Would you play an Elder Scrolls game following the adventures of Tiber Septim and how he eventually became Talos...

Would you play an Elder Scrolls game following the adventures of Tiber Septim and how he eventually became Talos, the Ninth Divine?

Not really. I hate just about every lore centric figure in the series and prefer my own characters.


Uh, no. That would completely destroy player agency. Did you faggots not learn anything from Fallout 4?

Fuck off Todd, we don't need a voiced protagonist in Elder Scrolls.


It's best to keep us guessing or reading up on the lore rather then have us experience it because there's a chance they would ruin the fuck out of it.

no, they should move the setting forward, they said the next TES isn't even in the works yet, and they still have room for at least 2-3 more titles until shit must hit the fan, so fuck prequels

you can have bethesda fuck up their own lore
But I won't play it because it's shit

Wouldn't shock me at all if the next Elder Scrolls game is set in Skyrim and you play an even more contrived role. And the ending is something like a choice between "destroy the Elder Scrolls" and "merge with the Elder Scrolls".

Don't let Bethesda mess with the historical lore.

I would like to play an elder scrolls game where I am not the center of attention and the only one who can get things done. And when I do get to choose what I do it will not sway an empire.

Beth really needs to drop the "You can do anything" meme but they won't.

That would require Bethesda to be smart about their lore.

Honestly I expect the player of the next game to be Emperor or something equally retarded and mary sueish.


How the fuck would you do it anyways? Talos is not just ONE person.

>Would you play an Elder Scrolls game following the adventures of Tiber Septim and how he eventually became Talos, the Ninth Divine?
You childish humans still believe in this fairy tale?

Go away euphoric elf

I would rather play as Pelinal, who pretty much already acts like a video game character.

You basically play Tiber Septim V2 in Skyrim. It sounds pretty likely the player character causes/does something after it.

They'll probably just write it all the fuck off anyway for TES6 just like how the champion of oblivion is maybe/maybe not the new madgod and no one remembers much or gives jack of a shit.

>implying he can't be the guy shit resolves around while you're some guy helping him out aka Oblivion
>or a long series of side quests if main story is not about him

But it's better to keep lore being lore, as in something you can't be completely certain about since it's old shit.

>hold E to deforest jungle

No. I want to play with my qt 3.14 Dunmer waifu. If I can't do that in an Elder Scrolls game then it's shit.

Daily reminder that Bethesda Softworks didn't give a single fuck about Zenimax writing him into being a bastard with a dunmer grandmother yet didn't allow them to have imgas or sloads or that the Dwemers very likely are all trapped in one big soulgem that was suppose to power some giant robot but are now lost in the Black Marshes because a single dwarf made a shitty deal with Clavicus Vile.