bravo, bethesda
Skyrim remastered
Took me longer than I would like to admit.
Theres a peasant inside cranking a handle, obviously.
This . I didn't spot it right away either.
I can already hear the monty python skit
Nords harnessing the power of potential energy. The watermill is clearly being run by underground slaves.
and no, you're not being memed
Ok, I'm a retard, tell me what it is in spoiler text so someone else who wants to figure it out themselves wont get spoiled.
OP is trolling, he obviously just reversed the clip
[spoilerL_________sent ;)_________[/spoiler]
>figure it out themselves
You would have to be retarded to not see whats wrong with the webm
Look at the river's flow
Now look at the mill wheel
look at the moving parts of the webm
The water wheel is turning against the river flow. Water wheels are turned BY the river.
Sorry, I can't see in 60fps
>each time that stutter comes up I hope it will reverse this shitty lowpoly wheel
what i'm saying it's shit
i just can't help but watch them fall
I feel sick watching this
People unironically bought a 5 year old game they have previosly purchased and beat.
I'm dumb as fuck.
This is why we don't pay our construction wizards in alcohol folks.
your mom always told you that you were special, user
>jpeg compression
>it's because mods
>lol it's from alpha
>it's a windmill you retard, look at the direction of the wind
>look at the sky
What's funny is that there's literally already a mod that fixes this
Stop, My sides are already gone.
>sabotage the mill to fuck over the town's economy
i didn't even know this so i don't really give a shit
>Mods will fix it
>We don't have to do anything
At first I was very surprised and impressed that bethesda managed to make a working water wheel, but then I noticed what was wrong and stopped being happy.
Is that why the mill is smoking near the end
Where does everyone get these great Star Trek reaction images. I got a few but I seem to find a new one everyday.
>yfw you realize the water isnt actually moving and the wheel is pushing the earth around it
Oh, so it's just Sup Forums autism flaring over nothing again.
hello Todd
What are those watermills used to power anyway? People in Skyrim don't know about electrons.
you ground up grain n shit
No it's fine
The water isn't actually moving, do you know how hard it would be to actually simulate moving water?
Think about the interactions between each bit of water, that's like 1000 factorial calculations a second
Probably the sawmill.
There's nothing attractive to being an imbecile user. I'd like to tell you to work on it but with where you're at I guess your only hope is trying to be handsome.
yeah there's the technology to animate a mill in one way, but it's too hard to make it rotate in the other correct way.
Todd I get that you love your works, but you should shut up once in a while.
I hope you're trolling
I'm assuming it was like this in the original game as well. As I understand it they did absolutely minimal work for the remaster so I can't imagine how they would fuck this up now.
Isn't SE just Skyrim with a bunch of community mods pre-installed?
You know what? I'm glad Skyrim got a remaster 5 years later, I really am.
This way we can all be reminded that the game was indeed a pile of shit, just so there is no confusion or nostalgia clouding our judgement.
it took me some time to figure it out. I don't really see anything unusual.
Aside from some very specific cases we don't really have anything even remotely resembling IRL physics in games, especially if we talk about water.
So... some misplaced decorations, then.
How is it possible that the water still looks like complete garbage when a simply water mod with almost no resource cost fixed it 3 years ago...
on one hand you have professionals porting a game to a newer version of the same engine while adding some slight graphical improvements.
on the other you have a bunch of neets slapping shitloads of instagram filters on top and generate bloat textures because muh 4k buzzword.
I just don't get it guys. When I got skyrim on PC ~5 years ago there was already graphical mods that improved the graphics (and they were probably better). The only justification I can see for this is the sell to console users who know no better.
>a bunch of neets slapping shitloads of instagram filters on top and generate bloat textures because muh 4k buzzword.
Best description of Bethesda ever.
they wanted a unified game across all platforms so they can bring mods to consoles.
bonus points to SKSE not working because 64 Bit and Fallout 4 SKSE is still shitting the bed which means no bullshit to stop mods from working on consoles because salty modder tears.
So is the person in the background on the bridge moving backwards?!