the show started to suck equally.

S3 was the worst one.

pre S2 days, S3 pre days. pre S5 days. changed pretty fucking dramatically.

kind of wish more games had ambiguous protags desu

don't like having to pick a sex for a character. i like people left in the dark about what sex i am online

Why whenever I start to feel comfy in one place, it inevitably changes and goes to shit?

they know you have a penis faggot