EA's origin has proceed to block an entire country (Burma) out of its services a few weeks ago

>EA's origin has proceed to block an entire country (Burma) out of its services a few weeks ago
>ALL consumers who BOUGHT games on Origin are now locked out of their account, without any refund or possibility to play those games they bought.
>pirates however are completely unaffected
>EA claims they were forced to block due to the US embargo on Burma, which was actually instituted in 1997 (making their trades from 1997 onwards illegal) and the U.S. lifted that ban months ago

Why is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:


There are computers in Burma?

Stop using that webm, it always get my hopes up it's a SMAC-thread.

US lifting sandctions:treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/pages/burma.aspx
EA admitting to blocking Myanmar/Burma

You do know that its from a movie right? SMAC just used a clip of that movie for that game. Also if you really want a SMAC thread, make one. I'll gladly come in and tell you why Miriam was right

So they blocked ten people off a game? Nobody cares about this Shit move on

but its indicitive of a bigger issue.

You shouldn't care about Myanmar, you should care that EA/Origin can even do this thing in the first place. what if they do it on your country next?

So why did they do it? Unless they have a VERY good reason, it's saying no to profit.

Yeah I know, but how many on this board knows the movie compared to SMAC?

>Miriam was right


Now i want to know which movie it is from

Didn't they do this because some butthurt retard wasted 1000 dollars on some shit in FIFA and decided to DDoS EA servers because he got nothing out of it?

no clue, but if I had to guess? they're just retarded and misunderstood the lifting the sanctions part to imposing sanctions.

Baraka. if I recall the part of the scream was filmed of some other art performance done in Japan.


It won't because I'm from a country people care about.

>he really thinks EA are gonna block EU countries or the US from their games without the biggest fucking uproar of all video game history

EA may be scumbags but they're not stupid


First, they came for the Burmese, and I did not speak out because I am not Burmese.
Then, they came for another country that didn't matter, and I didn't speak out, because I'm from a real country.

The end.

>EA is a sketchy company
>this is news

The fuck is Burma?
Japanese for Bulma?

Do you know "First they came ..." by Martin Niemöller? might want to look at it.

I can definitely see them blocking eastern Europe but anyway you're missing my point. Why give EA this power in the first place? People bought those games, they have a right to play them.


Not a country anymore.

It's that now.

this is too long a webm for no good payoff. its too meta.

Fuck off OP, no one cares about your shitty third world country

>People bought those games, they have a right to play them

They bought a license thay agreed could be revoked. Complain to the politicians if you want, EA literally did nothing wrong.

Now you have some moral justification for piracy, just fucking pirate all EA's shit. Who gives a shit anyway, Origin is almost as big a piece of shit as Burma.

>my country
Not my country.

I said it before and I'll say it again. I dont give two shits about Burma/Myanmar. what I do care is the fact EA can even do such bullshit moves. to completely block a person from the games he bought.

Yeah, I agree, but every so often I need to drop it again. It is a work of art in its own way.

I saw one source (which I found by searching Myanmar in Google News yesterday) claiming that EA started blocking Myanmar in September (whereas the sanctions were lifted in early October). If this source is to be believed, EA isn't actually retarded enough to misunderstand the difference between lifting sanctions and imposing them. However, they're still retarded for only deciding to comply with the sanctions after 19 years of not giving a shit, and they're still cunts for not fixing the situation after the sanctions went away a few weeks later.

If you aren't from Burma, and no Burmese people seem to give a shit, why do you give a shit?

a screen shot works fine

If you're from a first world country it will literally never happen to you so who cares?

Kek, looks like they'll lift the restriction in 19 years

>They bought a license thay agreed could be revoked. Complain to the politicians if you want, EA literally did nothing wrong.
heres the nice thing about living in the proper western nation, in Europe the EULA doesn't mean jack shit if the person "signing" it has no representation in its creation or it wasn't explained to him in detail. basically the law says you cant make a single sided EULA in Europe.

unfortunately since this is international trade it falls into a tricky area.

Because I own games, on Origin aswell as Steam. and I dont like the fact they can just take my games away.

