why haven't you bought the best fps of the year?
Titanfall 2
Fps on a console
I'm not 16 years old anymore.
>video games on a computer
is anyone on PC actually playing this? apparently it came out 3 days ago and I haven't seen any talk about it at all
I did
>requires an additional 59.99 yearly purchase to unlock 3/4ths of the game
All additional content for Titanfall 2 will be free.
Already did, famalam.
How did doomguy kill the titan?
He shot him until it died.
i did
I don't really like CoD.
Already did
Never tried the first one. I hate starting a new series from the sequel without knowing the story and experience from the first game.
Maybe someday if EA decides to finally port the first game to ps4.
>spending 59,88$ on a multiplayer FPS that will be dead within 2 months
because target is doing a B2G1 free sale and im picking it up today with BF1 on Xbone
the third game will be the destiny collection for my sister
I mean you have to pay for xbox/playstation internet yearly or monthly to play the rest of your game.
You can jump into Titanfall 2 just fine. the first one had little to no story, it all played out through radio plays while you where playing multiplayer.
Titanfall 2 is what Titanfall 1 should have been
No thanks. I don't even like fps anymore, probalby the most stagnant and bland genre.
>This game about apex predator soldiers equipped with jump packs and ludicrous reflexes that pilot/fight alongside sentient brobots looks pretty cool. Should be a good time.
>mfw dialogue choices.
>mfw an entire and animated Nuketown production line that then plugs its prefabbed Nuketown slabs into a fake skybox that uses crazy ass 3D screen technology or some shit to look like a background and sky.
>mfw fucking time travel
>mfw time travel on command
>mfw time travel on command between a long dead enemy base, and a fully functioning enemy base that goes into full panic mode because some guy keeps phasing in and out of existence, fucking shit up along the way.
>mfw full time stop explosion.
>mfw jumping between capital ships, troop carriers, and gunships as they race across the sky in some sort of Mad Max: Fury Road meets scifi pirates with broadside cannons and everything.
>mfw incendiary throwing stars
>mfw gravity well throwing stars
>mfw sonar Kunai Knives
>mfw Grand Theft Semi-Auto
I have though
>someone in this thread thinks TiFa2 is SJW garbage
yea campaign was pretty awesome.
for some reason the assembly line ended up being my favourite level.
i just went fast, used the environment and had the Mozambique shotgun pistol, it was really fucking fun.
I'm pretty concerned with how fucking brutal the hardest difficulty will be though. Some of those Titan battles get unreal, and Viper is a pure cunt.
I already own it. It's a ton of fun on PC, feels more like a big arena shooter due to the mobility. It's fast and fun.
Because in a multiplayer focused game, it's good to have a population to play said multiplayer
This makes me so sad. I really hope this game picks up. It deserves to live more than BF1 or Infinite Warfare.
My nigga
Looks fun.
Also looks like it's gonna die in a month just like the first, they didn't fix the longevity part.
I don't like multiplayer, will I be able to enjoy it?
Because it had the bad luck of coming out oretty much at the sime time as bf1 and I have only so many shekels to spend on full price games
The campaign is pretty short.
It's super fucking creative on a per level basis, and the story has some good emotional beats, but the lack of longevity doesn't let either of those two things become fleshed out enough to really be one of the greats.
game is trash
>best fps of the year
Just shows this genre needs to die.
Already gave my money to EA for BF1 and I'll wait out and see if Titanfall 2 dies out within a month on PC
wait a sec aru trying 2 bait me agen
thats actually pretty cool(ish) too bad itll flop/die quickly like 1
>I'm pretty concerned with how fucking brutal the hardest difficulty will be though.
It's fucking stupid. You can't go sanic speeds around the map because enemies will 2 shot you and literally hit you the second you peek out of cover. Have to almost play it like a stealth game. You just die way too fast and enemies are worse than Legendary Jackal snipers from Halo 2.
Enjoy 4K, oh wait you can't.
buy it you guys
it deserves it
Because the first one died in like a month, and this one is selling much worse than TF1.
It's a military shooter campaign, nobody cares.
>cowadooty with big robots deserves big sales
In fact, i'm very happy futuristic games are already dead.
Infinity Ward's damage control over IW is also hilarious.