But can you guarantee 100% that my games wont be effected? you cant.

>buying EA games

Serve then right for trusting their money to a shitty company like EA.

As mentioned before, EA may be scum but they're not stupid enough to block a country that matters.

Lmao, EA really is beyond retardation

>waah how dare someone do what they please with THEIR property

you cant guarantee that with absolute certainty. heres my idea: Instead of trusting EA not to shoot us, how about we just take away the gun?

So you're saying the games you bought, for hard earned money, are EA's property? thats exactly part of the problem we should fix.

>It's not illegal so that automatically makes it okay

What country do you live in?

I haven't tried it but Origin has an offline mode. Although it's probably just as bad as Steam's.

There's a lesson in this. DRM is anti-consumer.

I don't give a fuck about Burma

>b-but look at the bigger picture!

They won't ban games in my country. Move if vidya is that important to you

If you touch EA's gun they will shoot you, pay the fine, then move on.

Unless the U.S. ever put sanctions on you.

No you fucking retard.
Military spending accounts for 4% of the US's GDP. It's hundreds of billions.
But we spend over a trillion dollars on welfare.
Stop fucking talking about bullshit you don't know about. We spend more on handouts than we do the fucking military. All of it. We spend more money on single moms and people who haven't worked in 40 years than we do jet fucking planes and ships powered by nuclear engines.

>Got mine, fuck you!
Kill yourself.

First of all, the sanctions were LIFTED. there is no ban, EA is just retarded.
Second, how can you guarantee you wont be in the same situation someday?
Third, what if EA were to implement some sort of internal policy like blocking out someones account for making a comment which EA deems racist/offensive in some way? no matter the country.

I can't wait until something shitty happens to you so other people can say
>It doesn't affect me, so I don't give a fuck. :)

>People bought those games, they have a right to play them.
No, they rented them indefinitely.

If you read the consumer agreement, you realise that EA can pretty much do whatever they fucking want.

They won't
I can't wait either, I'm sure I'll do the logical thing and come to Sup Forums so I can rally teh troops!

See >in Europe the EULA doesn't mean jack shit if the person "signing" it has no representation in its creation or it wasn't explained to him in detail. basically the law says you cant make a single sided EULA in Europe.

and besides, this is exactly part of the problem which I am trying to raise here. why is that game you bought not your property? why is buying a game = renting it? and in that case why aren't we going for a pay-per-play model?

Yes that's exactly right.

>tfw American

If you can't be bothered to buy physical copies, start your own gaming platform or shut up and sit down you fucking child

Nothing that's happening is illegal

Some high grade autism if you can only understand morality in the terms of lawful and not lawful. What about countries that have strict laws about drinking? Is it wrong to drink? What about countries where Pokémon is banned? Is it wrong to play Pokemon.

Not to mention in some parts of the world, the EU, the shit EA pulled to Burma and Iran is illegal.

Physical copies are now boxes with origin codes in.

What's with the metaphors? Stick to the subject at hand

>If you can't be bothered to buy physical copies
Some games dont even have a physical copy, sadly this method is going extinct. and even then if a physical copy uses Origin as DRM you're still fucked. the only way to get the game is to pirate it - Which IS illegal.

>Nothing that's happening is illegal
Just because its a legal gray area, doesn't make it legal either.

Hail to the king

Every western country refuses to recognise they changed their name to Myanmar.


I brought it back around at the end for you. Your definition of right and wrong is lawful and unlawful. I said it isn't legal in the worlds largest economy. I'm now asking you if the fact it's illegal in the EU makes it wrong or not.

There are computers in your trailer park?
Isn't Myanmar the only other country in the world that uses the imperial system?

>using origin
if they ever manage to amass a decent ammount of users you can bet your ass they'll stop giving away free games completely

>Just because its a legal gray area, doesn't make it legal either.
>legal gray area

>Isn't Myanmar the only other country in the world that uses the imperial system?
not the only one, there are three countries in the world which use the Imperial system - Burma, US and some African shithole.

Myanmar is based as fuck desu senpai

>why is buying a game = renting it?
Blame idiot consumers for popularizing steam and sucking Gabes cock.

Digital distribution is great, it's the future, 99% of people use it, but at least on consoles if you buy the CD it isn't just a glorified installer.

One of my main gripes with the industry, who cares about random jew dlc practices at least all that is 100% optional. There is no choice with this shit for PC gamers.


Burma shill pls go. No one cares about your third world shithole. I'm sure your village is upset with you hogging one of the three computers in the country.
>I know you aren't from Burma, but at best you are from a Burmaesque country that no one cares about.

Literally where?

I think Top Gear went there once. Their woman also love white penis

I think this webm should start at 0:14.


>There are computers in your trailer park?
>Equating the shithole that is Burma to a trailerpark.

Jesus kid, how desperate can you get?

>OP tries to get Sup Forums into an uproar over some no-name country
>Sup Forums shits on OP
>OP bails his thread

The buildup is an important part of the video, though. You have to give 20 seconds of your life, for nothing.

>trusting EA

I won't fall into this "business is never at fault because an entity that exists to make money is free from all moral obligations" stupidity that would make the great capitalist philosophers roll in their graves, but EA has chosen to be fire, and when you play with fire...

We are Legion

Fear us...


Like I give a shit about this literally who country.

Don't mess with Sup Forums kid.....


Does Burma even have fucking computers to be shitting itself about EA? (Fucking EA of all things) Shouldn't they be worried about agriculture and providing food to villages?

He did the same thing yesterday. I bet OP lives in some third world shithole himself.

That doesn't make your situation any better, billy bob.

Anything's better than Burman, Kuthroguptnir.

>Do you know "First they came ..." by Martin Niemöller? might want to look at it.

Yeah, that is very applicable to EA, who needs people to buy their shit of their own volition, and blocking countries willy nilly is definitely the way to go ... .
Unless your little saying ends with "... and when EA made it mandatory for me to buy their games, there was no one left to complain." there is no similarity here.

>b-but I wanna play vidyer gaemes!


Dave Mirra BMX is my jam

faggot, it's so eay to pretend you are on the USA

In English, please

Modern communication infrastructure is as big a deal for the agriculture industry as any other.

>Oh shit, one of our tractors broke!
>Better call the tractor guy and order a replacement part!
>"Sorry, we don't have that part. We'll order it from the factory."
>He gets on the internet and sends a request, and the order is placed within ten minutes of the tractor breaking
>loss: one tractor for less than a week, money for replacement parts; this is the bad case

>third world shitholes
>Oh shit, one of our tractors broke!
>I need to spend all day traveling to town because the few roads that we have are horrible, and I don't have a phone or the internet! It might need to wait until tomorrow.
>Then I need to talk to the tractor guys in person.
>"Sorry, we don't have that part. We'll order it from the factory."
>they need to place the order by snail mail
>shit's sorted through a traditional paper stack
>loss: one tractor for several weeks, time spent traveling to town, possibly longer considering the increased possibility of miscommunications in every step of the process

And this is of course just a tractor breaking. Consider all of the other routine logistics problems that are made significantly less error prone and cumbersome by modern communications.


Except thats exactly what all of life is like

I don't expect the world to care when I get a flat tire because I'm not a weak spined little fragile baby boy bitch crying about everything all the time like you are

It's not an issue with steam, it's an issue with the law. Idiot judges and legislators don't understand technology.

In general, anything that applies in real life should also apply digitally (the fact that you can copy things rather then just moving them on a computer is such an exception, i'm not making this about piracy).

But the law doesn't get that. It'd be ridiclious for a paper company to stipulate how you use your paper you buy and what you can draw on it, and if you draw something they don't like they take your paper away, but since it's "on a computer", judges sign off on it

It's not even limited to anti consumerism, huge companies have issues with it to thanks to patent trolls who file patents for litterally totally mudane things that people do in real life every day that's too basic and broad to possibly patent but they just make it "on a computer" and they get the patent and can sue basically everybody since anything anybody does on a computer would violate the patent, so they sue huge tech companies and get millions of dollars off of it.


Tl;dr fag

They'd just get lawsuited to death

Spending more than 50 billion is an utter waste. Might as well burn the money